May 1, 2017 - War and Diplomacy on the eve of Israel’s 69th Independence Day


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses rising tensions with Syria; the outlook on Trump's upcoming meeting with Abbas and trip to Israel; whether Abbas or Netanyahu are in a position to "deal"; possible ramifications of Germany's increasing pressure on Israel; tension between Israel and North Korea; and celebrating Israel's Independence Day in light of the present mood.

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Yom Ha'atzma’ut: Hope


Ori Nir

On a recent visit to the doctor's office, the nurse asked me if I have recently felt depressed or hopeless. I paused and pondered the impact that developments in both Jerusalem and Washington have had on me. The nurse noticed my hesitation and said, "Oh, it's routine, sir. We are required to ask every patient about their emotional state." I had to think. How do you honestly reply without being sent to the psychiatric ward… Well, I said, "Hopeless? No, definitely not hopeless."

It's not hopeless. Not at all. Had I thought it was hopeless, I would have found something else to do.

Particularly today, perhaps more than any other day on the calendar, it’s important to keep this sense of proportions.

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News Nosh 5.01.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 1, 2017

Tomorrow, Israel's Independence Day, there are no newspapers and no News Nosh.
Quote of the day:
"I love Israel even when I can't stand it. If I am destined to fall one day in the street, I want to fall in a street in Israel. Not in London, not in Paris, and not in New York. Here strangers will immediately come and pick me up (and when I am back on my feet there will certainly be those who will be happy to see me fall). I am very scared for the future. I am scared of the state's policies and I am ashamed of them. And I am scared of the fanaticism and of the violence that is becoming common here, and I am ashamed of them. But I'm happy being Israeli. I'm happy being a citizen in which there are eight and a half million prime ministers, eight and a half million prophets, eight and a half million messiahs. Each one of us and his personal salvation, or at least solution. Everyone yells, and only a few listen. It's not boring here. Indeed, it's irritating, outrageous, disappointing, sometimes frustrating and infuriating, but often fascinating and stormy. What I have seen here during my lifetime is much less and also much more than what my parents and what their parents dreamed of."
--An excerpt of Amos Oz's new book, "Peace for Fanatics," which was printed on the front page of today's Yedioth.
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News Nosh 4.30.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday April 30, 2017
Quote of the day:
"Let us end the violence. Let us break the bloodied chain that will leave us nothing but more bereaved families. So long as we are involved in the thick swamp that is the occupation, so long as we continue to enter another, and yet another, round of combat in the Gaza Strip, we will continue each year to bury young men and women, little boys and girls, in the blood-drenched soil of our joint land."
--Yigal Elhanan, whose sister was killed in 1997 by terrorists, calls on Israelis not to give up on peace.*
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APN/ Peace Now in the News: April 22-28, 2017

Times of Israel: April 28, 2017
"Police prevent left-wing rally at outpost against settler violence," Peace Now (and other activists) blocked from reaching West Bank outpost to demonstrate.

JTA: April 26, 2017
"Reform head asks Netanyahu to clarify how anti-boycott law will affect Israeli trip participants," Following APN's cancellation of their Israel trip, Reform Movement sends letter to Netanyahu re: "Entry Law."

Jerusalem Post: April 26, 2017
"Israeli NGOs after German Foreign Minister meeting: We don't take orders from Netanyahu," Peace Now criticizes Netanyahu for delegitimizing dissenting non-profits.

Arutz 7: April 24, 2017
"Netanyahu issues ultimatum to German foreign minister," Netanyahu to German Foreign Minister: If you meet with Peace Now, I won't meet with you.

JTA: April 24, 2017
"Americans for Peace Now cancels annual Israel trip over anti-boycott law," APN cancels annual Israel trip for the first time in 30 years.

Haaretz: April 22, 2017
"First Jewish-American Group Cancels Trip to Israel Over Travel Ban Against Boycott Supporters," APN cancels tour due to new "Entry Law." 

Jerusalem Post: April 22, 2017
"Peace Now: New West Bank outpost built in last two weeks," Peace Now condemns establishment of new illegal outpost in the West Bank.

Haaretz: April 22, 2017
"Israeli Sets Up New 'Jewish-Arab' Outpost, to Chagrin of Settler Neighbors," Peace Now condemns establishment of new illegal outpost in the West Bank.

News Nosh 4.28.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday April 28, 2017
Quote of the day:
"The dark days of the Nazi regime taught us that the rule of a majority that deprives individuals of their rights, a majority that oppresses the minority living within it, is not a democratic government...Human rights are the soul of democracy, as without them there is no democracy. This is the most important lesson that we must learn from the darkest chapter in our people's history, from the most terrible crime the world has ever known, the Holocaust."
--High Court Chief Justice Miriam Naor stresses in a speech at the swearing-in ceremony of new Israeli judges what they must keep in mind in their work.
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TelhamiAPN hosted a briefing call with Professor Shibley Telhami, an expert on Palestinian politics and on U.S. Middle East policy, on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 11:00 am, Eastern Time.

One of America’s leading experts on the Middle East, Professor Telhami shed light on U.S.-Palestinian relations on the eve of President Trump’s meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, intra-Palestinian politics, and the current state of efforts to advance a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Professor Telhami is the Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, College Park, and non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. He is the author of The World through Arab Eyes: Arab Public Opinion and the Reshaping of the Middle East, the co-editor of The Peace Puzzle: America’s Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace, 1989-2011, and a leading pollster of public opinion in the Middle East and U.S. public opinion about the region.

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Secretary_Tillerson320x265Washington, DC - Americans for Peace Now (APN) commends Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his staff for acknowledging the important role that Israel’s civil society and particularly Israeli progressive non-profit organizations play in Israeli society.

At his daily press briefing yesterday, State Department Spokesman Mark Toner was asked about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scandalous decision Tuesday to cancel a planned meeting with Germany’s foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel because of Gabriel’s meeting with representatives of three progressive Israeli nonprofits that regularly criticize Israeli government policies. The three organizations are Peace Now (APN’s Israeli sister-organization), Breaking the Silence, and B’Tselem. 
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News Nosh 4.27.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday April 27, 2017
You Must Be Kidding: 
Israeli NGO Honenu has been providing thousands of dollars in grants to Jewish murderers and terrorists, including to Yosef Ben-David, who abducted 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir from his E. Jerusalem neighborhood, beat him and burned him alive. 
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News Nosh 4.26.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 26, 2017
Quote of the day:
"One of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s great 'contributions' to the Israeli discourse is turning the definition of 'left' into a curse, an accusation and a condemnation.”
--Channel 10 chief international correspondent and Yedioth political analyst, Nadav Eyal, writes about Israel’s poisonous political discourse.*
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