On Tuesday, June 21st, APN and New Israel Fund co-hosted a a briefing from security expert Yossi Alpher, who was in Washington DC promoting his new book, “No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine.”

Alpher focused on the disastrous impact of the peace impasse with the Palestinians and the dangerous slippery slope Israel and the Palestinians are on, zeroing in on the need for all parties, including global think tanks and policy planners as well as Diaspora Jewish communities, to adopt a new agenda that recognizes the emerging reality and asks how to manage the slippery slope (rather than a non-existent peace process) and to at least delay Israel’s descent towards the status of ugly bi-national state and international pariah.

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News Nosh 06.22.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday June 22, 2016
Quote of the day:
"...in the end you say you made a 'mistake.' You people say that as if you made a mistake in counting money."
--Rafat Badran, the father of Mahmoud, 15, who was killed by the IDF 'by mistake,' spoke to IDF Army Radio.**
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"Let It Go" - APN Editorial Cartoon

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, asking -what is that wall holding back? "Let It Go."


News Nosh 06.21.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday June 21, 2016
Quote of the day:
"Can one say the segment of Israeli society concentrated mainly in the occupied territories, trying to achieve an ethnic cleansing of Arabs, is marginal and hasn’t found its way to the centers of Israeli power?"
--Israeli Historian Daniel Blatman answers his colleague Gadi Taub’s statement that what is happening in Israel is not fascism and bears no resemblance to Germany just before the Nazis came to power.**

Breaking News:
IDF shoots Palestinian boy dead in 'misidentification' on West Bank road
After three people in an Israeli car on a Highway 443 were lightly injured from stones thrown at their car, IDF forces identified a Palestinian car on the opposite side of the road and opened fire on it, killing one of the Palestinian youth inside and seriously injuring the other four. Initially, Israeli media reported that Mahmoud Raafat Badran, 15, from the village of Beit Ur al-Tahta, who was killed, was a ‘terrorist’ stone-thrower and not a bystander. IDF is opening an investigation. (Ynet, Maariv, Israel Hayom and Maan)
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June 20, 2016 - Barak on fascism, is ISIS losing, Lieberman on Gaza


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses the prominent Israeli former government and security officials who spoke out last week very bluntly against Netanyahu and his government and whether this could this be the beginning of serious change; if ISIS is losing the battle for the Levant and if the Obama approach is winning; and whether there are lessons here for Israel regarding Hamas in Gaza.

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News Nosh 06.20.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday June 20, 2016
Quote of the day:
"I call on our leadership to stop subtly courting an extremist minority, to unequivocally come out against this occurrence and express basic and moral support for a soldier and commander who has shown courage well beyond the battlefield.”
--Former defense minister Moshe Yaalon comes to the defense of Maj. Tom Naaman, who has been vilified for testifying against Sgt. Elor Azariya, the 'Shooting Soldier from Hebron.'**
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News Nosh 06.19.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday June 19, 2016

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Son of a Nazi."
--One of the numerous attacks on social media networks against IDF Maj. Tom Naaman, who testified against Sgt. Elor Azariya, the 'Shooting Soldier from Hebron,' who shot in the head a Palestinian assailant, who had already been shot, wounded and neutralized.**

Quote of the day:
“I ask those same belligerent people, who jump without thinking, insulting a commander and calling to denounce him: What were you thinking? Who exactly are you protecting? What principles are you protecting? All those self-righteous people who preach such statements like ‘It is inappropriate to follow him in battle.' Which battle exactly did you fight in?"
--A fellow commander and friend of Maj. Tom Naaman comes to his defense.**
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Hagai_Elad_Naomi_Paiss214x214Hagai Elad, executive director of Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, on a short visit to Washington DC, was hosted Friday June 17th for a roundtable briefing by the New Israel Fund. NIF is one of B’Tselem’s chief funders.

 B’Tselem, one of the most prominent human rights organizations in Israel, works tirelessly to inform the Israeli public about human rights violations of Palestinian civilians under Israel’s occupation in the West Bank.

 Elad elaborated on B’Tselem’s recent decision to stop referring complaints to the Israeli military law enforcement system, whose role is to handle cases of mistreatment of Palestinians by Israeli Defence Force soldiers. Elad explained that the whitewashing employed by the military law enforcement system has made it extremely difficult for B’Tselem to follow through with investigations: only 3% of cases filed by B’Tselem go to trial. This percentage is so small that even the number of files misplaced and lost in the system is higher.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: June 17, 2016

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News Nosh 06.17.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday June 17, 2016
You Must Be Kidding: 
"Its very sad that the Prime Minister and the nation are falling for a fake."
--IDF tank expert Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Mas said that the tank Israel received from the Russians is not the tank of the missing Israeli soldiers from the battle at Sultan Yaakub. The Israeli parents are furious.
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