Despite Monday’s bus bombing, terror incidents have waned. Is the $100 million a year the U.S. spends on the Palestinian Authority Security Forces paying off?

GUSH ETZION, West Bank — On a recent cold foggy day at the entrance to Bethlehem, Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. Yoel Pinto pulled his military jeep to the side of the road to point out an overpass where, on occasion, young Palestinians rain down rocks on Israeli cars below.

Pinto, a battalion commander whose infantry unit was responsible for this north-west sector of Gush Etzion, a restive part of the southern West Bank, seemed preternaturally calm despite being at the doorstep of a major Palestinian city—which was likely the point.

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News Nosh 04.21.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday April 21, 2016

Note: During the Passover Holiday, News Nosh will be off on Friday April 22nd and Friday April 29th and will be published in a truncated version from Sunday through Thursday, April 24-28th.

Quote of the day:
"One day in the future, when we are rescued from these terrible days, they will ask: So how was the holiday of freedom of 2016? What will we say?"
--Yedioth commentator Igal Sarna takes a look at the last year ahead of Passover, the holiday of Jewish freedom from slavery.**
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News Nosh 04.20.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 20, 2016

Note: During the Passover Holiday, News Nosh will be off on Friday April 22nd and Friday April 29th and will be published in a truncated version from Sunday through Thursday, April 24-28th.
Quote of the day:
"A publisher of children's educational materials had forced its triumphalist and intolerant fantasy of Jerusalem into our homes and the minds of our children."
 --After his daughter received a Passover Hagada from kindergarten that had a photo of the Old City with the Dome of the Rock removed, Rabbi Leon A. Morris writes that his family moved to Israel to give his children a stronger Jewish identity, but now he’s scared that here, their Jewish and Israeli identity won't allow space to see and to respect Muslims and Christians. 
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News Nosh 04.19.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday April 19, 2016

Note: During the Passover Holiday, News Nosh will be off on Friday the 22nd and Friday the 29th and will be published in a truncated version from Sunday through Thursday, April 24-28th.
Quote of the day:
"We extend our hearty greetings to you for the holiday of freedom. May the Palestinian people also win freedom, and that we will establish our state next to the State of Israel and peace would prevail in our region.”
--PLO sent Passover greetings to Jewish Israelis Sunday.*
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APN Condemns Terrorist Attack on Jerusalem Bus

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) unequivocally condemns today's bombing of a bus in Jerusalem, in which 21 people have reportedly been wounded, two of them severely.

APN stands with our brothers and sisters in Israel. We reiterate that attacks such as this are completely unjustifiable, and they are antithetical to the pursuit of a just, peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Each year at the Seder, Jews read this line in the Passover Haggadah, "In every generation, a person is obligated to see themselves as if they had left Egypt." I love this concept, because it evokes both empathy for what our forefathers and mothers have suffered, and – more importantly – a lesson for us, for our present and future. The lesson is that change is possible, that we are masters of our fate, and that with determination and courage we can accomplish liberation. In our generation, liberating Israelis and Palestinians from the yoke of the occupation, which is subjugating both societies, is imperative. And it is within our reach.

This year, you can add flavor to your seder by sharing this thoughtful reflection by Rabbi Michael Feshbach. Rabbi Feshbach has graciously contributed our 16th haggadah insert. In it, he asks us to reflect upon what Elijah's cup - the symbol of full redemption - means.

Since 2001, Americans for Peace Now has asked rabbis from the extended APN family to contribute reflections on the haggada: that story which has for centuries been understood as the archetype of liberation. Many of us have made these reflections a permanent part of our seder - we hope you will, too.You can find them here.

May we all enjoy a sweet and liberating Passover,

Debra DeLee
President and CEO,
Americans for Peace Now


Submitted by Rabbi Michael L. Feshbach (2016)
To be recited as we prepare to open the door for Elijah.

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses why, even though Israel has a peace treaty with Caiso, but no formal ties with Riyadh, Israel offered its blessing for a deal that affects a vital naval passage that has triggered war in the recent past; explains the timing of Sunday's declaration by Netanyahu’s government whence they met on the Golan Heights and the prime minister declared that the Golan would always remain a sovereign part of Israel; connects the regional conflict situations of the ceasefire in Syria, which appears to be ending, Yemen, where there is optimism regarding a ceasefire, and Ngorno Karabach (an enclave disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan) where renewed fighting has broken out; and why, now 15 years after his assassination by Palestinians and 11 years after he was declared a national hero to be memorialized annually in school ceremonies, far-right-wing Major General Rehavam Zeevi (“Gandhi”) is accused of having been a serial rapist and sexual harasser and having consorted with gangsters.

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News Nosh 04.18.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday April 18, 2016
Quote of the day:
"The attempt to argue that teaching Ze’evi’s legacy focuses solely on its “positive” aspects — that is, his love for the Land of Israel, as his family has claimed in media interviews — recalls the children of a Mafia don praising their father as an exemplary family man."
--Haaretz Editorial today calls to repeal the law that requires commemorating Rehavam Zeevi.

You Must Be Kidding: 
" there is one country which is like an island of stability, an island of sanity, an island of progress, an island of security - this is the State of Israel under the leadership of the Likud government."
--Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told Likud supporters Sunday.
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News Nosh 04.17.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday April 17, 2016
Quote of the day:
"The words would sound banal even in the Knesset, were they not being uttered by a serious presidential contender on the eve of a crucial primary vote, in, of all places, New York."
--Haaretz+ commentator on US politics, Chemi Shalev, writes that the novelty of US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ statement that Palestinians need to be treated with “respect and dignity” was that it violated the accepted norms for candidates running for President.

You Must Be Kidding: 
Israel spends more money to commemorate Rehavam Ze’evi, a controversial far-right former general and cabinet minister who was assassinated by Palestinians in 2001 and whom an exposé aired on Israeli TV on Thursday night portrayed as a sexual predator, associate of organized crime, violent antagonist of journalists, and even as a cold-blooded killer - than it does on Theodore Herzl and Ze’ev Jabotinsky.
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Peace Now’s Settlement Watch project reported this week that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government approved construction of hundreds of new homes in West Bank settlements, and is accelerating the pace of planned building in the settlements. Peace Now’s data was based on info obtained from the High Planning Council for Judea and Samaria, the government agency responsible for construction licensing and planning in West Bank settlements. The data showed that this year’s numbers (January through March) were higher than the equivalent period last year.

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