
Interview with Joe Cirincione, the President of the Ploughshares Fund and one of Washington's leading experts on the diplomatic efforts to block Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The interview is about 5 minutes long. It was conducted right after the Iran deal was announced.


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Interview with Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy at the Arms Control Association, upon her return from Vienna, shortly after a deal has been reached with Iran to block it from acquiring nuclear weapons. The interview is about ten minutes long.


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News Nosh 07.14.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday July 2, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“From now on, Netanyahu is like a baby that has lost its security blanket, or like one whose favorite teddy bear was thrown into the garbage – the one that warmed his heart during the long nights and infused him with calm and serenity during times of trouble and election campaigns…No more planning for a glorious commando operation; no more sowing of widespread, useful nuclear fears; no more fanning of heart-warming, blinding panic. No more Churchill! Heaven help us. Just housing, and the cost of living, and the budget, and the coalition, and corruption, and a whole world that insults and scorns and snipes at him.”
--B. Michael writes in Haaretz+ when it became clear that a nuclear deal would be reached between the world powers and Iran.

You Must Be Kidding: 
A Christian IDF soldier admitted to lying to the police and inflicting wounds on himself when he claimed he was attacked by Muslim Arabs because he joined the Israeli army.

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) today welcomed news that the Obama Administration and its P5+1 partners – France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China – have reached an agreement with Iran to radically roll back and limit Iran’s nuclear program.  APN President and CEO Debra DeLee commented:

“We heartily congratulate President Obama and his P5+1 partners, and their indefatigable teams of expert negotiators, for the historic achievement announced today – an agreement that, when implemented, will verifiably roll back Iran’s nuclear program, limit Iran’s nuclear activities going forward, and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.  It will also ensure that should Iran decide to break the terms of the deal and try to 'sneak out' to a nuclear weapon, both that the U.S. and international community have a far greater chance of detecting such an effort and are in a far stronger position to quickly determine the most effective course of action.

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APN/Peace Now in the News: July 3 - July 10, 2015

JTA: Following APN criticism, PA recalls Chile ambassador over Anti-Semitic comments


Algemeiner: Following criticism by APN for Anti-Semitic comments, Palestinian Authority recalls its Chile ambassador


i24News (Israeli online): APN condemns Palestinian envoy's anti-Semitic statements


Arutz 7: APN urges Abbas dismiss PLO ambassador over Anti-Semitic comments


Following a Peace Now petition, the Israeli High Court of Justice ordered the demolition of 17 homes built on private Palestinian land at the illegal outpost of Derech Ha'avot. The State now has 90 days to appeal and it is considering a proposal by the Gush Etzion Regional Council to retroactively legalize the construction through a "re-parcellation" procedure. This proposal is a kind of legal acrobatics meant to confiscate lands without calling it a confiscation and it is clearly not legal. If this idea would be approved, the settlers could build anywhere, being sure that the land will be given to them eventually. Follow us as we continue the fight against illegal settlement construction.

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Our annual conference will take place on July 24th 2015 in Tel Aviv. 
To register and see the conference's full schedule, click here. Notice: the conference will take place in Hebrew.


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July 13, 2015 - The Iran nuclear deal; Israelis who entered Gaza


This week, Alpher discusses what are the issues that bear the most intense scrutiny regarding the upcoming nuclear deal with Iran; why is there a commotion in Israel over two Israelis that decided of their own free will to cross the border into the Gaza Strip; how could they have entered unhindered? What was the reason that that the authorities initially acted indifferently to Mengistu’s flight in terms of their contacts with his family? And what will happen now?

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News Nosh 07.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday July 13, 2015

Quote of the day:
“…in my eyes its portrays my fears – on the one hand I am worried by our militaristic and nationalistic sways as a society – and on the other hand, I'm afraid of ISIS, and I love the IDF and want it to be as strong as possible.”
--Pavel Postovoit comments on his final art school project that applies sci-fi to how the IDF will look in 2048.

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News Nosh 07.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday July 12, 2015

Quote of the day:
"I suddenly felt like the film and reality were being mixed.”
--Ad director Rani Carmeli said after his shoot in Kiev of a telephone company ad portraying Iranians kidnapping Israelis, which was received a surprise visit by three real Iranians.

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