Americans for Peace Now (APN) today welcomed news that the Obama Administration and its P5+1 partners – France,
Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China – have reached an agreement with Iran to radically roll back and
limit Iran’s nuclear program. APN President and CEO Debra DeLee commented:
“We heartily congratulate President Obama and his P5+1 partners, and their indefatigable teams of expert
negotiators, for the historic achievement announced today – an agreement that, when implemented, will
verifiably roll back Iran’s nuclear program, limit Iran’s nuclear activities going forward, and prevent Iran
from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It will also ensure that should Iran decide to break the terms of the
deal and try to 'sneak out' to a nuclear weapon, both that the U.S. and international community have a far
greater chance of detecting such an effort and are in a far stronger position to quickly determine the most
effective course of action.