News Nosh 02.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday February 12, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Netanyahu is now forcing Democrats to choose between their President and a foreign prime minister.”
--Danny Ayalon, former Israeli ambassador to Washington who was appointed by Prime MInister Binaymin Netanyahu, opposes Netanyahu's speech to Congress.**

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News Nosh 02.11.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday February 11, 2015

Number of the day:
Percent of Israelis who think chances of another politically-motivated murder occurring in Israel have risen, according to Peace Now poll.**

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APN Israel Study Tour Letter from David Edelman

David_Edelman300x228This April 2015, I will be going on my second study tour to Israel with a tremendous group of people from Americans for Peace Now (APN). APN is the U.S. sister organization of Shalom Achshav or “Peace Now,” which promotes a two-state solution between the Israeli and Palestinian people. 

My first study tour with APN to Israel in 2012 was an amazing experience from every angle, and it was an event of a lifetime that made a tremendous impact on me. It left me with a great sense of pride for those I met with, and gave me hope that there is still very much a chance for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. 

On the study tour, I met and listened to people with whom it is unlikely I could have arranged to meet on my own. We were able to speak with them in a well-coordinated, safe and professional environment. The opportunity to meet with and ask questions to an impressive variety of people that were presently involved or have been involved with their government, media, retired military and even American officials based in Israel was an unparalleled experience. 

The people who are affiliated with both APN and Peace Now in Israel are amazing and impressive people to listen to and learn from, such as the founder of APN Mark Rosenblum, Professor and Director of Jewish Studies at Queens College in New York. The entire APN staff is helpful, informed and motivating. 

The people in Israel who work tirelessly for Peace Now, such as Hagit Ofran, Anat Ben Nun and Lior Amihai are incredibly courageous individuals who are clearly very well spoken professionals on this issue and have dedicated their lives to a better Israel. 

The study group clearly increased my passion and desire to further help and promote a peaceful, democratic Israel. 

The APN study tour in 2012 gave me the desire to take my daughter to Israel this past March just before her Bat Mitzvah. We not only saw the many historic and religious sites that further made us proud to be Jewish, but we also went to the West Bank and visited Hebron. I not only wanted her to see and experience the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs located in Hebron, but also the complex issues surrounding the hardships the settlements create that I saw firsthand in 2012. 

Without the lessons learned from this tour, I firmly believe my daughter would never have had the opportunity to experience what most Americans never see when they go to Israel today. 

We also went to the Peace Now office to meet the dedicated people who are working so hard for a peaceful two-state solution. I feel that it is very important for my daughter to not only understand the complex issues, but I also want her to understand why it is so important that we all must succeed at peace. I explained to her that I want her to be able to take her kids one day to Israel and be able to not only meet other Jewish kids, but Palestinian kids as well without the concerns that exist today.

I hope you can join us this April and experience what I saw and learned on this tremendous experience of a lifetime. It will be well worth your time and investment to better understand what is at stake.

Click here to see all the initial details you need. This year’s itinerary is currently being developed.Last year’s itinerary is also available on the APN webpage. Please take a look to sample the quality of the agenda. Every year is different, though. I look forward to meeting you.

David Edelman
Oswego, Illinois

Amir_Tibon320x265Tuesday, February  17th, at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. 
To join the call dial 951-797-1058 and enter passcode 147414. Then please record your name clearly.

A month before Israel’s general elections, Benjamin Netanyau’s Likud party seems to be tied in a neck-and-neck race with Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni’s Jewish Camp party. What was initially thought to be a snoozy campaign is turning out to be a fascinating electoral exercise, which is redrawing the contours of Israel’s political map, raising serious questions about Netanyahu’s legendary political savvy and may even end his rule as Israel’s second-longest serving prime minister.

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Yesterday, the Israeli police arrested three suspects for using forged documents to purchase lands from Palestinians in the West Bank. The police investigation began following a complaint by Peace Now and Palestinian land owners during the High Court petition against the illegal outpost of Migron,after the settlers had provided forged documents to the court. This complaint, together with other cases in which settlers used forged documents to purchase lands in illegal outposts, resulted in a police investigation, leading to yesterday's arrests.

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News Nosh 02.10.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 10, 2015

Quote of the day:
“To our shock, no Arab expert is participating as a speaker at the conference, not even as a representative of the youth. Similarly, the conference organizers did not see fit to hold a session that deals with the unique problems affecting the welfare of Arab children in Israel.”
--Shutafut-Sharakah Organization for a Shared, Democratic, and Equal Society wrote in a letter to Knesset members asking them to boycott the Be'er Sheva Conference on the Wellbeing of the Child. The letter got results.**

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This week, Alpher discusses Jordan being dragged into the Syria conflict on the ground in response to the Islamic State’s horrific execution of its pilot; how the escalated fighting in Sinai between the Egyptian army and Ansar Beit al-Maqdes, which has pledged fealty to Islamic State, affects Israel; whether Israel is affected by Russia’s economic crisis; and offers an election update

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News Nosh 02.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday February 9, 2015

Quote of the day:
"These data prove that the Netanyahu government continued in 2014 to energetically promote the End of Days vision of an apartheid state, where settlements are built simultaneously all over the West Bank, and millions of Palestinians live as second-class citizens in the enclaves between them.”
--Researcher Dror Etkes, who heads the Peace Now settlement tracking project, on the government plan to make major expansions of four settlements.** 

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News Nosh 02.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday February 8, 2015

Number of the day:
Seven million.
--The number of dollars currently being bid for the rope that hung former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Israelis, Kuwaitis and Iranians are vying for the chord.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: January 30 - February 6, 2015

Huffington Post - January 30, 2015
Peace Now: New settlement tenders are a "pre-election grab"

Deutsche Welle - January 30, 2015
Peace Now: New tenders are an attempt to create facts on the ground before the elections

Al Jazeera America - January 30, 2015
Peace Now slams new Israeli government tenders for settlement construction

Jerusalem Post (Reuters story) - January 30, 2015
Peace Now exposes: Israeli government issues tenders for 450 housing units in WB settlements

Wall Street Journal - January 30, 2015
Peace Now: Israeli government issues new tenders for West Bank settlement construction

Truth-Out - January 30, 2015
APN calls for postponing congressional speech of Israeli prime minister

Ynet - February 2, 2015
Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer calls on President Rivlin to cancel visit to Hebron,7340,L-4622161,00.html

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