News Nosh 11.11.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday November 11, 2014

Quote of the day:
"There is a group of people for whom human rights are just for Jewish Orthodox rituals, and they are willing to draw us all into a blood bath in the name of those human rights..."
--Yedioth commentator Gideon Eshet discusses how praying on the Temple Mount has been championed by right-wing Jews as a human right of freedom to worship, but those same people don't believe others have a right to worship their way - such as Reform Jews.**

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Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns today’s terrorist attacks in Tel Aviv and the West Bank.  Coming in the context of the extremely volatile situation in Jerusalem and this past weekend’s controversial killing of a Palestinian citizen of Israel by Israeli police, these attacks signal a potentially dangerous expansion and escalation of tensions and violence. 

For the sake of Israelis – both Jewish and Palestinian – and for Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, a further descent into violence and conflict must be prevented.   This escalating crisis – between Israel and the Palestinians and within Israeli society itself – once again sends a resounding message to Israelis and Palestinians, and their respective leaders: allowing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to fester, while occupation deepens and all hope for a political horizon via a negotiated solution are destroyed, will only result in more pain and suffering for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

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This week, Alpher discusses whether the unrest in Arab East Jerusalem is just a Palestinian-Israeli issue or is it also an internal issue involving the Arab citizens of Israel; whether the unrest accomplished anything for the Palestinian cause; how committed is the Arab-Israeli to the anti-Jewish demonstrations that broke out on Saturday; how does all this affect the broader Palestinian issue, and particularly the Fateh-Hamas/West Bank-Gaza reconciliation process; the Netanyahu government's apparent fraying;


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News Nosh 11.10.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday November 10, 2014

Quote of the day:
"There's one Jew who shot a prime minister. He was neutralized without being shot to death."
--Arab MK Ahmed Tibi contrasting the capture of the murderer of slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin with the shooting of Arab citizen Kheir Al-din Hamdan by police.**

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News Nosh 11.09.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday November 9, 2014

Quote of the day:
“This is the place to call on the esteemed public to stop this incitement, from here a call is heard, forbidding any Jews from going up to the Temple Mount – From here a call is heard to stop this so that the blood of the People of Israel may stop being spilled.” 
--Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef also slammed the right-wing rabbis who encouraged Jews to pray at the Temple Mount, and reminded all that it is punishable by death through the hands of heaven.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: October 31, 2014 - November 7, 2014

Washington Jewish Week - November 5, 2014
APN's Alana Suskin op-ed: Keep the Status Quo on the Temple Mount

Haaretz - November 6 ,2014
APN's Lara Friedman op-ed on the meaning of US midterm elections for Israel-Palestine

Fathom Journal - Autumn 2014
Interview with Peace Now's Lior Amihai

Associated Press - November 3, 2014
Peace Now's Hagit Ofran: Netanyahu building settlements instead of building peace

Al Arabiya (AFP story) - November 3, 2014
Peace Now: Israel approves 500 homes in East Jerusalem settlement

i24 News (Israeli online) - November 3, 2014
Peace Now: Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee approves 500 new housing units in East Jerusalem settlement

+972 (Israeli, online) - November 6, 2014
Peace Now highlights 'epidemic' of incitement in Israel

OriGhaith_Hopkins5      OriGhaith_Hopkins4

In an event sponsored by J Street U, Ori Nir (Director of Communications and Public Engagement, APN) and Ghaith al-Omari (Executive Director, American Task Force on Palestine) spoke at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD on Friday, November 7, 2014. See below for more pictures and quotes from the event.

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...Keep the status quo

By tradition, the binding of Isaac – the Akedah – which occurs in this week’s Torah portion, is held to have taken place on the site known today as the Temple Mount. During the last few days, as tensions in Jerusalem reached new heights over the Temple Mount, I have been reading the portion and thinking about the meaning the Temple Mount has for Jews – and about how sad it is that, rather than respecting it as a place of peace, sacred to both Muslims and Jews, extremists on both sides choose this site to fan the flames of holy war.

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News Nosh 11.06.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday November 6, 2014

Quote of the day:
 "At least during the war there was a siren."
--Jewish resident of Jerusalem waiting in fear at a light rail stop in the capital.**

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Despite the Republican win, U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the next two years depends first and foremost on President Obama, not Congress. But will he finally stand up to Netanyahu?


Tuesday's election delivered the Senate into Republican hands and gave them the largest House majority in 80 years. What impact will this election have on America’s policy vis-à-vis Israel and the quest for Israeli-Palestinian peace?

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