--Maariv features reporter Eyal Levy rides the Jerusalem light-rail.**
This week, Alpher discusses the differences between Washington’s approach to combating IS and that of Israel; why was Yaalon (reportedly) shunned by most of the Obama administration, in a rare display of dissatisfaction; Why Egypt just closed its border with Gaza and postponed convening Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks by a month, and what this means for a stable ceasefire; and whether there are emerging parallels between Israeli-Jordanian and Israeli-Egyptian security cooperation.
Jay Michaelson has it wrong. AIPAC is not, as he argues, anti-Israel.
Most of what the lobby does is focused on strengthening the bond between the United States and Israel — various aspects of this relationship, including the U.S.-Israel security cooperation — which is undisputedly pro-Israel.
But not only AIPAC. All American Jewish organizations that focus on Israel, including the ones on the extreme right, are pro-Israel. They support Israel, and they do so wholeheartedly. They care deeply about Israel, and they are deeply concerned about its future.
Sun Sentinel (Florida) - October 21, 2014
Rabbi Bruce Warshal op-ed: I still contribute to
Americans for Peace Now (APN)
San Diego Jewish World - October 22, 2014
APN press release (in its entirety): APN condemns
Jerusalem terrorist attack
Jerusalem Post - October 13, 2014
Peace Now's Anat Ben-Nun: Don't blame Peace Now for
destructive Israeli government policies in East Jerusalem!
Jerusalem Post (blog) - October 5, 2014
Blogger and Evangelical broadcaster Earl Cox
criticizes Peace Now's policies
LA Jewish Journal (Rosner's blog) - October 6, 2014
Shmuel Rosner criticizes both Netanyahu
and Peace Now for conduct re Givat Hamatos incident
JP Updates (blog) - October 6, 2014
Blogger Shai Franklin criticizes Netanyahu for lashing
out at Peace Now
The Jewish Chronicle (UK) - October 7, 2014
Conflict with Netanyahu "catapults Peace Now to
center stage"
There can be no two-state solution without a compromise in Jerusalem. The latest moves to expand Israel’s presence in the eastern part of the city will make such a compromise impossible.
by Lior Amihai
After the Six-Day War, Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem and another approximately 29 Palestinian villages around it. Other countries and the Palestinians never recognized this annexation and the demand to establish the capital of the Palestinian state in East Jerusalem still stands. And so it is clear that a two-state solution cannot come about without a compromise over Jerusalem.