News Nosh 03.30.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 30, 2014

Number of the day:
--The number of days it took 150 Dutch workers to duplicate the most famous parts of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's palace in the Israeli city of Kfar Saba. Tanks and actors to arrive soon.**

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APN Legislative Round-Up: March 14-28, 2014

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News Nosh 03.28.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday March 28, 2014

Number of the day:
--Number of olive trees Yitzhar settlers chopped down Thursday in Palestinian town of Huwwara.**

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News Nosh 03.27.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 27, 2014

Quote of the day:
"It is a stain of dishonor that no members of the foreign service have seen fit to stand up and challenge policies that they know better than anyone are leading Israel to international leprosy and domestic disaster."
--David Landau, former editor-in-chief of Haaretz, writes why Israelis don't need to sympathize with striking Foreign Ministry employees over their low wages.**

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News Nosh 03.26.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 26, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Around halfway in, what was meant to be a fair but pointed indictment of J Street becomes instead a remarkable expose of the odd-man-out bitterness and the burning, bully pulpit venom of marquee personalities in the American Jewish right."
--Haaretz's Bradley Burston writes about the irony of the right-wing funded film meant to convince Jewish Americans to be right-wing.**

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Americans for Peace Now, The American Task Force on Palestine and J Street U GWU present Lara Friedman (Director of Policy and Government Relations, Americans for Peace Now) and Hussein Ibish (Senior Fellow, The American Task Force on Palestine) were hosted by J Street U at George Washington University for a talk on the current status of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.


See below for photos and tweets from the event:

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News Nosh 03.25.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 25, 2014

Quote of the day:
“A body that lives off of public funds, without reporting what it does with the money, doesn’t deserve a shekel of our tax money.” 
-- Said Labor MK Stav Shaffir, who leads the fight against transfers tax money to the World Zionist Organization's settlement arm and forced a postponement of the vote.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: March 14-March 21, 2014

Jerusalem Post - March 15, 2014
Peace Now mocks Right in new video

JPUpdates - March 16, 2014
Peace Now Launches Counterpunch Satirical Video Poking Fun At Right-Wing

Waging Non-violence (blog) - March 17, 2014
APN and Peace Now mapping featured in story about the role of mapping in Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The Forward - March 17, 2014
Critical article re: Peace Now's Purim video

Haaretz - March 19, 2014
Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer op-ed: Why Israel's peace camp is acting up

AP - March 19, 2014
Peace Now says new settlement construction in East Jerusalem is imminent

AFP - March 20, 2014
Israeli government confirms Peace Now data regarding plans for more than 2,000 new homes in WB settlements

New York Times - March 20, 2014
Peace Now: Israeli government approves more than 2,000 new housing units in WB settlements

Chicago Tribune (Reuters story) - March 21, 2014
Peace Now: Israel has promoted building plans for 2,372 homes in WB settlements,0,3373487.story

kerry_briefing_2014-320x265You don’t have to love everything that the U.S. Secretary of State will present in his 'framework’ paper - but there is too much at stake not to support a chance for peace.

There’s a kind of hush in the peace camp as Secretary of State John Kerry prepares to issue the “framework” for continued Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. And unlike Karen Carpenter's saccharine song, this hush is not intended to make room for the sound of lovers in love. It’s a hush of inhibition, the silence of the skeptics who have known too many past disappointments.

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