APN/Peace Now in the News: February 7 - February 14, 2014

Saudi Gazette - February 7, 2014
Editorial cites Peace Now data

Arutz 7 - February 12, 2014
Peace Now opposes plan to build large Yeshiva in Sheikh Jarrah

Boston.com (AP story) - February 12, 2014
Peace Now data cited in story on boycotting settlement products

San Diego Jewish World - February 12, 2014
APN press release reprinted in its entirety

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: February 17, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses the Obama administration examining alternative options to the failed Geneva talks on the Syria conflict and whether there are any military or non-military US options; what are Israel's priorities regarding its approach to the fighting, even though they're not involved in efforts to end the conflict in Syria; if the Syria conflict ended tomorrow, how soon would the region revert to something approaching normalcy.

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News Nosh 02.17.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday February 17, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Freedom of expression is the most precious thing in a democracy; but in Israel, it is not absolute."
--Knesset legal advisor Gur Bligh fights in High Court to punish any Israeli who calls for a boycott of Israel or settler products.**

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News Nosh 02.16.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday February 16, 2014

Quote of the day:
"...instead of calling a spade a spade and declaring ‘price tags’ as a terror organization, allows the thugs from the hilltop youth to evade criminal prosecution through the use of administrative orders." 
--Meretz MK Zahava Gal-On blasts Attorney General for copping out.** 

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SodaStream, an Israeli company with a production facility in a West Bank settlement, made headlines recently due to the superstar status of its spokeswoman, Scarlett Johansson. But the real stars of the Israeli business community are those who joined with their Palestinian counterparts in an effort to use their economic heft to urge political leaders to achieve a two-state solution as soon as possible.

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Lara-on-al-Jazeera320x265On Wednesday on Al Jazeera America talk show, "The Stream," APN's Lara Friedman discussed settlements & BDS, explaining APN's position opposing BDS targeting Israel and supporting boycotts targeting settlements, settlement products, and the occupation.  She appeared with guests representing the pro-BDS camp -- Josh Ruebner (US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation), and Yousef Mumayyer (The Palestine Center) -- and the camp opposing all Israel-related boycotts -- Avi Mayer (The Jewish Agency for Israel).

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News Nosh 02.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday February 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
"For peace I'm ready to wear even a streimel."
--Justice Minister Tzipi Livni calls on Prime Minister to replace Habayit Hayehudi party with the ultra-Orthodox.**

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News Nosh 02.13.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday February 13, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Naftali Bennett and his people are not willing to hear things they do not like in German. And submarines, Naftali? German submarines we can receive in German?"
--Merav Michaeli reminds pro-settler Economy Minister and his party members of the war submarines Germany is selling to Israel after they walked out on the German EU President's speech.**

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Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) thanks the 104 members of the House of Representatives, Republicans and Democrats, who today sent a letter to President Obama supporting the current diplomatic efforts to resolve concerns over Iran's nuclear program.

APN strongly supported the letter and urged House members to sign it.

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Legislative Round-Up: Jan 27-Feb 12, 2014

1.  Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2.  Pro-Diplomacy Forces Gain Ground in Iran Hill Battle
3.  The New Strategy: Fighting BDS with Legislation Attacking Free Speech?
4.  Hearings
5. Members on the Record

Note:  Apologies for the irregular schedule of Round-Ups in recent weeks (due to winter colds, international visitors, and now an impending snow storm).  The Round-Up should return to its regular Friday schedule starting next week.

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