Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: January 20, 2014

Alpher_gazawar This week Alpher discusses whether there is any chance of replacing Assad with a transition regime as discussed at the Geneva I talks, who else agrees with Israeli Defense Minister Yaalon's labeling of Kerry by  as "obsessive and messianic," or if this is "last week's news," and whether there is anything really new on the Israeli-Palestinian scene.

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News Nosh 01.19.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday January 19, 2014
Quote of the day:
"The IDF is a brutal and immoral army, which acts with exceptional violence, unlike most other armies in the world."
--Words of a teacher at a Kiryat Tivon high school, which got him fired after a student complained.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: January 10-17, 2014

JTA - January 12, 2014
APN issues statement re: Ariel Sharon's death

JTA - January 13, 2014
APN among Jewish groups challenging Fla. synagogue over $3 million bequest

San Diego Jewish World - January 14, 2014
APN issues two press releases: One on Iran, another on Israeli reaction to Kerry peace initiative

Al-Monitor - January 14, 2014
Peace Now settlement data cited

Salem-news.com - January 14, 2014
APN press release urges US Jewish groups to stop pushing new Iran sanctions

Sun Sentinel (FL) - January 15, 2014
APN among Jewish groups challenging bequest

JTA - January 15, 2014
APN among groups who signed a letter to Congress opposing new Iran sanctions

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News Nosh 01.16.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 16, 2014

NOTE: News Nosh will be off tomorrow for Tu B'Shvat.

Quote of the day:
“I don’t want Jews to do to others what others did to us. I believe that Israel is the home of the Jewish people, so I want it to live up to those standards."
-- Manuela Grayson, a Jewish lawyer from London, joined a tour visiting West Bank settlements, Palestinian villages, E. Jerusalem and the Ofer military court.

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There is a story in the Talmud of a man who was walking along a road, and came upon an elderly man planting a carob tree. Seeing how old the gardener was, he asked him, "How long does this tree take to bear fruit?" The old man said, "70 years." The first man asked the gardener if he expected to live that long, and the man replied, "What I am planting, I am planting for my children, just as others planted for me."

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News Nosh 01.15.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday January 15, 2014
Quote of the day:
"...if addressing both sides’ abstract psychological needs is what it takes to finalize a deal, let it be done so the conflict can end."
--Brent Sasley suggests in a Haaretz Op-Ed that in exchange for some implicit Palestinian acknowledgment of Israel’s Jewish character, Israel accepts partial responsibility for the Naqba.**

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