Statement from Americans for Peace Now on Israeli Knesset's Resolution Opposing a Two-State Solution

July 18, 2024- Americans for Peace Now expresses profound disappointment and strong opposition to the Israeli Knesset's recent resolution rejecting the two-state solution and the formation of a Palestinian state. This resolution undermines the longstanding ​position of Israeli governments across the political spectrum and contradicts the enduring stance of the United States. ​

The United States has made it unequivocally clear that no party should take unilateral steps to alter final status issues, which would ​threaten the prospects of achieving a two-state solution. This Knesset resolution, passed just days before Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to the United States, is deeply troubling and is a direct affront to the President and all who are committed to a two-state solution.

This resolution is not an isolated incident but rather reflects a broader pattern of provocative actions by the current Israeli government. These include Minister Ben-Gvir's recent inflammatory visit to the Temple Mount, which violated the long-standing status quo, the accelerated settlement growth​ and the transfer of authority over the civil administration of the occupied West Bank to the far-right minister of finance, Bezalel Smotrich. Such actions not only escalate tensions but also jeopardize the prospects for a negotiated peace.

We call upon the ​B​iden Administration, Members of Congress and American Jewish leaders to clearly state their opposition to the aforementioned Knesset resolution and the other inflammatory actions of the Netanyahu government.

Hadar Susskind, President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now, ​s​aid, "The recent actions of the Israeli government, including this resolution, are steps in the wrong direction. ​In a moment where peace has never been more necessary and its prospects have never been more fragile, it is ​vital​ that the ​United States government and ​American Jewish leaders ​remain stalwart in their support of peace and committed to a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike."