APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday February 18, 2018
Quote of the day:
“I saw them crying and I started crying myself. I said to myself that if the attack were against my
family sitting at the table, it would be the same thing. It’s hard to see an entire family disappear, it’s
hard. Why is there no justice "
--Mudqaq Salah, a Palestinian man who murdered an Israeli security guard, said in an interview about the terror attack in Jerusalem that killed a Jewish family sitting in the Sbarro restaurant. In a special series of interviews, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs reporter Elior Levy interviewed former Palestinian prisoners who murdered Israelis and sat for decades in Israeli jails, during which they learned Hebrew and went through an 'Israelization' process and now support peace.*
--Mudqaq Salah, a Palestinian man who murdered an Israeli security guard, said in an interview about the terror attack in Jerusalem that killed a Jewish family sitting in the Sbarro restaurant. In a special series of interviews, Ynet's Palestinian Affairs reporter Elior Levy interviewed former Palestinian prisoners who murdered Israelis and sat for decades in Israeli jails, during which they learned Hebrew and went through an 'Israelization' process and now support peace.*