Forward: "Who Did the Jewish Settlers Vote For?" by APN's Ori Nir


Benjamin Netanyahu Failed With His Most Pandered-To Crowd

How did Benjamin Netanyahu do in West Bank settlements?

Considering his party's pro-settlement policies and the staunch pro-settlement positions of its leading Knesset members, you'd expect Netanyahu's Likud-Beiteinu list to perform better among West Bank settlers than it did in Israel proper. It didn't.

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A new country: a view from the Left

Jo-Ann Mort is vice chairperson of Americans for Peace Now and CEO of the New York City-based strategy firm ChangeCommunications.

(This essay first appeared in on January 31, 2013)

This election was a failure for the sitting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his young guard in the Likud, especially Education Minister Gideon Saar and Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, both of whom took leading roles in the campaign. It was an astounding success for former journalist Yair Lapid and his centrist Yesh Atid party, and a resounding comeback for the Zionist-left, especially the Meretz Party.

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Spatial Shaping: Unilaterally Determining Israel's Base-Line Border

Terrestrial Jerusalem (2013)
Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann outlines how the Israeli government has been using settlement construction to integrate parts of East Jerusalem into Israel while detaching them from the Palestinian population PDF >

Is Peace Out of Reach?

60 Minutes (2009)
Has peace in the Middle East become nothing more than a pipe dream? As Bob Simon reports, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians feel that a two-state solution is no longer possible. (13:10) Watch >

The Peace Puzzle: America's Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace, 1989-2011

Daniel C. Kurtzer, Scott B. Lasensky, William B. Quandt, Steven L. Spiegel, and Shibley Z. Telhami / Cornell University Press (2013)
Book Review (Foreign Affairs) | CampusBooks

The Forward: APN Board Member Leonard Fein - The Truth Hurts, Bibi


Obama Is Right When He Says Netanyahu Shoots Israel in Foot

So now we have the journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, presumably based on conversation(s) with officials of the Obama administration, perhaps with the president himself, quoting Obama: "Israel doesn't know what its own best interests are." And then, with "each new settlement announcement Netanyahu is moving his country down a path toward near-total isolation."

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The Security Issue in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Shaul Arieli (2013)
Overview of the state of Israel's security, including current and former threats. Questions related to Israel's security alongside an independent Palestinian state are also addressed. (3:31) Watch >

Settlements and the Netanyahu Government

Americans for Peace Now (January 2013)
Report by Peace Now detailing the record of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government on settlements from April 2009 to the present. The report is based on official Israel government statistics, reports, and Peace Now field research. PDF >

New Peace Now Report: Netanyahu's Settlement Policy Wrecks Two-State Solution

Settlement_Report_Graphic186x140.jpgThe Israeli Peace Now movement (Shalom Achshav) today released an explosive report detailing the record of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government on settlements over the course of its full term in office (April 2009-present). The report, based on official Israel government statistics, reports, and Peace Now field research, documents how over the past four years, the Netanyahu government has used settlements as a tool to systematically undermine the chances of achieving a viable, realistic two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite Netanyahu's rhetorical embrace of such a goal.

The full report is available in English, here.

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The Issue of Jerusalem in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Shaul Arieli (2013)
Outlines the issue of Jerusalem in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including historical background, past negotiating proposals, and the consequences of existing demographic trends if a peace agreement is not achieved. (5:12) Watch >

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