The June 1967 War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem

Tom Segev / Journal of Palestine Studies (Spring 2007)
Excerpt from Segev's book on the 1967 war that focuses on the debates within Israel regarding the fate of the Palestinian refugees (particularly in Gaza) who came under Israeli control after the six day conflict. The article also explores official Israeli involvement in soliciting and crafting plans to provoke out-migration of Palestinians from Gaza. PDF >

Ghost Town: Israel's Separation Policy and Forced Eviction of Palestinians from the Center of Hebron

B'Tselem / The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (May 2007)
Report that concentrates on Hebron's City Center, the area comprising the Old City and the Casbah, in which most of the settlement points were established, and where Israel imposes the most severe restrictions on Palestinian movement. Includes the history of settlement in Hebron and control of the city, survey findings of Palestinian flight from the City Center, and discussion of Israel's policy in the city. Read More >

The "quiet transfer" in Hebron

B'Tselem (2007)
Hebron is the only Palestinian city with a Jewish settlement at its heart. To enable a few hundred settlers to move about freely, Israel chose to enforce a formal policy of discrimination against the Palestinian residents of the city. Throughout the years, Hebron's city center became a ghost town. (2:16) Watch >

Sacred bounds on rational resolution of violent political conflict

Jeremy Ginges, Scott Atran, Douglas Medin, and Khalil Shikaki | Sacred bounds on rational resolution of violent political conflict (April 25, 2007)
Report of a series of experiments carried out with Palestinian and Israeli participants showing that violent opposition to compromise over issues considered sacred is increased by offering material incentives to compromise but decreased when the adversary makes symbolic compromises over their own sacred values. PDF >

Arab Peace Initiative

March 27, 2003 / March 28, 2007
Comprehensive peace initiative that attempts to end the Arab-Israeli conflict by normalizing relations between the entire Arab region and Israel in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem) and a "just settlement" of the Palestinian refugee crisis based on UN Resolution 194. Read Document >

Arab Peace Initiative - Resources

Americans for Peace Now (2007)
Transcripts, documents, and articles relating to the Arab Peace Initiative (API), previously known as the Saudi Peace Plan, which was later passed by the Arab Summit in 2002. Read More >

When You Have Not Decided Where to Go, No Wind Can Take You There

Yair Hirschfeld / James Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Two-part study that features a suggested strategic framework to achieve an Israeli-Arab peace, and discusses the historical evolution of the peace process with a focus on lessons learned. PDF >

When You Have Not Decided Where to Go, No Wind Can Take You There: A Strategy to Achieve a Comprehensive Israeli-Arab Peace

Yair Hirschfeld / James Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Two-part study that features a suggested strategic framework to achieve an Israeli-Arab peace, and discusses the historical evolution of the peace process with a focus on lessons learned. PDF >

The Limits of American Power: Prosecuting a Middle East Peace

Douglas Sturkey / Edward Elgar Publishing (2007)
Book Review (The Free Library) | CampusBooks

Final Status: Jerusalem and Return

The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Intensive study that delves into Israeli-Palestinian negotiations over the issues of Jerusalem and refugees. Includes an examination of pertinent theories and styles of negotiations, thorough background on the issues, and guidelines for agreement between the two sides. PDF >

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