Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: March 3, 2014

This week, Alpher discusses the possible dynamics of PM Netanyahu arriving to talk with President Obama in the midst of the Ukraine/Crimea crisis; the influence of the Ukraine crisis on the Middle East; what we can expect in the weeks ahead regarding the American-sponsored framework agreement and Monday's Obama-Netanyahu meeting; and Netanyahu's thinking for the "day after" failure scenario.

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Foreign Policy: Bibi Trapped

By Aaron David Miller

Why Israel's prime minister can't call the shots on Iran or the peace process.

Benjamin Netanyahu is one smart Israeli politician. This year, he will become the longest continuously serving prime minister in Israel's history. He is the only Israeli leader to win back-to-back elections. And despite his detractors' efforts to portray him as an illegitimate expression of Israeli popular desires, his staying power -- at least on security and foreign policy -- is an authentic expression of where much of the country stands in 2014.

Yet on the eve of his White House meeting with President Barack Obama on Monday, March 3, when the two leaders will discuss Iran, peace talks, and other issues, Bibi faces the prospect of being ensnared in traps that will limit his room to maneuver and undermine Israel's interests, as he defines them.

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Press Release: Settlement Surge Looms Large over Netanyahu-Obama Meeting

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in Washington today, the Israeli government’s Central Bureau of Statistics issued a report showing a whopping 123% surge in West Bank settlement construction in 2013, more than double the number of new settlement homes built in 2012.

The data was analyzed and highlighted today by Israel’s Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) movement. It confirms past interim reports by Peace Now’s Settlement Watch Project. Americans for Peace Now (APN), Shalom Achshav’s US sister-organization, joins Peace Now in condemning Netanyahu’s government for this reckless policy of settlement construction.

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123% Increase in Construction Starts in 2013

Today, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics released their summary of construction in 2013. The increase in construction starts confirms what Peace Now has been reporting throughout 2013, massive increases in construction in the West Bank. Overall, there was a 123% increase in construction starts in 2013.

The CBS reports that in 2013 construction began on 2,534 housing units. Compared to 2012, which had 1,133 units that began construction.  Furthermore, approximately half of the units (1,161) which began construction were for public buildings. In 2012 there were only 113 units for public buildings that began construction.

Peace Now: "It's official, the Netanyahu government is committed to only one thing: building settlements. It shows the lack of commitment to negotiations and other issues like the housing shortage inside Israel. The state has focused its resources on construction beyond the green line." 
To view the CBS report click here

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News Nosh 03.03.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 03, 2014

Quote of the day:
"If our excellent boys wanted to prove that the Israeli media are loyal and obedient, they can check that one off their list, too...'Troops forcibly entered the building and found his body; – that was the line dictated by the IDF Spokesman’s Office. This is a lie."
--Amira Hass investigated the killing of Muatazz Washaha, 24, and found that a young man who didn't show up for a police summons was shot dead at point-blank range in his house and that the Israeli media covered for the killing.**

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News Nosh 03.02.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 02, 2014

Quote of the day:
It’s hard to believe we still are waging a quixotic war about the fact that we are Jews and our state is Jewish. 
--Yoel Marcus writes in Haaretz+ that Israelis must focus on how to live in peace with the Palestinians and divide what was once Palestine.**
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Is a Settlement Boycott Best for Israel? APN's Lara Friedman in the New York Times

A powerful debate between APN's Lara Friedman and Rabbi Daniel Gordis in the New York Times.


Israel’s expansion of settlements in the occupied territories has been an obstacle to the two-state solution, considered the most likely hope for peace with the Palestinians.

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APN/Peace Now in the News: February 21 - February 28, 2014

LA Jewish Journal - February 26, 2014
APN Board Member Sandy Weiner and Steve Kaplan: Boycotting Settlements is the way to fight BDS

Oberlin Review (campus newspaper) - February 24, 2014
Interview with APN's Lara Friedman

Arutz 7 - February 25, 2014
Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer warns: There are more potential Baruch Goldsteins in the settlements

Arutz 7 - February 25, 2014
Peace Now opposes taxpayer funding for extreme right non-profits

PAST ACTION: Tell President Obama to stand firm with Netanyahu


Update: this action, now closed, ran in March 2014. 

When President Obama meets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the White House on Monday, their conversation will no doubt focus on two issues that are central to the Obama Administration’s foreign policy agenda: Iran and Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

Tell President Obama that you are a part of his constituency for peace. Make sure he knows that Americans who care about Israel have his back.

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The Forward: "Business Coalition Pushes Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu To Forge Peace Deal"

Uncertainty Dampens Growth on Both Sides of Green Line

By Nathan Jeffay

The latest coalition of Israelis and Palestinians hoping to affect the settlement of the conflict is not your usual bunch of peace activists. They are wealthy businesspeople who work in a broad range of sectors, from construction to high-tech. They don’t need to struggle to be heard in the halls of power — they already have the ears of everyone from Israel’s prime minister to the leaders of Hamas.

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