Yuval Diskin Speech to Geneva Initiative 10 Year Conference - Leading the Way to Peace


On Wednesday the 4 December the Geneva Initiative held a conference "10 Years to the Geneva Initiative: Leading the Way to Peace". Here is the text of Yuval Diskin, former Head of the ISA's speech, which received very wide media coverage

Good evening and Happy Festival of the lights,
During this important event marking ten years to the Geneva Initiative, I would like to focus on three issues.

The first: Why the "two states for two peoples" option may fade and disappear in the near future.
Second: Why it is vital to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the near future on the basis of the two states for two people option.
Third: What needs to be done to succeed in this difficult mission.

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Honor the leadership of Jerry Bubis (Even if you can't come)


There was pushing and shoving, physical confrontations, and cruel epithets directed at people like Yael Dayan, then a member of the Israeli Knesset and daughter of iconic Israeli leader Moshe Dayan. Also verbally abused were author Irving Howe, feminist leader Betty Friedan, and actor-activist Richard Dreyfus. The Los Angeles Times called it "a near riot."

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Honor the leadership of Jerry Bubis (Even if you can't come)

Bubis Banner


There was pushing and shoving, physical confrontations, and cruel epithets directed at people like Yael Dayan, then a member of the Israeli Knesset and daughter of iconic Israeli leader Moshe Dayan. Also verbally abused were author Irving Howe, feminist leader Betty Friedan, and actor-activist Richard Dreyfus. The Los Angeles Times called it "a near riot."

This was twenty-five years ago, when a group of nasty extremists came to protest an Americans for Peace Now rally at Los Angeles' Roxbury Park. Our fellow APN activists and supporters, many hundreds strong, outnumbered the hecklers, but these right-wing extremists were so aggressive that APN's speakers - Dayan, Friedan, Dreyfus and the others - had to receive a police escort to safety.

The hecklers were a small group, but the hostility toward APN's message was widespread. When APN publicized its event, a group of local Jews considered the violence and ugliness they displayed at the rally to be a proper response - they called it "drowning out the voice of Haman." Then, it was considered legitimate, perhaps even "mainstream," to liken those who call for a secure, two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians - the same solution for which we continue to call today - to the most famous anti-Semitic figure in ancient history.

Today, most Americans, including American Jews, as well as most Israelis and people worldwide, support a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians. They see -- just as Americans for Peace Now envisioned then -- that an Israel at peace with its neighbors is the best path to Israel's security and longevity as a Jewish state and a democracy, fulfilling the Zionist dream that was so beautifully captured in Israel's Declaration of Independence.

Rosenblum Lecture

Twenty-five years ago, the National Co-Chair of Americans for Peace Now was Jerry Bubis. Then, as now, Jerry ensured that the voice of reason would be heard above the rhetoric and catcalls. By steadily helping create the sea-change in attitudes, Jerry has been a significant inspiration to us and to so many others who support Israel through APN.

When Jerry stepped down from actively serving on APN's Board of Directors, we were honored to join with our fellow board members in establishing the "Professor Gerald B. Bubis Lecture" to be held annually. On Tuesday, December 17, Americans for Peace Now will hold the 3rd Annual "Professor Gerald Bubis Lecture" event at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.


This coming December 17th will not be like Roxbury Park 25 years ago. On that day, we will join with Jerry and hundreds of others to hear his personal choice for speaker, Professor Mark Rosenblum, Middle East expert and founder of Americans for Peace Now.

APN's chair, Jim Klutznick, will be there to honor Jerry's work and to support this program. We hope that you, too, will join, be it in person or in support of the event and APN. We love Jerry and we love Ruby and it would be extremely meaningful to have you help us honor them with a tax-deductible donation to Americans for Peace Now.

Thank you very much,

Elaine Hoffman and Luis Lainer

LUIS LAINER has served as National Chair of Americans for Peace Now, and ELAINE HOFFMAN as National Treasurer. They have been Co-Chairs for APN in Southern California, as has JERRY BUBIS. All three have been recipients of APN's Yitzhak Rabin Peace Award.

News Nosh 12.12.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday December 12, 2013


Quote of the day:

"If you do not vacate the premises by 13 DEC 6PM, we reserve the right to demolish your premises without delay."
--Flyers put under doors of dorm rooms of students at University of Michigan in faux protest against Israeli demolitions of Palestinian and Bedouin homes.**

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APN's Ori Nir at Haaretz: Palestinian resistance shouldn't mean shutting out Israelis

We Israelis often complain that 'there is no one to talk to.' But for many young Palestinians, Israelis are a lost cause - and anti-normalization means there is less interaction than ever to prove this wrong.

By Ori Nir

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PAST ACTION - Tell Congress: Give Iran diplomacy time to work


Update: this action, now closed, ran in December 2013. 

Only weeks ago we welcomed the achievement in Geneva of an historic agreement with Iran. This interim agreement opens the door for a final agreement that resolves U.S. and international concerns about Iran's nuclear program and ambitions. Such an agreement holds the promise of a more secure and stable Middle East, as well as positive impacts outside the region.

Tell your Representative and Senators: support the Obama Administration's ongoing diplomacy with Iran.

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News Nosh 12.11.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday December 11, 2013


Quote of the day:

"Thank you for your support...Together with Bibi we can all help truly make Greater Israel, the Greatest Israel. Give today."
--Jewish American blogger Mondoweiss makes funny mock fundraising campaign to send Netanyahu to Mandela memorial service.**

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Our love for Israel drives our struggle for peace

A few months ago, I met Noam, an inspiring Israeli high-school student. After my lecture he approached me and explained how in his school, he is seen as a traitor and as an unpatriotic Israeli. Noam explained that he is very much a patriotic Israeli, and out of his love for Israel, he wants to see peace with the Palestinians.

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Shibley Telhami: Would Israelis and Palestinians Support a Realistic Peace Deal?

What survey results show

In July of 2013, the government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed to begin a nine- month period of talks, under U.S. sponsorship, to see if agreement could be achieved on a basic framework for a final settlement of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

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Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer in Walla: Netanyahu has no place at Mandela's funeral


The Israeli right's eulogies for the South African freedom fighter ranged from unawareness to hypocrisy. Even if there is not full symmetry between apartheid and the occupation, Israel still stands for everything Mandela fought against

Why aren't the Netanyahus going to Nelson Mandela's funeral? The reason is surely not the high costs of the flight (after all, the budget for the couple's attendance of Thatcher's funeral was found without difficulty) nor a sudden fit of humility. Yet still, the Prime Minister is looking for any excuse to avoid standing next to the world's leaders to pay last respects to the man who fought and defeated the apartheid regime - and he knows why.

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