APN's daily news review from Israel - Thursday September 17, 2020
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NOTE: News Nosh will be off for Rosh Hashana holiday and return Monday, September 21st.
You Must Be Kidding:
3.5 years
-The prison sentence of the Jewish-Israeli minor, who was convicted of involvement in the 2015 night-time torching
of a Palestinian family's home, killing the parents and their infant. The man was convicted of membership in a
terrorist organization (i.e. he is a terrorist) and involvement in a racially motivated crime. He has already been
in prison for the past 32 months, making him eligible for release in March.**
Quote of the day:
"Reality ought to have made every Israeli ashamed of their country – because of the occupation, but that’s
not all. The violence on the road and on the sidewalk, the aggression, the ignorance, the racism, the
ultra-nationalism, the boorishness, the collapsing health system, the army that’s heroic primarily against the weak
and built on moral rot, the lack of consideration for others in all realms of life, and now the disgraceful
handling of the coronavirus crisis. But wonder of wonders, Israelis are still convinced that they’re the
--Gideon Levy in an Op-Ed ahead of the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashana.*