Facts on the Ground: The APN Settlements Map Project

Download APN’s Facts on the Ground for FREE on iPhone or Android.

The new Facts on the Ground is a completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app.

With the help of Peace Now‘s Settlement Watch – the most authoritative, credible source on settlements – Facts on the Ground gives users the ability to track, explore, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the settlements. As a mobile app designed to be used by policymakers, diplomats, journalists, teachers, students, and anyone else interested in the Israeli settlement enterprise, Facts on the Ground is truly one-of-a-kind.

Download Facts on the Ground for iPhone
Download Facts on the Ground for Android

News Nosh 11.20.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday November 20, 2018

Quote of the day:
“Even if Netanyahu and Bennett refuse to see the Green Line, the rest of the world differentiates between Israel and the occupied territories. International companies are interested in doing business with Israel but are not ready to accept the continuation of military control over millions of Palestinians.”
—Peace Now responded to the decision of Airbnb not to advertise any apartments for rent in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.*
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News Nosh 11.19.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday November 19, 2018

Exchange of the day:
Negotiation specialist, Michael Tsur: "Negotiation takes place in the mind of your partner. In other words, until you understand how [Hezbollah leader Hassan] Nasrallah’s mind works, you won’t know what to do."
Interviewer: And if we’re dealing with Nasrallah?
Michael Tsur: “It doesn’t matter how dangerous I am perceived to be in your eyes. First of all make your request nicely, in a way that respects the addressee. For example, at [West Bank] border crossings I’ve been imploring soldiers for years not to say, in Arabic, ‘Hand over your ID card.’ Why not say, ‘Give me your ID card, please’?”
Interviewer: Would that approach at least move us toward peace negotiations?
Negotiation specialist, Michael Tsur: “I want to say that under the right leadership, it would take half a year, and we would have coexistence here. I won’t say peace, because that’s a terribly dangerous word, almost like love.”*
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Hard Questions, Tough Answers (November 19, 2018) - A butterfly flaps its wings in Gaza . . .


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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News Nosh 11.18.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday November 18, 2018
Quote of the day:
"...settlement building in East Jerusalem: where national parks are valued not as pastoral picnic settings, but as tools, by which the state transfers to a private right-wing organization the power to manage and develop public tourist, archaeological and educational projects."
-Betty Herschman, Ir Amim's Director of International Relations & Advocacy, explains that Amendment 17, the settler-supported "Planning for Housing in an Existing Neighborhood in a National Park" bill, which only applies to the national park that Israel declared in the E. Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, is meant to permit the construction of settler homes and push out the Palestinians living there.*
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$6,000 gets us to our goal. Download and support this app!

Download APN’s Facts on the Ground for iPhone or Android.

This past week, Americans for Peace Now released Facts on the Ground, a new, completely revamped and upgraded version of the groundbreaking settlements map app, available for free on iPhone and Android.

Facts on the Ground is one-of-a-kind – there simply is no other mobile app available to educate and update the public about Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

We rely on your support to maintain this tool and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. Please donate to our Facts on the Ground crowdfunding campaign to support APN's mission of stopping settlement expansion and preserving the viability of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Help support APN’s Facts on the Ground

Facts on the Ground serves as an incredibly valuable tool for policymakers, diplomats, journalists, teachers, students, and anyone else interested in the Israeli settlement enterprise. APN is setting a fundraising goal of $15,000, which will allow us to optimize Facts on the Ground and attract users around the world.

Will you help us reach the goal? Support APN’s Facts on the Ground today.

APN In The News: Nov 11- Nov 16

Go HERE for a recording of yesterday's briefing call with Yossi Alpher (below is the edited PeaceCast version), and HERE to see APN's Form 990 for 2017, recently submitted to the IRS that provides the organization's financial information.

PeaceCast #62: Gaza Flareup - A Talk with Yossi Alpher (11/16/18)

This episode is an edited down version of a November 15th 2018 briefing call with strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher, a former senior Mossad official and the former director of Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies.

Listen >>

NOW AVAILABLE: APN's groundbreaking settlements map app (11/13/18)

On Tuesday, November 13, APN released the new, completely revamped and upgraded version of its Facts on the Ground Map App, available for free on iPhone and Android.

Americans for Peace Now and Valley Beth Shalom Congregation in Encino, California are pleased to present the 8th annual Professor Gerald B. Bubis Lecture. See below for all the details, and make your plans to hear from this special guest speaker and to honor the memory of Jerry Bubis. RSVP to apnwest@peacenow.org or 323-934-3480.

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Israeli strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher, who authors Hard Questions Tough Answers, APN's weekly news analysis, was our guest on Thursday, November 15th, for a briefing call on the ongoing crisis between Israel and Hamas

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News Nosh 11.14.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday November 14, 2018
Quote of the day:
"I hope that this war will stop. My father has Jewish friends and he was in good contact with everyone, we do not want others to go through what we've been through. It is very painful.”
--One of the children of Mahmoud Abu Asbah, a Palestinian construction contractor who was killed Monday night when a rocket fired by militants from the Gaza Strip hit a building in Israel where he stayed during the week.*

Breaking News:
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman Resigns, Urges Early Elections (Haaretz, Ynet and Israel Hayom)
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