COMING NOVEMBER 13: APN's new settlements map app

Americans for Peace Now's new, one-of-a-kind settlements map app will be officially launched on November 13th!

Facts on the Ground is the only interactive map that gives anyone with an iPhone or Android phone instant to access comprehensive, up-to-date information, statistics, and analysis on Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Help support APN's Facts on the Ground, coming November 13th

Even as we prepare to launch Facts on the Ground, APN is working to make it even better. We're developing more videos, interactive features, and enhanced functionality that will let users further explore and understand West Bank settlements.

But we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to make Facts on the Ground possible. Your support will help put this invaluable tool in the hands of all those working to preserve the possibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Help inform and educate the world about West Bank settlements. Support APN's Facts on the Ground today.

APN In The News: October 13 -October 19

San Diego Jewish World: "U.S. to combine embassy and consulate in Jerusalem" (10/16/18)

The move was promptly condemned by Americans for Peace Now in a press release suggesting that it will undermine efforts to achieve a two-state solution.

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Jerusalem Post: "Gov't to approve budget for first Jewish building in Hebron in 16 years" (10/13/18)

Peace Now said that: “The government continues to waste public funds on construction for a hallucinatory settlement in the heart of a Palestinian population. Hebron is the settlement that does the most harm to Israel’s good name. Instead of evacuating it, the government has caved in to extremists. It is trying with force to complicate matters for Israel and distance us from peace.”

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Ma'an News Agency: "Lieberman to approve 31 settlement housing units in Hebron City" (10/12/18)

The NGO settlement watchdog, Peace Now, and the Hebron municipality have issued an appeal to the Israeli Civil Administration against the plan. In response to Leiberman's announcement, Peace Now said that "nothing harms Israel’s reputation as much as construction projects for Israeli settlers in Hebron City. Instead of evacuating them, the government surrenders to extremists and seems intent on forcing us away from peace."

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APN strongly condemns the Trump Administration’s decision to subsume diplomatic outreach to the Palestinians into the US embassy to Israel. We call upon fellow American Jewish organizations to join our demand that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reverse this disastrous decision.

Turning the US consulate to Jerusalem, which until now has served as a de facto embassy to the Palestinians, into a “new Palestinian Affairs Unit inside US Embassy Jerusalem” (to use the language of today’s State Department press release) is a severe blow to efforts to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

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Breaking Longtime US Policy, Friedman Pays Official Visit to West Bank Settlement

US ambassador to Israel David Friedman yesterday attended a business gathering at the West Bank settlement of Ariel. This is the first ever official visit by a sitting American ambassador to a West Bank settlement, breaking a longtime US policy that banned American ambassadors to Israel from crossing the Green Line and even more so from visiting West Bank settlements.

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Legislative Round-up: October 12, 2018

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

  1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
  2. Hearings
  3. On the Record
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Briefing Call (3pm EST): Lara Alqasem and Israel's Entry Law

Join us and our fellow organizations TODAY for a briefing call in advance of the Israeli Supreme Court’s consideration of the case of Lara Alqasem. We are calling on the Israeli government to admit Alqasem into Israel to pursue her studies at Hebrew University.

Alqasem has become the latest symbol of the fight for an open Israeli society. She is fighting the government’s decision to expel her for her past political affiliation with a student organization that supports boycotts against Israel.

For more background on Lara’s case, click here to read APN’s press release calling on the Israeli government to let her stay.

Click here to join the briefing call on Facebook Live TODAY at 3pm. Speakers will be Leora Bechor, Alqasem's attorney, and MK Tamar Zandberg, leader of the Meretz party.

Thanks for your support,
Americans for Peace Now

This briefing call is co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now, J Street, Ameinu, National Council of Jewish Women, New Israel Fund, Partners for a Progressive Israel, Reconstructing Judaism, and T’ruah.

act now

News Nosh: 10.16.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday October 16, 2018

Quote of the Day #1:
“However, bringing a resident of Gaza to trial in Israel for complaining about the conditions that he and other residents of the Gaza Strip are in, seems to me to be a blatantly inappropriate step, both judicially and morally.”
—Israeli District Court Judge Eliahu Bitan rejected Israel’s claims against two young Gazan fisherman and ordered their release.*

Quote of the Day #2:
“It’s a greater threat than nuclear bombs or terrorism greater than the enemies who seek our destruction. The threat of internal division will always be the greatest threat of all.”
--President Reuven Rivlin warned at the opening of the Knesset's winter session yesterday.**
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News Nosh: 10.15.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday October 15, 2018  
Quote of the day:
“We do not want revenge, only to catch and punish those who murdered her."
--Yakoub al-Rawbi, the widower of Aisha, the Palestinian woman who was killed Friday by a rock thrown at the windshield of her vehicle, as the couple drove home in the West Bank.*
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Hard Questions, Tough Answers (October 17, 2018) - Who’s afraid of criticism?


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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APN In The News: October 6 -October 12

APN to Israel's Government: Let Lara Alqasem In! (10/11/18)

APN calls on the government of Israel to permit entry into Israel to Lara Alqasem, an American of Palestinian descent who received a student visa from an Israeli consulate in the US to undertake a master’s program at Hebrew University.

Alqasem was detained upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport and has been held by Israeli authorities for over a week pending appeal of the order to deport her. The basis for the detention apparently was information published about Alqasem by the Canary Mission, a shadowy website that seeks to intimidate critics of Israel...

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