APN's Debra Shushan on Israel's i24 News "The Spin Room" (8/1/18)

Topics for debate: Amb. David Friedman's settlement condolence call, continued uproar over Israel's Nation-State Law particularly from the Druze community, poet Dareen Tartour and (in)equality of Israel's treatment of incitement, and President Trump's offer to meet Iranian leaders without preconditions.

Guests appearing with Debra Shushan (APN Director of Policy and Government Relations): Vivian Bercovici (former Canadian ambassador to Israel) and Aaron Klein (Breitbart).

Peace Now: "I'm ashamed of Israel's Nation-State law" video

"I'm ashamed of Israel's Nation-State law" video from Peace Now going viral

In response to Israel's new anti-democratic, anti-peace Nation-State law, which includes downgrading the Arabic language from "official" to "special status", Peace Now has started a campaign encouraging Israelis to make a video saying in Arabic "I am ashamed of the Nation-State law."

News Nosh: 8.1.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Quote of the day:
“After the passage of the nation-state law I couldn’t restrain myself and keep quiet any longer. There isn’t a single word about equality in the law. The right to equality is one of the most important basic rights in every country in the democratic world, and that should have been the case in our country too – but to my regret that didn’t happen.” 
--Former deputy president of Israel's High Court, Salim Joubran, himself an Arab citizen, called the new nation-state law racist and warned it will strengthen existing discrimination against Arab society.*
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APN's Debra Shushan on i24 The Spin Room

The Spin Room, a news debate program on Israel's i24 News, is a smart, fast-paced current events show hosted by veteran journalist Ami Kaufman. Debra Shushan, APN's Director of Policy and Government Relations is a frequent guest on the show. View her appearances (often including Dr. Shushan's legendary facial expressions) here.

News Nosh: 7.31.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Quote of the day:
“This morning when I awoke to drive to the base I asked myself why. Why should I serve the State of Israel, the state that I and my two brothers and my father served with devotion, a sense of mission and with love of our homeland when in the end, what do we get? To be class B citizens?"
--Capt. Amir Jmall, a member of Israel's Druze community, posted an open letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on his Facebook page Sunday, stating that he will stop serving in the military in protest of the controversial Jewish Nation-State law.*
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Legislative Round-up: July 27, 2018

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

1. Bills, Resolution, & Letters
3. Hearings & Markups
4. On the Hill this Week
5. On the Record

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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News Nosh: 7.30.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday, July 30, 2018

Quote of the day:
"Although Professor Harari is proud of his Israeliness, he is not interested in cooperating with the (Israeli) Consulate...We prefer not to represent the government as long as it persists with this policy."
-- Karin Eliahu-Perry, the personal manager of Professor Yuval Noah Harari, explained to the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles that Israel's passing of the Nation-State Law and the Surrogacy Law were the reasons Harari refused to attend a Consulate reception in his honor. (Haaretz and Yedioth, p. 20)*
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Analysis: Why Israel's Nation-State Law is Not Only Anti-Democratic But Also Anti-Peace

Israel’s new Nation-State Law is not only anti-democratic. It is also anti-peace. It hinders not only peace between Jews and non-Jews in Israel, but it also severely hampers prospects for future peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors.

Instead of echoing Israel’s Declaration of Independence by championing the pursuit of peace as a Jewish value of the Jewish state, the Nation-State Law asserts an aggressive, uncompromising, zero-sum attitude toward Israel’s relations with the Palestinians. The law’s exclusionary content and tone is directed at non-Jewish citizens of the state, but is understandably perceived by non-Israeli Palestinians as well as a law that as excludes them from a relationship based on equality with Israel.

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Israel i24 News "The Spin Room" (7/25/18)

Topics debated by APN Policy and Government Relations Director Debra Shushan and fellow guests Vivian Bercovici (former Canadian ambassador to Israel), Aaron Klein (Breitbart), and moderator Ami Kaufman included Israeli-Syrian hostilities, international reaction to the Nation-State Law, Israel's LGBT protests, Birthright walkoffs, and the Trump-Cohen taped discussion of paying for rights to Karen McDougal's story of her alleged affair with Trump.

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