Moving forward can involve risk. But standing still can bring disaster.
As the Exodus story tells us, the Israelites were faced with a choice at the Sea of Reeds: Enter the waters or
stand still and be slaughtered by Pharaoh’s fast-approaching army.
Only one Israelite—Nachshon—had the foresight and the courage to jump into the sea. Jewish
tradition says that once he moved forward, the waters parted and Israel was able to walk on dry land to safety.
It sometimes seems that it will take a similar miracle to bring peace to the Middle East.
But Peace Now (Shalom Achshav), the veteran Israeli activist organization, and its U.S. counterpart Americans for
Peace Now (APN), aren’t relying on miracles. We believe in moving forward. The wind may not be at our backs, but standing still is not an
This Passover, you may observe a traditional Seder and may be blessed by the company of children or grandchildren.
They may ask the four questions, one of which is: “Why is tonight different from all other nights?” Yes, we eat
matzo; yes, we dip twice; yes, we remember the stranger, but tonight we can no longer afford to be bystanders—we
all must jump into the fray.
We “jump” to feed the hungry, to defend the refugee, to protect the environment—now it’s
time to “jump” for Israel’s secure future. We want you to be able to tell your family how you helped Israel be
the best it can be. Helping ensure a peaceful and secure future for Israel and preserve the Zionist dream does not
mean asking how Israel can survive with a Palestinian state by its side. It means asking how Israel can survive
without one.
Hineni, here I am. Because of the damaging effects of occupation, I’ll jump. Because
settlers build on private Palestinian land, I’ll jump. Because evicting Palestinians from the homes where they
have spent their entire lives is dehumanizing, I’ll jump. Because Israel may annex settlements in the West Bank
in defiance of international law, I’ll jump.