APN/ Peace Now in the News: April 22-28, 2017

Times of Israel: April 28, 2017
"Police prevent left-wing rally at outpost against settler violence," Peace Now (and other activists) blocked from reaching West Bank outpost to demonstrate.

JTA: April 26, 2017
"Reform head asks Netanyahu to clarify how anti-boycott law will affect Israeli trip participants," Following APN's cancellation of their Israel trip, Reform Movement sends letter to Netanyahu re: "Entry Law."

Jerusalem Post: April 26, 2017
"Israeli NGOs after German Foreign Minister meeting: We don't take orders from Netanyahu," Peace Now criticizes Netanyahu for delegitimizing dissenting non-profits.

Arutz 7: April 24, 2017
"Netanyahu issues ultimatum to German foreign minister," Netanyahu to German Foreign Minister: If you meet with Peace Now, I won't meet with you.

JTA: April 24, 2017
"Americans for Peace Now cancels annual Israel trip over anti-boycott law," APN cancels annual Israel trip for the first time in 30 years.

Haaretz: April 22, 2017
"First Jewish-American Group Cancels Trip to Israel Over Travel Ban Against Boycott Supporters," APN cancels tour due to new "Entry Law." 

Jerusalem Post: April 22, 2017
"Peace Now: New West Bank outpost built in last two weeks," Peace Now condemns establishment of new illegal outpost in the West Bank.

Haaretz: April 22, 2017
"Israeli Sets Up New 'Jewish-Arab' Outpost, to Chagrin of Settler Neighbors," Peace Now condemns establishment of new illegal outpost in the West Bank.

News Nosh 4.28.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday April 28, 2017
Quote of the day:
"The dark days of the Nazi regime taught us that the rule of a majority that deprives individuals of their rights, a majority that oppresses the minority living within it, is not a democratic government...Human rights are the soul of democracy, as without them there is no democracy. This is the most important lesson that we must learn from the darkest chapter in our people's history, from the most terrible crime the world has ever known, the Holocaust."
--High Court Chief Justice Miriam Naor stresses in a speech at the swearing-in ceremony of new Israeli judges what they must keep in mind in their work.
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Briefing call with Prof. Shibley Telhami on Abbas' trip to D.C.

TelhamiAPN hosted a briefing call with Professor Shibley Telhami, an expert on Palestinian politics and on U.S. Middle East policy, on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 11:00 am, Eastern Time.

One of America’s leading experts on the Middle East, Professor Telhami shed light on U.S.-Palestinian relations on the eve of President Trump’s meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, intra-Palestinian politics, and the current state of efforts to advance a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Professor Telhami is the Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, College Park, and non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. He is the author of The World through Arab Eyes: Arab Public Opinion and the Reshaping of the Middle East, the co-editor of The Peace Puzzle: America’s Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace, 1989-2011, and a leading pollster of public opinion in the Middle East and U.S. public opinion about the region.

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APN Welcomes Washington's Endorsement of Dissenting Israeli Organizations

Secretary_Tillerson320x265Washington, DC - Americans for Peace Now (APN) commends Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his staff for acknowledging the important role that Israel’s civil society and particularly Israeli progressive non-profit organizations play in Israeli society.

At his daily press briefing yesterday, State Department Spokesman Mark Toner was asked about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scandalous decision Tuesday to cancel a planned meeting with Germany’s foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel because of Gabriel’s meeting with representatives of three progressive Israeli nonprofits that regularly criticize Israeli government policies. The three organizations are Peace Now (APN’s Israeli sister-organization), Breaking the Silence, and B’Tselem. 
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No Entry - Resources on the "Entry Law"

Entry_Law_Locked_Gate400The “Entry Law,” adopted by the Israeli Knesset on March 6, 2017, bans entry to Israel of foreign national who support or publicly engage in boycotts of either Israel or West Bank settlements, whether they do it individually or are affiliated with organizations that endorse such practices. This law uniquely affects APN, a Zionist, pro-Israel organization that advocates for boycotts of the settlements and the occupation while strongly rejecting boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) targeting Israel.

APN's President and CEO Debra DeLee said: “This new draconian law is a severe blow to Israeli democracy. It is aimed at a basic civil liberty, the freedom of expression, and will severely harm Israel by keeping out some of its greatest supporters, including Americans for Peace Now…We are a Zionist, pro-Israel organization, which cares about Israel's future as a democracy and a Jewish state. As such, we oppose the occupation and the settlements and call on our supporters to express this view by boycotting settlements. It would be absurd for the government of Israel to block us from visiting the country we love and care so much about because we chose to express a legitimate view in a legitimate way.”


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News Nosh 4.27.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday April 27, 2017
You Must Be Kidding: 
Israeli NGO Honenu has been providing thousands of dollars in grants to Jewish murderers and terrorists, including to Yosef Ben-David, who abducted 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir from his E. Jerusalem neighborhood, beat him and burned him alive. 
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News Nosh 4.26.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 26, 2017
Quote of the day:
"One of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s great 'contributions' to the Israeli discourse is turning the definition of 'left' into a curse, an accusation and a condemnation.”
--Channel 10 chief international correspondent and Yedioth political analyst, Nadav Eyal, writes about Israel’s poisonous political discourse.*
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News Nosh 4.25.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Quote of the day:
"You can't get a proper and comprehensive picture in any country on Earth if you only meet in government offices."
 --German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave him an ultimatum.*

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On Yom Ha'Shoah - A Dad to us, hero to all

Yahrtzeit Candle

Our father, Arthur Stern (z”l), was a Holocaust survivor, so like many Jews, today’s Yom Ha’Shoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day – touches us personally.

The SternsDad was born and raised in Hungary as a highly-educated and traditional religious Jew, whose father was a prominent leader of the Budapest Jewish Community. While he studied law at the University of Budapest in 1944, the Germans occupied Hungary, and our father and his family were deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Near the end of the war, he and surviving family members were sent to a refugee camp in Switzerland where he began to put his life back together. He continued his education, and best of all, met our mom Edith (he was her bridge instructor!), who had arrived in Switzerland as a refugee from Germany after Kristallnacht. Since we were young, our parents shared many stories about their upbringing in Germany and Hungary, the war, and its implications to their families.

Like many survivors, dad was able to miraculously “move on”, and spectacularly so. He became an accomplished electrical engineer and inventor, and was the first Jewish president of the International Association of Electrical Engineers, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology.

Dad applied lessons from the Holocaust to a commitment to human rights, equality and justice in the US and in Israel.

While he saw Israel's survival and security as supremely important for the Jewish people, he believed that Israel's conduct was just as crucial. As a Holocaust survivor, he saw both of these as fundamental. He started the California-Israel Chamber of Commerce to help strengthen Israel’s economy, and his most central commitment to Israel became his leadership role with Americans for Peace Now, where he served as a Board and Executive Committee member and as co-chair, and then chair of its regional activities in Southern California.

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His experience had led him to hold the Jewish people and Israel to the highest of standards with regard to their use of power and treatment of others, believing we should rise above the tendencies and inclinations towards suppression when confronted by obstacles. Dad found particularly abhorrent those in the Israeli settler movement and their supporters who elevated land over human rights and peace, and particularly those who did so using Jewish religious justifications. He would not sit idly by while such arguments were made and such actions taken. We are loathe to imagine his disappointment in the recent “Regularization Law” that transfers ownership of private Palestinian land in the West Bank to the Israeli Jewish settlers who took the land and established outposts contrary even to Israel’s own law.

On this Yom Ha’Shoah, it is profoundly troubling to think about dad in the context of the “Entry Law,” recently passed by the Knesset. This law, which prevents entry to foreign nationals who support peaceful protest by way of a boycott, including a targeted boycott of Israeli settlement products, is beyond the pale for a democracy. It ostensibly bars people from visiting Israel because they have different political views from those currently in power. In this most absurd reality, our Holocaust survivor dad, who cared so much about Israel, would actually be prevented from visiting Israel.

Americans for Peace Now has just decided to cancel its Israel Study Tour in June because of the "Entry Law." This trip has particular significance to our family. Dad participated multiple times, a couple with our mom and with one of us. Our parents gave the experience to a granddaughter as a college graduation gift, and soon after dad died, we all made plans to join the next APN Israel Study Tour. The joy that dad experienced and enrichment he received from being in Israel, meeting with leading Israelis and Palestinians from the political and activist worlds, the media, and other areas, was a highlight in his life.

Today, as we remember the Holocaust and our dad who was so fortunate to survive it, we also remember the lessons he learned and passed on to us, and we redouble our commitment to working for a better Israel, which proudly manifests the best of Jewish values, and for a better world.


Claude Stern, Daniel Stern, and Jacqueline Stern Bellowe

Remembering the Shoah

zikaron-candle320x265The annual day commemorating the victims of the Holocaust and of heroism, is today, Monday, April 24.


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