News Nosh 3.17.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday March 17, 2017
You Must Be Kidding #1: 
“We’re used to the rightist worldview reflected in civics and history. … Now we have to agree to a blatantly political agenda so that the child can go to a science competition.”
“The messages say everyone hates us already from the era of the Bible, which is also the only legitimization for Israel mentioned in the course...The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is presented with no context – no explanation is given for the Arab hatred and there’s no distinction between Israel and the West Bank."

--Angry parents of students, who like all students participating in competitions abroad must now take a compulsory online right-wing indoctrination course beforehand. Arab students are also required to take the course.
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News Nosh 3.16.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 16, 2017
Quote of the day:
“These are tears of pain and of hope, to say that we were able to give others life from their death. This tragedy was a cause of the ceasefire."
--Dr. Ezzeldin Abu al-Aish, the Palestinian doctor whose three daughters and niece were killed in an IDF tank shelling during Operation Cast Lead, said outside an Israeli courtroom where has filed a civil suit against the state.*
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News Nosh 3.15.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 15, 2017
Quote of the day:
"We do not kill if we don't have to." 
--Prof. Asa Kasher, who wrote the IDF's ethics code told a special Knesset discussion on purity of arms that Sgt. Elor Azaria was wrong to kill Palestinian assailant Abdul Fattah Al-Sharif.**
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News Nosh 3.14.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 14, 2017
You Must Be Kidding: 
Police detained Jeff Halper, a prominent Jewish American-Israeli left-wing activist, for suspected incitement.**
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Peace Now Settlement Watch: Geulat Zion: Another New Settlement

Peace Now reports:

Last night, Channel 2 News reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu intends to argue to American officials that the new settlement for the Amona outpost evacuees should not be considered as such. Yet based on its proposed location, the new settlement, often referred to as “Geulat Zion,” cannot be considered as anything but a new settlement. Geulat Zion is located approximately 2.5 kilometers east of Shilo, on an empty hilltop, and beyond the settlement’s jurisdiction.

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News Nosh 3.13.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 13, 2017
Quote of the day #1:
“It is all so counter to what I know of Jewish culture. Questioning authority makes you a kapo? To question authority makes you a traitor? If you question bad policies you are a self-hating Jew? That is insane. And, of course it’s the last resort of tyrants.”
--In an interview during his visit to Israel, actor Richard Gere slams the demonization of left-wing pro-peace organizations by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Trump administration’s new ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.*
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March 13, 2017 - Trump launches an Israeli-Palestinian peace process


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses Trump's plan to bring Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Washington and to send special representative for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt to Israel and Palestine; possible advantages this administration might have over its predecessors in sponsoring a peace process; Trump's drawbacks as a peace mediator; possible collaboration with the region’s Sunni Arab states that need Trump's support against both Iran and ISIS; whether peace process issues are flexible enough to sustain concessions and enable creative compromise in the spirit of Trump’s brand of deal-making; and whether Trump's emerging team of negotiators are aware of important nuances.

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Watch: APN at J Street - Panel on Settlements

Americans for Peace Now on February 27th 2017 sponsored a panel discussion at J Street’s national conference on West Bank settlements with MK Tamar Zandberg, APN’s Lara Freidman, Peace Now’s Lior Amihai and moderated by Haaretz’s Amir Tibon.

APN Panel on Settlements 27 February, 2017 from Americans for Peace Now.

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Watch: APN's Ori Nir - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 101

Americans for Peace Now’s Ori Nir on February 27th 2017 delivered a talk at J Street’s national conference on the basics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


APN: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 101 from Americans for Peace Now.

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Unraveling the Mechanism Behind Illegal Outposts: A New Settlement Watch Report

Since the mid-1990s, the settlers established nearly 100 illegal outposts and built dozens of neighborhoods and illegal projects in many settlements. In 2015 alone 15% of the units constructed in the settlements was illegal.

During the past year, Settlement Watch conducted extensive research on illegal construction in settlements and outposts. The data collected exposes a process parallel to the official planning process in the settlements – that of illegal construction. This parallel process is what allows for thousands of housing units to remain on the ground, and be connected to roads and infrastructure.

Peace Now's study reveals that three main bodies operate this parallel and illegal process: (1) Settlement Regional Councils, (2) Settlement Division and (3) Amana. The Israeli government enables the illegal system to exist by cooperating directly with these three bodies, by abstaining from law enforcement or prosecution, and by retroactively legalizing the illegal constructions. 

Through this illegal mechanism,  Israeli governments have allowed a small group of settlers to set Israel's settlement policy and thereby determine the future of Israel.

Full report (PDF)

Summary of the report (PDF)

Key Findings:

  • The ten stages of establishing illegal outposts: from paving roads and placing mobile homes to the administration and finance of the illegal outpost.
  • Illegal construction permits issued by regional councils: These permits, referred to as “principle construction permits,” or “temporary construction permits” are meant to mislead a variety of different institutions, so that these are unable to tell that the construction is, in fact, illegal.
  • Illegal construction funding through non-recurring expenses (NRE): NREs are on-time transfers from local authorities to specific projects and are usually nontransparent. Peace Now has managed to uncover that in the years 2000 – 2014, the Binyamin municipality authorized the transfers of over 116 Million NIS to illegal outposts and illegal projects.
  • Amana's accumulation of capital with the help of the Settlement Division, and on the expense of the state and the settlers: The state grants the Settlement Division the authority to manage lands in the Occupied Territories. The Division then allocates lands to Amana for free. Amana builds, sometimes illegally, and sells homes to settlers in prices which embody the cost of the land. While the state does not receive any returns, Amana is making a fortune on the expense of the settlers.
  • Illegal allocation of lands by the Settlement Division: Although the Settlement Division received enormous amounts of lands from the state throughout the West Bank, it allocates to settlers public lands that are not under its supervision. Not only that but the Settlement Division also allocates private lands owned by Palestinians (as in the example of the illegal outpost of Amona).
  • The role of Amana as a settler lobby, a body that is “above the law,” despite many testimonies of illegal activity: Amana acts as the unofficial representative of the settlers, and raises private funding as well as public resources for the benefit of the settlements. Despite many testimonies regarding vast illegal activity, Amana manages, time after time, to avoid prosecution and punishment.
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