News Nosh 11.23.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday November 23, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“(It is) a very dangerous step.”
--Sheikh Muhammad al-Far, imam of a mosque in the mixed Israeli city of Lod. The imam was fined $200 for using the loudspeakers (as he has done everyday, five times a day) to broadcast the call to prayer. Al-Far said it was the first time this has ever happened in the city since the founding of the State of Israel.*
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APN Weekly Update - APN Fighting Back, Israel Study Tour Concludes, Alarming Settlement Bill, and more

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: November 22, 2016

"Even allowing for the usual exaggeration on the part of taxi drivers--the US is not the only increasingly polarized society."

Yossi Alpher, Israeli security expert referring to Israel in this week's APN Hard Questions, Tough Answers (Yossi is pictured speaking to the 2016 APN Israel Study Tour last week).

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

November 21, 2016 - Early Levant and Israeli fallout from Trump election; the messy meaning of eastern Mediterranean strategic depth

Q. As President-elect Trump announces key appointments, how is the Levant reacting?

A. The most obvious and immediate response among the Syria antagonists appears to be an informal but increasingly widespread recognition that the Assad regime has survived the Syrian revolution...

Q. And the reaction in Israel to Trump’s indication of the far-right direction he plans to follow?

A. The Trump appointees for national security director, CIA director, attorney general and strategic adviser signal that he remains far to the political right where Americans condone the West Bank settlements and are not strongly committed, if at all, to a two-state solution...

Q. What’s the striking exception you mentioned above to the pro-settler sentiments and atmosphere encouraged by the Trump victory?

A. Last week, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman surprisingly called for a freeze on settlement construction beyond the West Bank settlement blocs...

Q. There remains the question whether the Trump victory atmosphere will affect the upcoming Elor Azaria verdict. This concerns the court martial of the soldier who, eight months ago, executed a wounded and subdued Palestinian terrorist in Hebron--an act caught on camera by a B’tzelem activist.

A. The military judges will begin deliberating their verdict this week...

Q. Turning from Trump to the Mediterranean depths, last week witnessed the renewal after a five year hiatus of licensing for natural gas exploration off Israel’s Mediterranean coast, along with a major controversy over an Israeli order for three more submarines from Germany. Can we learn something from this seeming fixation with the Mediterranean?

A. Definitely. In the course of the past two decades the eastern Mediterranean basin has begun to provide Israel with a dimension of strategic depth it never had before, in both security and economic terms. And the two are intertwined...

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Government Relations

APN Legislative Round-Up: November 18, 2016 (Lame Duck)

Note to Round-Up readers: In these difficult times, a couple of things to highlight this week, from elected officials who do, indeed, care about rational policies in the Middle East and do, indeed, understand the U.S. national security interests at stake:

  1. Bills and Resolutions
  2. Letters
  3. Hearings
  4. On the Record

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APN Statement on Congressman Keith Ellison's Record on Israeli-Palestinian Peace

APN has worked closely with Congressman Ellison for nearly a decade. He is a close friend and a trusted ally in the effort to achieve security and peace for Israel and the Palestinians in the context of a two-state solution.

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Consider Donations of Stock Sales to APN

Contributions to APN via sale of stocks is an option worth considering as the year-end approaches.

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APN Response

APN is fighting back

The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States has set off reverberations around the world...But the response cannot be one of despair and resignation. Our collective response must be fueled by hope, commitment, and tenacious perseverance. As one of the last bulwarks against the growing extremism that threatens a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians, APN is here to lead that response.

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Open Letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump from Jewish American Organizations

APN joined proudly with other Jewish American organizations in sending a letter to President-elect Donald Trump laying out many of our concerns and hopes for the coming Administration, and sending an unambiguous message about being powerful opponents, if necessary.

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APN Condemns Appointment of Bannon, Calls Out Jewish Groups for Failure to Stand Against Anti-Semitism and Hate-Mongering

We urge President-elect Trump to cancel his appointment of Bannon. We urge him, too, to finally denounce and reject the abhorrent actions and views of the hate-mongers who are acting, publicly and proudly, in his name.

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Times of Israel: "Illiberal Support for Israel: Antithetical to Jewish Values and Israel's Interests" by APN's Lara Friedman

We must fight for our Jewish and American values and apply them consistently, both with the respect to what is happening in the United States and what is happening in Israel. The silence of too many in the right-wing Jewish establishment today underscores how, for American Jews, the two are inextricably linked.

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Settlement Watch

NY Times Editorial: "Israel’s Alarming Settlement Bill"

Peace Now Director Avi Buskila (on right) in dialogue with Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett during a protest of the "Regulation Bill" at Bennett's home.

Right-wing Israeli politicians see Donald Trump’s election as helpful toward their goal of burying the prospect of a Palestinian state. On Wednesday, Israeli lawmakers gave preliminary approval to a bill that would retroactively legalize settlements built on private Palestinian land in the West Bank.

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APN Israel Study Tour

APN Israel Study Tour Concludes Successfully

A whirlwind of meetings, travel, and experiential activities in Israel and the West Bank has concluded. In addition to Jerusalem (east and west), a West Bank Settlement tour, and a day in Tel Aviv that concluded by hearing from the young Peace Now activists and leaders, the group went to Israel's border with Gaza, the northern cities of Nazareth and Haifa, and the Palestinian cities of Rawabi and Ramallah.

Email to receive information on next year's Study Tour.

Study Tour visits a Hand in Hand school

The Israel Study Tour group paid a special visit to Bridge Over the Wadi school in Kfar Kana.. Part of Hand in Hand - Center for Jewish-Arab Edcuation, the school has an integrated Jewish and Arab student body and faculty, a fully bilingual curriculum, and provides a community for the Jewish and Arab parents.

News Nosh 11.22.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday November 22, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“The Jews’ comfortable situation in America raises doubts as to whether it was worthwhile to gamble on the establishment of a Jewish state… In order to remove these malignant doubts, it would be good to have some anti-Semitism in America. Not serious anti-Semitism, not pogroms, not persecutions that will empty America from its Jews, as we need them there, but just a taste of this pungent stuff, so that we can restore our faith in Zionism.”
--Yedioth’s columnist and Channel 10 journalist, Yaron London, explains why white supremacy in the US suits the interests of Israel’s right-wing government.*
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APN is fighting back

The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States has set off reverberations around the world. For many, the alarm bells could not be ringing any louder. A campaign that featured anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment, and was supported by a legion of online anti-Semites, is now transitioning to an administration that makes many Americans justifiably fearful.

Donate TodaySteve Bannon, the former editor of the right-wing Breitbart News who has trafficked in conspiracy theories, race-baiting, and anti-Semitism, has been appointed as President-elect Trump’s chief strategist and counselor. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, an avowed Islamophobe, has been appointed as national security advisor. Senator Jeff Sessions, an anti-immigrant crusader who has made numerous racially insensitive and derogatory remarks, will become Trump’s attorney general. And Trump is considering the appointment of secretaries of defense and state who would seek to destroy the Iran deal, jeopardizing U.S. and Israeli security in the process.

Help APN fight back against right-wing extremists in the U.S. and Israel – and keep hope for peace alive

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses how the Levant is reacting as President-elect Trump announces key appointments; the reaction in Israel to Trump’s indication of the far-right direction he plans to follow; the striking exception to the pro-settler sentiments and atmosphere encouraged by the Trump victory; whether the Trump victory atmosphere will affect the upcoming Elor Azaria verdict; a seeming fixation with the Mediterranean and what can be learned from it.

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News Nosh 11.21.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday November 21, 2016  

Quote of the day:
"The feeling will be like a baby in a diaper: In the beginning it will be warm and comfy, and then it will be cold and wet."
--In a fascinating Op-Ed that gives great information about the High Court's rulings' connections to the beginning of the settler movement, Yedioth's top political commentator Nahum Barnea gives a radical suggestion to the High Court justices on dealing with settlement related petitions.

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News Nosh 11.20.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday November 20, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"Indeed, you have so much in common. The undisguised racism that you share with pride is not surprising at all. A little more surprising is the longing for the visit of a serial stalker, a pathological liar and a proud tax-evader."
--Gal Zohar, the wine expert of the Dan hotel chain, slammed a settler winery owner for inviting President-elect Trump to visit her winery - and he got showered with criticism.**
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Open Letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump from Jewish American Organizations

Today, APN joined proudly with other Jewish American organizations in sending a letter to President-Elect Donald Trump. The letter lays out many of our concerns and hopes for the coming Administration and sends an unambiguous message about our work for the future: 

“…you will find willing partners in the Jewish community to join with your administration if it follows a path that upholds and defends the principles of fairness, justice and freedom on which this country was built. But, we will not stand idly by if you choose to take actions that violate human rights, or that reverse the progress we have made at home and abroad. You will find us as powerful opponents of any effort to undermine these gains.”

The full text of the letter is copied below. A downloadable pdf version of the letter is available here.

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News Nosh 11.18.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday November 18, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"I can’t accept the claim that the oppression of another people, the denial of basic human rights, and racism and hate are necessary for the existence of State of Israel."
--Tamar Alon said this week when she refused to be drafted.** 
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News Nosh 11.17.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday November 17, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"Before Trump, American Jews were definitely concerned about what appeared to be growing anti-Semitism in Europe, but much of this, we reasoned was a reaction to Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinians, together with the influx of Muslim Middle Eastern immigrants into these same countries...but the U.S., fortunately, never had any such experience. Most of us believed anti-Semitism in America to be so marginal it was not really worth worrying about. Today many Jews are not so sure."
--Journalist Eric Alterman writes in Haaretz+ that Jews in America face 'uncharted waters' following the appointment of Steve Bannon, "Trump’s Rasputin in the White House."**
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