Transcript of Secretary Kerry's Comments on Israel at the Saban Forum, December 5, 2016

On December 4, 2016, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke at Brookings’ Saban Forum. He was interviewed by the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. Kerry’s comments included sharp criticism of the Israeli government’s failure to pursue a two-state peace settlement with the Palestinians. The entire interview can be found here. Following are Kerry’s comments relating to Israel.

So what we have is an opportunity to redefine the Middle East, to redefine the region to meet the security needs of Israel and the security needs of the rest of the region. Now, I can talk about that ad infinitum. I’ve spent four years now in the most intensive effort I think – I don’t think – I asked my staff to go back and read the record. I have talked to Bibi Netanyahu more than 375 times in this term. That’s only the public recording, because I was in the habit of picking up the phone and calling him at home or calling him here and there and just getting him eating. I’ve talked to him in those public transactions more than 130 hours. My wife accused me of having talked to him more than I’ve talked to her in these four years.

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For Argument's Sake



In our jointly authored book, my father, a writer, and I, a historian, took a fresh look at the mystery of Jewish survival. "Ours", we wrote, "is not a bloodline but a textline."

Book pullJews are not a people forged by blood and swords, but we are nevertheless an ancient nation. This belonging can cross international borders today; it tackles the religious-secular divide and the Israel-diaspora divide. Ours is a uniquely textual nation, whose sense of belonging comes from the Bible and a myriad of subsequent books, interpretations, arguments and questions. For many centuries, ours was the only pre-modern culture with universal male literacy, alongside significant female literacy.

Tell your Child"Tell your child": this is our oldest and best survival technique and cultural instrument. But we do not only teach our children to read and remember. We also encourage them to think afresh, and to challenge their elders with questions and ideas. Also to laugh: at ourselves, at authorities, and even at the Almighty.

As you know, all good Jewish families argue. Humor, irreverence, debate, originality, and text-based inventiveness: these are the ancient codes of Jewish survival. They explain our global sense of cousinhood - or at least a shared sense of humor - in today's world. It is the key to our three-millennia survival.

Does 'textual nationhood' mean that the Land of Israel is unimportant? That Jews ought to have remained stateless? Not in my book. The State of Israel, which my four grandparents helped build in the fields of the kibbutz and in the libraries of Jerusalem, is a miracle even to secular Jews like us. It came into being when young Jews of the 20th century transformed longing into activism, memory into state-building, and Talmudic reasoning into modern invention.

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News Nosh 12.05.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 5, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"I walked around the army training grounds with a hole in my pants. For that, I served more time in military prison than Brigadier General (Ofek Buchris) who raped someone under his command."
–A soldier named Hed Einav was one of hundreds of Israeli men and women who have posted on Facebook a personal story in protest of the plea bargain which Buchris receive and adding the Hebrew hashtag #morethanBuchris.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
“We’re all fighting for this country, but maybe not in the same way. I hope that ultimately, despite it being on the verge of collapse, the state will rise above disputes. It’s OK not to agree and to come out of this with different opinions, since we’re not a herd…This was a meeting that stemmed from common concern for the future of this country and anyone who believes that democracy is important should invite Breaking the Silence to their school.”
--Ze'ev Degani, principal of Tel Aviv's Gymnasia Herzliya High School, told students why he invited Breaking the Silence to speak with them, despite pressure by the Education Ministry to cancel the invitation.
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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses what's new about Fateh's long-delayed seventh conference in Ramallah and unanimous reelection of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to head the movement; what’s wrong with Abbas remaining in power and what are the alternatives; has this at least provided an extension of peace and quiet on the West Bank; If France’s decision last week to label all goods from the West Bank and the Golan as “settlement products” rather than “made in Israel” is a blow to Israel; the "flawlessness" of the French/EU approach; and where Yossi Alpher, himself, stands on boycotting settlement goods.

NOTE: For full details of APN's policy - which advocates boycotts of settlement products and supports other activism targeting the occupation - see our dedicated policy webpage, here.

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News Nosh 12.04.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday December 4, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“It’s American Southern comfort food meets Arabic breakfast comfort food.”
--Jewish Israeli chef Mattan Abrahams describes the dish of slow-cooked short ribs on top of hummus, which he made with Arab Israeli chef Abu Marun as part of next weekend's Al-Sham food festival, which pairs Jewish and Arab chefs together to offer modern takes on traditional Arab recipes.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Israel's Civil Administration in the West Bank intends to relocate the illegal Amona outpost due to its location on privately-owned Palestinian land to other land privately-owned by Palestinians. The location was chosen after the Civil Administration 'invited' the Palestinian public to submit any ownership claims to the land next to Amona’s current site. Reportedly, no one claimed three plots - yet the Civil Administration knows that they are privately owned.**

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News from Peace Now:

This morning (December 2) a plan for temporary housing on three plots of absentee property near the illegal outpost of Amona was deposited. This was done through a special order - originally used for the Migron settlers - which allows for the promotion of plans in an expedited process. It is now clear that the government is promoting temporary housing for the Amona settlers in the nearby absentee property, despite Israel’s legal interpretation since 1967 according to which absentee property cannot be used for the establishment of settlements.

It is important to note that while the plan is for eight months only, in the settlements what is temporary usually becomes permanent. For example the two year long temporary housing for the Migron settlers from in Givat HaYekev (or the New Migron) is still in place.

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News Nosh 12.02.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 09, 2016 

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Anyone who's claiming that there's an intifada of arsonists shouldn't try to prove it by arresting innocent people." 
--Jawad Qatush’s lawyer said after Qatush was released from five days of detention. Police detained him for five days on suspicions of arson when he burned his trash.*
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News Nosh 12.01.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 1, 2016  
Quote of the Day #1:
“I’ve received messages on Facebook from people who saw the TV show and they said they were brought up on racism, on the ‘Arab enemy,’ and suddenly on the show they’re beginning to see the person behind the headlines, and it made them start to think. To me, that’s hope.”
--Samer Kopti, Palestinian-Israeli actress says in interesting interview in Haaretz+.*
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APN Weekly Update - Alpher on Israel Fires, "Grand Land Robbery", we still need your help, and more

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: November 30, 2016

"From our point of view, above all saving lives is what leads us, and so we decided to come. Our motivation is very high, and we're happy to give help and human assistance."

Suhail Abed, a firefighter from Qalqilya, Palestine, who helped Israeli firefighters put out flames in Haifa and outside Jerusalem. (Photo from Yoav Zitun of IDF officer and Palestinian firefighter working together)

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

November 28, 2016 - Forest fires raise strategic issues; so does Golan clash with ISIS

Q. Israel has just emerged from a traumatic week of battling massive forest fires. What have we learned?

A. The fires...posed strategic dilemmas in no fewer than five issue areas...

Q. Let’s take the first three together. Climate change, population growth and forestation are obviously related. Certainly climate change as a national security issue is hardly unique to Israel.

A. ...The past week witnessed days and nights of exceptionally dry winds coming from the deserts to Israel’s east...

Q. Pyro-terrorism?

A. Out of 110 separate fires reported, 17 were deemed to have been the result of deliberate arson...

Q. That brings us to the state of Israel’s emergency services.

A. This wave of fires provided an excellent test of emergency services readiness. Uniquely in Israel, the issue is important not only in view of the danger of forest fires, tsunamis and earthquakes...

Q. What is the strategic significance of all this regional and international aid?

A. All in all, it is positive. That the PA, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey came to Israel’s aid reflects a genuine concern on their part that should be reciprocated by the Netanyahu government...

Q. On Sunday an IDF force clashed with an ISIS force on the Golan. How significant is this?

A. ...The days ahead will tell us whether we just witnessed a dramatic new development...

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Settlement Watch

Peace Now exposes "The Grand Land Robbery" of The Regulation Bill

Map shows Settlements and Illegal Outposts with structures on private Palestinian land in the northern West Bank: Red = Settlements; Yellow = Outposts; Blue = Settlements that have Seizure Orders

If passed, the "Regulation Bill" will retroactively legalize scores of illegal outposts and thousands of settlement structures in the West Bank.

Go HERE to see the key findings, and a link to the full Peace Now report.

APN in Action

APN's Lara Friedman in The Times of Israel: "Illiberal Support for Israel: Antithetical to Jewish Values and Israel's Interests"

We must fight for our Jewish and American values and apply them consistently, both with the respect to what is happening in the United States and what is happening in Israel.

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APN's Debra DeLee: "Fight the Darkness"

APN President and CEO Debra DeLee reflected on her exciting week on APN’s annual Israel study tour. While including some commiseration about leaders with little respect for democracy and the media, who prefer demagoguery and spin over the truth, it also included meeting with an Israeli peace activist living by the Gaza border, Peace Now's inspiring cadre of young leaders, a visit to a bilingual Hebrew-Arab School, and other hopeful experiences.

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Peace Now's Anat Ben Nun in Newsweek: "With the Election of Donald Trump, the Two-State Solution Is at Stake"

When it comes to Trump’s settlement policy, I argue that instinctual assumptions of reckless Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank during his presidency may be misleading. Unfortunately, the likely alternative also contains substantial risks for the two-state solution.

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New APN Israel Security Validator Ad

Yuval Diskin's military and intelligence career culminated with his being director of Israel's Shin Bet security service. "The Palestinians will never accept the status quo of the Israeli occupation...real security can only be achieved through peace."

See the Full Ad APN is placing in the Washington Jewish Week and Baltimore Jewish Times.


News Nosh 11.30.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday November 30, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“Outpost legalization is not just an act of retroactive approval of facts on the ground, but it also serves as a green light for future illegal construction, out of the understanding that the government will retroactively legalize illegal construction."
-- Peace Now said in report released Tuesday about the impact of the outpost Regularization Bill being voted on in Knesset today.*

Breaking News:
Israeli Jets Attack Near Damascus, Syria Confirms; 'Hezbollah Arms Targeted'
Arab media report two sorties near Damascus; alleged attack comes days after Israel and ISIS clashed along northern border. (Haaretz, Ynet, Israel Hayom)
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