News Nosh 10.06.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 6, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"Our group includes women and men together. We want a dialogue in feminine form, with more compassion, listening… We want women's representation among the staff of committees, of (peace) talks, (we want there) to be women in the accords there. And we are together, women and men, but the voice we want to sound is the women's attitude."
--Ulfat Haider, one of the 2000 women who began marching for peace this week.**
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Today (October 5th, 2016) Peace Now and Ir Amim jointly released a new report on settlement planning in one of the most sensitive and volatile areas in Jerusalem, in a Palestinian neighborhood in the heart of Silwan. The report,  "Broken Trust: State Involvement in Private Settlement in Batan Al-Hawa, Silwan." The report describes how, since 2001, the Ateret Cohanim settler organization has been working to transform Batan al-Hawa into a large Israeli settlement through sales without tender, questionable acquisition of Palestinian properties, forced eviction and removal of Palestinian families who have lived in the neighborhood for decades. If the settlers are successful, Batan al-Hawa will become the largest settlement compound in a Palestinian neighborhood in the Historic Basin of the Old City,  significantly tightening the emerging ring of settlements around the Old City, creating,"an irreversible reality" and severely undermining the possibility of a future two state solution.

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News Nosh 10.05.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday October 5, 2016  

Quote of the day:
"There is no more father Peres, who will bear the morality of Israel on his shoulders while the children run amok. The full moral responsibility for the image of Israel has now been passed to his successors. It is sad, difficult and frightening."
--Haaretz+ commentator Caroline Landsmann writes that the death of Israel's last founding father will force Israel to grow up.**
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Peace Now Settlement Watch: Plan Promoted for a New Settlement Near Shiloh

News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:

On Wednesday, September 28th, two plans were promoted by the Civil Administration's Higher Planning Committee (HPC): one plan for a new settlement east of Shilo (approved for depositing), most likely meant for the settlers of the illegal outpost o Amona, and another for a new industrial zone west of Ramallah (approved for validation). see details below.

Peace Now: "While world leaders are gathering to commemorate Shimon Peres and his path to peace, the Israeli government is creating another obstacle for the two state solution by establishing a new settlement in the heart of the West Bank. The government's decision to reward settlers who stole private Palestinian lands will make the rest of Israel's law-abiding citizens pay a heavy political price."

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APN's Ori Nir in JWeekly: A shrine to tolerance shows grave insensitivity


The opinion piece by Rabbi Abraham Cooper (“Museum of Tolerance not being built atop Muslim cemetery,” Sept. 23) takes issue with my assertion that the Wiesenthal Center is knowingly building its Museum of Tolerance at the site of a historic Muslim cemetery and that bones of people buried there have been dug up to make room for the museum (“American Jewish progressives must act to defend their values in Israel,” Sept. 16).

My assertion is based on facts. These facts have been discussed in Israeli courts and in the Israeli public arena, and are included in Israel’s Supreme Court ruling. The heart of this ruling was not the question of whether there were skeletons buried where the museum now stands, but the manner in which the bones in the “Purple Zone” would be handled.

The Wiesenthal Center never refuted the presence of human bones in the “Purple Zone,” which it depicted in court as “the heart” of the museum’s construction site.

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News Nosh 09.30.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 30, 2016  

NOTE: News Nosh will be off Sunday through Tuesday, October 2-4, for Rosh Hashanah. Happy Jewish New Year!

Quote of the day:
"The two men are diametric opposites. Peres advocated openness and cooperation with the international community, while Netanyahu favors hunkering down behind the barricades and believes the entire world is against us. Peres was an optimist and full of self-confidence, while Netanyahu is a pessimist who always sees himself as a victim. Peres constantly took the initiative, while Netanyahu advocates a policy of 'sit still and do nothing.'"
--Haaretz's Barak Ravid compares two Israeli leaders, Shimon Peres, who was laid to rest today, and Binyamin Netanyahu, who eulogized him.**
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News Nosh 09.29.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday September 29, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“…until now i cant believe that i am working for you ,day and night we are together i will miss your big voice, your smile the way you said LAYLA TOV FREDDY before you sleep at night,thanks for everything thanks for making me part of your history , thanks for trusting a Filipino like me…”
--Excerpt of the Facebook eulogy to Israeli statesman, Shimon Peres, written by Ferdz Capacia, his Filipino caretaker.*
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APN Weekly Update - Shimon Peres (z"l), echoing APN, our new ad, informative Alpher Q and A

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: September 28, 2016

"A solution of two national states -- a Jewish state -- Israel; an Arab state -- Palestine. The Palestinians are our closest neighbors. I believe they may become our closest friends."

Shimon Peres, Former Israeli Prime Minister, President, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient (pictured receiving the prize), who passed away today at the age of 93.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent Israeli security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

September 26, 2016 - The outgoing year, 5776

Q. Where did Israel position itself in the Middle East during the outgoing year?

A. From the standpoint of its own self-interest, Israel moved in two distinct and essentially contradictory directions......

Q. The Israel-US relationship appears to have suffered.

A. Definitely. Here too, the prism of two distinct strategic directions helps us understand what has happened......

Q. How did events in the surrounding Middle East affect the mood of Israelis?

A. Overall, Israelis seemed more frightened by the very visible Islamist onslaught in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya, coupled with the Assad regime's barbarism and Iran's machinations in the region, than encouraged by the behind-the-scenes Israel-Arab cooperation this has engendered......

Q. And the so-called "lone wolf intifada"? How did it affect Israelis?

A. The effect of Palestinian knifings and car-rammings of the past year appears to have meshed with the overall negative Israeli reaction to the surrounding Islamist revolutions and contributed to the country's increasingly jingoistic and at times messianic mood...

Q. What in your view are the prospects for progress between Israel and the Palestinians in the year ahead?

A. All other things being equal, both Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will remain in office and neither will evince a serious interest in the renewal of meaningful negotiations...


Q. To sum up the outgoing year?

A. On balance, and despite some bright spots of strategic achievement, 5776 was bad for Israeli interests and for US interests in the Middle East...

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APN Breaking News

APN Mourns the Death of Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres was an icon of Israel's founding generation, a visionary of peace and security for Israel, a dedicated leader who led Israel through wars and in the quest for peace. APN President and CEO Debra DeLee: "Shimon Peres' memory and legacy are a blessing to anyone who cares about Israel and its well being as a democracy that is guided by progressive values."

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In The News

Prominent American Intellectuals Echo APN on Settlement Boycotts

The letter from more than 70 American intellectuals includes APN Board members Michael Walzer and Edward Witten.

APN warmly welcomes and endorses the open letter published in the New York Review of Books from more than 70 American intellectuals, whose message echoes and validates APN's position on the boycott of Israeli settlement goods.

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Go HERE for more on APN's position and record on this issue.

Go HERE for some actions that can be taken today to fight settlements and the occupation.


APN Ad Series features Major General (res.) Gadi Shamni on the necessity of ending the occupation

The former military secretary to Israeli Prime Ministers Sharon and Olmert, military attache to the US, and top commander of IDF forces in the West Bank, recently said: "We have elevated the occupation to an art form...Every step we take should stem from one strategic goal - separation from the Palestinians."

Go HERE to see the entire ad.

Rosh Hashanah

Peace Parsha for the New Year

APN volunteer Barbara Green begins her Rosh Hashana thoughts with: This is an awkward time of the year for some secular Jews like me.

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News Nosh 09.28.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday September 28, 2016  
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Rosh Hashana Thoughts





Barbara Green has been a volunteer for Americans for Peace Now for many years. She lives in Washington, DC.

This is an awkward time of the year for some secular Jews like me. We know it’s a time of renewal and perhaps even symbolic rebirth, but what does that mean if you don’t really think the supreme ruler is sitting in judgment and deciding your fate for the coming year? Well, it could mean a lot of things. For me it’s a time to take stock: to look back on the past year and own up to things done which shouldn’t have been, or not done which should have been, and everything in between. What could I do to put those things to right? And what do I hope to change in the coming year? A small aspiration of mine is the intention in the coming year to dial back my propensity for righteous indignation. Hardly a day passes when I’m not upset – if not downright angry – about events in the world but I’m learning that indignation no matter how righteous sometimes may be counter-productive.

Maimonides teaches the blowing of the shofar is intended to waken us from our mindless slumber, our symbolic sleep which allows us to turn away from blatant injustice. He admonishes us to “….look to our souls and better our ways and actions.” For me this means doubling down on my efforts to pursue an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the establishment of a Palestinian state. We Jews weren’t meant to be occupiers. Forty-nine years of holding another people under occupation is more than enough. Israeli security professionals have weighed in on this issue and concluded that the occupation does not provide security. It is a national security liability. The occupation is hurting not only Palestinians but Israelis as well – not equally but significantly.

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