News Nosh 05.27.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday May 27, 2016

Breaking News: 
Environmental Affairs Minister Avi Gabbay resigned from cabinet in protest of the appointment of Avigdor Lieberman as defense minister.

Quote of the day:
"A defense minister in a country surrounded by enemies isn't just another minister. He is the most important minister...The removal of a professional and reasonable defense minister who in a year managed to calm the uprising is a step I couldn't make peace with."
--Environmental Affairs Minister Avi Gabbay said at a press conference today after resigning.
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APN Weekly Update 5/25/2016 - Eldar briefing call today @ 2 (EDT), security over politics, Alpher on the political drama, and more

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: May 25, 2016

"For the first time I feel - because of these kind of politics ... I’m not sure that I want my children to live here."

Roni Daniel, Israel Channel 2's veteran military correspondent, during his despairing outburst about the Netanyahu-Ya'alon-Liberman machinations. Some have likened the outburst to a real-life "I'm mad as hell and I can't take it any more" moment (see: Even Rambo Is Afraid of Where Netanyahu Is Heading).

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent Israeli security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

May 23, 2016 - The Herzog-Yaalon-Lieberman-Sisi-Bibi drama; the real Netanyahu at work

Q. Israel seemed to begin last week with a Likud-Labor unity government, blessed by the president of Egypt. It ended last week with an even more right-wing government and the departure of a defense minister who stood up for IDF commanders with liberal values. What happened, and why?

A. This is all about PM Netanyahu, his values and his tactics. It tells us once again that his only strategies are staying in power and holding onto as much West Bank territory as possible...

Q. And the fallout?

A. (Egyptian President) Sisi was humiliated. He welcomed a peace coalition in Jerusalem and ended up with loud-mouth Lieberman--settler, racist, proto-fascist...

Q. Where does this leave civil-military relations in Israel?

A. The IDF leadership has emerged in recent months as the champion of liberal values and standards in the occupied territories and to some extent even in Israeli politics...

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Government Relations

APN Legislative Round-Up: May 13, 2016

  1. Bills, Resolutions, and Letters
  2. FY17 NDAA - On the House Floor (Mideast-related amdts
  3. FY17 NDAA - Senate Version
  4. FY17 Defense Approps - Middle East-related Elements (HOUSE)
  5. Hearings
  6. On the Record

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The Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer begins sundown tonight, Wednesday, May 25. This festive day comes on the 33rd day of the Omer, or the counting of days between Passover and Shavuot.

Briefing Call

TODAY - Wednesday, May 25th, 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Recent developments in the Israeli political arena with Akiva Eldar, senior political columnist

Hear about the recent developments in the Israeli political arena: Netanyahu's coalition negotiations with Avigdor Lieberman and Labor’s Yitzhak Herzog, Moshe Yaalon's resignation and the increasing tension between the government and the security establishment.

To participate, phone 951-797-1058; Access Code: 147414

Go HERE for more about the briefing call and Akiva Eldar. Note that the call will be recorded and available at

APN Response

APN Alarmed over Avigdor Lieberman's Imminent Appointment as Israel's Defense Minister

APN President and CEO Debra DeLee: "Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is today once again showing the world that he puts politics and personal political survival above the national security of Israel and its people."

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Go HERE to see and share APN's Internet Meme "Bibi - Israel needs Security, not Politics (partially pictured above).

Recommended Reading

Ha'aretz: "Israel Knew All Along That Settlements, Home Demolitions Were Illegal"
By Gershom Gorenberg
New evidence shows government's adviser on international law said in 1968 that demolishing terror suspects' homes violates Geneva Convention.

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New York Times: "Israel's Army Goes to War With Its Politicians"
In most countries, the political class supervises the defense establishment and restrains its leaders from violating human rights or pursuing dangerous, aggressive policies. In Israel, the opposite is happening...

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APN Israel Study Tour

REGISTRATION OPEN - APN 2016 Israel Study Tour

Reserve your space on Americans for Peace Now's Israel Study Tour, November 12 - November 17, 2016. Coming only days after a new US President is elected, the Study Tour will provide a unique insight into how Israelis and Palestinians perceive the election results and believe it might the conflict and prospects for its resolution.

Go HERE  for more information including on securing your spot with a deposit.

Contact us at or 202-408-9898 with any questions.


©2016. Americans For Peace Now, 2100 M Street NW, Suite 619 Washington, DC 20037.

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News Nosh 05.26.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday May 26, 2016
Quotes of the day:
"I would be happy to show Mayasem that there are different people, people who seek peace.” 
“Mayasem, good luck with your studies.”
“Thank you for the opportunity to support Mayasem.”
“I am so ashamed, hope we will be able to fix this.”

--Hundreds of mostly Jewish Israelis posted on a crowdfunding website after donating money to Maysam Abu Al-Kian, the 19-year-old Arab-Israeli supermarket employee who was brutally beaten by undercover Border Police in Tel-Aviv this week.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"I don't shop at a supermarket whose employees beat cops...This piece of trash needs to sit in prison."
--Chief Inspector Sharon Yamincha, the head of Israel Police's new media department, wrote on his personal Facebook account with an image of the supermarket where employee Maysam Abu Al-Kian was brutally beaten by Border Police.
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Briefing call on the political development in Israel with Akiva Eldar

akiva_eldar186x139On May 25, APN hosted a briefing call on the political development in Israel, following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s signing a new coalition agreement with right-wing firebrand Avigdor Lieberman, appointing Lieberman to the position of Minister of Defense. Eldar, a senior columnist with al-Monitor, spoke about the implications for Israel, its security, and its relations with the Palestinians and the world.

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News Nosh 05.25.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Note: APN will hold a briefing call today with Akiva Eldar, senior political columnist with Al-Monitor’s Israel Pulse and formerly with Haaretz. Eldar will discuss the recent developments in the Israeli political arena and the increasing tension in Israel between the government and the security establishment.
Time: Wednesday, May 25th, 2:00 pm Eastern Time
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058
Participant Access Code: 147414

Quote of the day:
"Even before the game was over, the coach of Bnei Sakhnin took the (sobbing) coach of Be'er Sheva into his arms, and congratulated him. The players on both sides embraced each other. Both teams, and both cities, belong to a better world, a better land, than we've come, sadly, to expect."
--Haaretz+ columnist Bradley Burston writes about the end of a soccer game this week where the losing Arab team hugged the players of the winning team of Jews, Muslims and Christians.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Hebron settlers steal wooden furniture from Palestinian home in Hebron for Lag BaOmer bonfire.**
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News Nosh 05.24.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Quote of the day:
"The problem is far worse. The ill spirit of racism communicated by the ministers and members of the leadership is being translated into an intolerable reality of violence."
--MK Dov Khenin of the Joint List called on Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to "get answers for what appears, ostensibly, to be a lynching, in broad daylight -- an assault on an innocent civilian in broad daylight (by security forces) just because he is Arab."

You Must Be Kidding: 
"The State Prosecutor’s Office also insisted to be the one to represent the state at the High Court, meaning its people, whose views in opposition to (publishing) the report are clear, will represent both sides of the appeal."
--Yedioth's Ronen Bergman writes about the ombudsman report on the relations between the National Forensic Institute and the State Prosecutor's Office, which state prosecutors are trying to prevent from being published.  A source who read it said it is a virtual 'earthquake.'
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May 23, 2016 - The Herzog-Yaalon-Lieberman-Sisi-Bibi drama; the real Netanyahu at work


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses what happened last week, with Israel beginning last week with a Likud-Labor unity government, blessed by the president of Egypt, and ended with an even more right-wing government and the departure of a defense minister who stood up for IDF commanders with liberal values; the fallout; and where this leaves civil-military relations in Israel.

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News Nosh 05.23.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 23, 2016
Quote of the day:
"And on this issue, it won’t be possible to rely on the American precedent, because capital punishment in America isn’t applied selectively to a certain population group."
--From today's Haaretz Editorial on the easing of the law for executing only Palestinian terrorists - but not Jewish ones.

You Must Be Kidding: 
Classified documents, likely revealing methods to solicit information, were accidentally passed into the hands of the attorneys of seven Jewish individuals indicted for terror activities last month.
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News Nosh 05.22.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday May 22, 2016
Quote of the day:
“After this week, I’m not sure I want my children to remain here.”
--Patriotic veteran Channel 2 News military correspondent, Roni Daniel, shocks the country on live TV.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
In one of numerous examples of refusal by Israel's National Archives, researcher activists say they tried to access files compiled by a committee examining the 1990 riots on the Temple Mount, but the archives allegedly refused to provide the documents, giving no reason, even though 25 years had passed since the incidents. **
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Akiva Eldar APN hosted a briefing call on Wednesday, May 25th, at 2:00 pm Eastern Time with Akiva Eldar, senior political columnist with Al-Monitor’s Israel Pulse and formerly with Haaretz.

Akiva discussed the recent developments in the Israeli political arena: Binyamin Netanyahu’s coalition negotiations with Avigdor Lieberman and before that with Labor’s Yitzhak Herzog; Moshe Yaalon’s resignation from the government and the Knesset, and the increasing tension in Israel between the government and the security establishment.

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