February 01, 2016 - Regional initiatives, regional spying



This week, Alpher discusses the flurry of high level discussions and agreements between Israel, Greece and Cyprus, with Egypt also mentioned as an economic and military partner, seemingly directed at isolating Turkey regionally; more Edward Snowden revelations of far-reaching electronic monitoring by the US and UK, and whether Israel is alarmed at its friends’ spying; if there is any chance of success trying to end the slaughter in Syria, via the convening of yet another high-level meeting in Geneva to try; how do Israelis react to more and more instances of regime-led siege warfare against Syrian civilian villages, leading to starvation; his reaction to French FM Fabius calling for an international peace conference and threatening that if it fails, France will recognize a Palestinian state.

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News Nosh 02.01.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Quote of the day:
"Parents who choose the (Jewish-Arab) bilingual school follow a unique path different to that of most of Israel's citizens and residents…in order to fight, in their own way, for the values of coexistence."
--High Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, who headed Sunday's panel of six judges, slammed the racist arsonists of the Israeli Yad B'Yad school for trying to harm co-existence and ruled to extend their sentences.**
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News Nosh 01.31.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday January 31, 2016
Quote of the day:
"A nation that is in a civil war cannot publish a civics textbook."
--Haaretz journalist Uri Misgav writes that the storm over the details in a new Israeli civics textbook expose the quiet war between the two Israels.**

You Must Be Kidding: 
"We will continue to admit our mistakes."
--Im Tirtzu Director General Matan Peleg apologized for his organization's campaign 'outing' left-wing Israeli artists and intellectuals as 'foreign moles' - but didn't remove the campaign poster with their faces on it from the organization's Facebook page. 
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Let’s take a moment for a thought experiment. I do this days after more Palestinian attacks on Israelis, including the horrific murder of a mother of six children; soon after Israel announced the expropriation of another 370 acres of land near Jericho; and after Majed Faraj, the Palestinian security chief, announced that Palestinian security forces had intercepted 200 potential terrorist attacks against Israel. The thought experiment focuses on whether the “Plan B” for the Israel-Palestine dispute should be Israel’s annexation of the territories it occupied in 1967 and the extension of full citizenship rights to the Palestinians in those areas.

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News Nosh 01.29.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday January 29, 2016
Quote of the day:
“The search, identification and marking of alleged traitors is an old fascist characteristic, an ugly and dangerous one.”
--Likud MK Benny Begin slammed the campaign 'outing' left-wing artists as traitors and called for Im Tirtzu’s funding sources to be exposed.**
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News Nosh 01.28.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 28, 2016
Quote of the day:
"As one of the only ones here who grew up in a dictatorship, I am telling you that (you) are going in a very wrong direction."
--MK Haim Yellin (Yesh Atid), who immigrated from Argentina during that country's "Dirty War" period of state terror, tells Culture Minister Miri Regev after she presented her controversial 'Cultural Loyalty' bill to Knesset.**
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News Nosh 01.27.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday January 27, 2016

Quote of the day:
“After Operation Protective Edge, Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense and thousands upon thousands of dead and injured that the IDF left in Gaza, a state whose government ministers and MKs call on civilians to shoot to kill; a state whose soldiers shoot and kill Palestinians every day; in whose army a soldier killed a youth who went out to collect thistles; and the trials of those who committed real atrocities goes on and is dragged out and later it turns out that none of them are really responsible for their actions – in a country like this, that’s what bothers us? One dead Palestinian?
--Israeli writes letter to the editor lambasting the ‘racket’ raised by the State of Israel, which arrested three left-wing and human-rights activists.**
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Michael Sfard in Haaretz: The Israeli Occupation Will End Suddenly

The strength of organizations working to end the occupation and their supporters is greater than we think.

One day the occupation will end. It will probably happen in one fell swoop. And when it happens, it will suddenly emerge that everyone was against it. That the politicians had actually worked to end it, that the journalists strove indefatigably to expose its injustices, that the cultural institutions condemned it courageously and that Israeli academia was a center of persistent resistance, from which the struggle drew ideological and moral backing. In short, everyone was part of the Resistance.

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January 26, 2016 - Palestinian issues revisited



This week, Alpher discusses why he has had so little discussion on issues related directly to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and prospects for new negotiations recently; whether, even if that’s the case regarding the PLO in the West Bank, we can ignore assessments regarding Hamas and Hezbollah activity there, alongside predictions regarding violence emanating from Gaza, extremist inclinations among the Israeli Arab community, and even a high-level forecast of ISIS activity against Israel; the angry Israeli reaction to US Ambassador Dan Shapiro's statement that Israel exercises a legal double standard in its approach to Israeli settlers as opposed to Palestinians in the West Bank; and whether Israeli-Turkish negotiations regarding normalization of bilateral relations hold out any hope for a better situation in Gaza.

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News Nosh 01.26.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday January 26, 2016
You Must Be Kidding: 
"In the fall of 2015, a series of stabbings were made across the country. Most of them were committed by Arab citizens of Israel ..."
--False information in the controversial new Israeli civics textbook.
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