December 21, 2015 - What the “Breaking the Silence” controversy is really about



This week, Alpher discusses why the Israeli political right is so brutally attacking the Breaking the Silence NGO, and why now; whether mainstream Israelis are defending Breaking the Silence; why is the foreign funding a problem, whether the settlers and right-wing NGOs are funded from abroad; the allegations regarding exaggerations and supporting BDS; the oft-quoted statement that the IDF is the most moral army in the world; what he suggests regarding Breaking the Silence and the right-wing campaign against it; the bigger picture: the right wing and the occupation.

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News Nosh 12.21.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 21, 2015  
Quote of the day:
"We need to deal with the situation as a whole, with the whole situation, the atmosphere, the desperation, the frustration, the feelings of revenge, and that is a complete diplomatic treatment that in the end does not touch the lone attacker."
--Former Shin Bet chief, MK Yaakov Peri, describes how to stop the wave of violence by Palestinian youth.
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News Nosh 12.20.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday December 20, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“I am also breaking my silence.” 
--Former commander of IDF's most elite Sayeret Matkal unit and deputy chief of Shin Bet wrote in an ad he took out in Friday's Haaretz, where expressed his support for 'Breaking the Silence' organization and blasted those who want to outlaw it. 

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Putting my money where my words are.

My name is Jim Klutznick, I'm the Chair of the Board of Americans for Peace Now (APN), and I'll get right to the point - I could not be prouder of the staff of this organization, led by CEO Debra DeLee (pictured). The quality and quantity of their work astounds me - work that never lets up, in spite of the enormous challenges of working for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the current environment.

It's easy for some people to say "It will never happen" and just quit. That's not part of the DNA of APN's staff. This staff includes Lara Friedman, who formulates and writes APN's policies and works with Congress and the Administration; Ori Nir, who through his own writing and contacts with journalists keeps APN's views in the public eye; Mark Bilsky, who educates the public through creative development materials; David Pine, who ably represents APN on the West Coast; and Alana Suskin, our in-house Rabbi, who takes on those who use religion to justify continued colonization of the West Bank. Our Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) colleagues in Israel are likewise inspiring - they don't give up, so how can we? I thank them all and I hope you will do so as well.

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APN/Peace Now in the News: December 1 – December 18, 2015

News Nosh 12.18.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday December 18, 2015  
Quote of the day:
"I, like everyone else who was there, knows that there are not a few immoral incidents and acts and that the control over so many people for so long cannot but corrupt and we need to stand guard so that this does not happen."
--Top Maariv political commentator, Ben Caspit, writes about the importance of 'Breaking the Silence' organization.
You Must Be Kidding: 
Percentage of Israelis who think that the activities of ‘left-wing’ (human rights) organizations in Israel, such as Breaking the Silence and B’tselem, are illegitimate. 

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News Nosh 12.17.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 17, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“No, I don’t have a knife, but I have something else for you.”
--Powerful first person piece written by a young Arab university student, who was asked by a Jewish boy on the bus in Haifa whether she were carrying a knife.

You Must Be Kidding: 
“I want you to arrest her. This is not okay.”
--A young foreign woman tells soldiers standing by after a Hebron settler woman slapped her in the face - after which the settler woman slapped her again and walked away, as seen on video. [Note: 'Breaking the Silence' organization was founded by soldiers who served in Hebron and wanted Israelis to know what violations soldiers and settlers were committing against Palestinians as part of their service in the West Bank. - OH]
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WATCH APN's Lara Friedman - Viewpoint with James Zogby on the Israeli Palestinian conflict

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Press Release: APN Condemns Extremists' Attacks on Progressive Israelis


Americans for Peace Now (APN) joins its Israeli sister organization Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in condemning the current wave of vicious right-wing attacks on leaders of Israeli progressive nonprofits, on peace and human rights organizations, and even on Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin.

This week, the incitement against Israeli progressives reached new heights, with the launch of a new campaign by Im Tirtzu, an extremist, McCarthyite Israeli group. This campaign also marks a new low in Im Tirtu’s campaign of incitement against the Left – a remarkable feat given that Im Tirtzu has for some time been plumbing the depths of incitement, including with a vile campaign targeting the New Israel Fund, featuring Der Sturmer-style images of a veteran Israeli Knesset member on whose head they had drawn horns. Im Tirtzu’s new campaign – which includes a video, an ad running in Israeli media, and a website – targets our colleagues in the Israeli human rights and civil society movement, labeling them foreign “plants” and suggesting that they support terror against Israel. The imagery of the campaign calls to mind militant anti-abortion websites in the United States that, until blocked by U.S. courts, included details and photos of targeted individuals and then placed an “X” over the faces of the targets that had been killed.

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News Nosh 12.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 16, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“In 1995, they said the writing on the wall was blurry. They didn’t see, they didn’t hear, they didn’t say, they didn’t stop. They didn’t ask for forgiveness or do soul-searching. But the privilege of not knowing only works once.” 
--Noah Rotman, granddaughter of assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, reacted on her Facebook page to the wave of insidious remarks against President Reuven Rivlin for his participation in a conference, where 'Breaking the Silence' organization was also present.**

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Everything we said is based on facts and research and we don't see it as a problem or incitement. The public needs to see and judge who makes the blood of Israel's soldiers and civilians fair game." 
--Alon Shwartzer, head of Im Tirtzu's policy department, said about the video clip his organization produced depicting four leading Israeli human rights leaders as protectors of terrorists.**
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