Aaron Mann Day 5


We use music in a variety of ways – to teach, to learn, to inspire, to heal. We can use it to help get through life’s troubles or to delve deeply into them.

Donate Sandy Tolan’s Children of the Stone: The Power of Music in a Hard Land explores many of these dynamics through the story of Ramzi Aburedwan, a West Bank Palestinian who uses his rare musical talent to bring the healing power of music to his community in the West Bank. Tolan, the author of the bestselling book The Lemon Tree, powerfully documents Ramzi’s experiences, from his childhood under Israeli occupation to becoming a master viola player in the concert halls of Europe to his return to Ramallah in order to teach and perform.

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Help us SPREAD THE LIGHT and receive "Once Upon a Country"

Weiss/Birenbaum 4


Very few Palestinians have written political memoirs documenting their people’s struggle for statehood and liberty. Sari Nusseibeh’s Once Upon a Country is a rarity and therefore a must-read for anyone seeking to see the conflict through the eyes of a brilliant Palestinian, to comprehend and to empathize.

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News Nosh 12.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 9, 2015  

Quote of the day:
"In a country as tightly knit and loquacious as Israel, it's long been axiomatic that even where state secrets are concerned, everyone knows everything...With one exception."
--Haaretz commentator Bradley Burston writes about the secrecy over settlement funding, which Haaretz+ is now breaking through in its new and extensive investigative report.
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Yariv Oppenheimer on Yossi Sarid: "Difficult is the life of a true prophet”

Yossi Sarid battled against populism and surrendering to public opinion
by Yariv Oppenheimer, Secretary General of Peace Now

Yossi Sarid

Yossi Sarid (1940 - 2015)

Rare are the leaders who, instead of swimming with the flow, choose the most difficult task of all and work to change its trajectory. Such was Yossi Sarid, a leader who made breakthroughs, who told the truth, who shaped public opinion and did not serve it. A role model, a loud piercing voice, which in times of confusion and dilemmas showed the way for many and served as an ideological compass for many thousands.

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News Nosh 12.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday December 8, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“(Yossi) Sarid did not believe in the political center, he despised those public officials who were adapting themselves to the ideology of 'this and that.' Of also wanting peace and supporting the settlements, of supporting human rights and supporting the occupation, of wanting to strengthen the periphery and also supporting massive investment in the Territories. Sarid would never have given a political speech about peace in Ariel (settlement), would never declare Jerusalem as united while supporting a Palestinian state and would not demand social justice within Israel while simultaneously accepting the lack of rights of Palestinians across the Green Line”
--In a moving Op-Ed, Peace Now Secretary General, Yariv Oppenheimer, writes that the biggest battle of former lawmaker Yossi Sarid, who died over the weekend, was against populism, against yielding to public opinion, to the position of the majority and the desire to please.

You Must Be Kidding: 
Only 7% of the building permits issued in Jerusalem over the past few years have gone to Palestinian neighborhoods where 40% of the city’s population lives. Over the past five years, there have been 11,603 building permits issued, only 878 of which were for Palestinian neighborhoods.
--Haaretz+ reports on unequal treatment of city's residents, using information provided by Ir Amim organization.
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Help us SPREAD THE LIGHT and receive "The Unmaking of Israel"

Freedman/Friedman/Lewis Day 3


We are living in the first era of Jewish independence since the time of the Maccabees. It was over 2000 years ago that Jews last controlled their own destiny before the creation of the modern State of Israel. The independence the Maccabees gained lasted about 80 years. Modern day Israel is 67 years old.

DonateIt was internal divisions and rival factions amongst ourselves that led to the loss of sovereignty then and we may well be heading in the same direction today.

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Press release: APN Applauds Secretary Kerry's Warning against Collapse of Two-State Option

Americans for Peace Now (APN) applauds Secretary of State John Kerry for his courageous speech Saturday in which he urged the leaders of Israel and the Palestinians to act now to prevent the collapse of the two-state option and to prevent the emergence of a bi-national state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.

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Peace Parsha: Chanukah - The light that must be seen; the darkness of neglect

peace_parsha_logo_186x140Rabbi Michael Bernstein is the spiritual leader of Congregation Gesher L’Torah in Alpharetta, Ga. Michael received his ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1999 and is an alumni of the Rabbis Without Borders second cohort.


This week on the Jewish calendar both great darkness and great light intersect as we read in the Torah the story of Joseph being subjected by his brothers to the bottom of a pit, and prepare to once more kindle the lights of Chanukah.  In the Talmud, there are two different teachings by Rabbi Tanhum that are presented one after the other, even though they seem to have little to do with each other.  The first is the law that the Chanukah candles must not be placed so high that a passerby's eyes would not naturally be able to see them.  The second deals with Joseph and the fact that the pit into which he is tossed is described as being "empty and having no water."  It had no water, but, according to this teaching, the pit did have snakes and scorpions!   

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Secretary Kerry's Saban Forum Speech: Save the Two-State Solution

Secretary of State John Kerry on December 5, 2015 delivered a courageous speech at the Brookings Institute's Saban Forum, cautioning against the emergence of a bi-national state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, as a result of the current impasse in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking efforts. 

Following is the Israeli-Palestinian portion of the Secretary's speech. For the full text click here

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News Nosh 12.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 7, 2015  

Quote of the day:
"The creativity of those who combat against terrorism from Netanyahu's school (beit midrash) isn't outdone by that of an interrogator of Chinese dissidents. There are plenty of suggestions of oppression, most of which are for collective punishment..."
--Maariv political commentator Ran Adelist looks at the government's recent suggestions for dealing with the wave of Palestinian violence.

You Must Be Kidding: 
Some 200 Jewish residents of Afula chased their mayor and called him a traitor and a terrorist after Arab citizens won the tenders to build a few dozen homes in the city. 
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