News Nosh 11.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday November 16, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"The next time Palestinians hide weapons in a civilian ambulance, the next time a stabber disguises himself as a journalist, the next time Palestinians shoot rockets from near a United Nations building, remember that officers from Israel’s Yamam (Special Police Unit) disguised themselves as a woman in labor on a wheelchair entering a hospital in Hebron in order to arrest a wounded suspect and kill his relative."
--Haggai Matar examines the Israeli media coverage of an illegal Israeli operation.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"A taxi driver passing by saw the crucifix in my car and started shouting: 'He's an Arab terrorist.' They then started beating me with everything they had: sticks, chains and knives. I shouted at them that I'm a police security guard but it didn't help."
--Christian Arab Israeli security guard hospitalized after attack by Jewish Israelis who suspected he was a terrorist simply because he was Arab.
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peace_parsha_logo186x140Barbara Green has been a volunteer for Americans for Peace Now for many years. She lives in Washington, DC.


If we look to the Torah for lessons in how we are to live our lives today, we're hard-pressed to find it in Vayeitze.  Rather this is a series of lessons in duplicity, trickery, bad faith between kinsmen, and ultimately the creation of a physical boundary between them which neither is ever again to cross. Laban tricks Jacob, Rachel tricks Laban, Jacob tricks Laban.  In the end the 'heroes-heroines," our ancestors, narrowly escape with their lives and flocks intact.

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News Nosh 11.15.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

News Nosh will from now on refer to what is commonly called ‘ISIS’ or the ‘Islamic State’ as ‘Daesh.’
Here's why. However, if a newspaper specifically used ISIS, that usage will not be changed.
Quote of the day:
“Just before the right in Israel begins to celebrate, we must tell them: There is no connection whatsoever between the child with a knife from Hebron and the French Muslim with a suicide bomb in Paris. Just before the right in France and all of Europe starts to celebrate, we must tell them: Don’t you dance on the blood as well. The nationalism, hatred of foreigners, racism, deportation of refugees, isolationism and the war against Islam — your magic solutions will not solve anything.”
--Haaretz+ commentator Gideon Levy warns that if Israel continues with its policies, the child stabber from Hebron will turn into the adult suicide bomber of ISIS. 
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APN's Ori Nir and Ghaith al-Omari in conversation at J Street U American, Monday, November 16th

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APN/Peace Now in the News: November 6 – November 13, 2015

APN Board Member Geoffrey Lewis: President Obama, recognize Palestine now! (The Hill, 11/11/2015)

Jim Lobe re-posts APN's fact-checking of Netanyahu's statements regarding West Bank settlements in his CAP interview (LobeLog, 11/13/2015)

Peace Now used as source in AP story on the growth of Israeli settlements over the years (AP, 11/11/2015)

Peace Now welcomes EU's West Bank settlement labeling decision (New York Times, 11/11/2015)

Peace Now welcomes EU's labeling of West Bank settlement products (Times of Israel, 11/11/2015)

Peace Now welcomes EU's labeling of West Bank settlement products (Globe and Mail Canada, 11/11/2015)

Peace Now welcomes EU decision on labeling West Bank settlement products (Bloomberg, 11/11/2015)

Peter Beinart quotes APN's Lara Friedman re Netanyahu's settlement record (Haaretz, 11/11/2015)

EU Move Inspires Scorn From Jewish Groups, Praise From Rights Groups (JTA, 11/11/2015)

APN's Lara Friedman quoted on Obama's policy options on Israel-Palestine (LobeLog, 11/10/2015)

Peace Now's Hagit Ofran: New planned settlement construction consistent with Netanyahu's vision of perpetual occupation (Vice News, 11/9/2015)

APN's Ori Nir quoted in Trudy Rubin's column regarding mainstreaming of extremist views in Israeli society (Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/8/2015)

News Nosh 11.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday November 13, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"And as you know, we do not consider settlements to be part of Israel."
--US State Department spokesman Mark Toner explains why the US does not view the EU labeling of settlements as a boycott of Israel. 
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News Nosh 11.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday November 12, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"Dr. Bibi and Mr. Netanyahu say opposite things depending on the time and the audience.” 
--MK Essawi Freij (Meretz) yesterday. Arab MKs rejected Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's statement this week that he made "a mistake" when he said on the eve of elections that 'Arabs are flocking in droves to the polls.'

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APN Board member Geoffrey Lewis in The Hill: President Obama, recognize Palestine now!

The absurd notion that, during his current trip to the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now signed on to a two-state solution after only eight months ago saying that he would never allow a Palestinian state to emerge is material for George Orwell’s book, 1984.

The recent outbreak of violence in the streets of Israel and Palestine is a wake-up call to all those who seek peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The United States holds a key to bringing the violence to an end and putting the parties on the road to realizing, what the U.S. and virtually every other nation in the world has called for, the implementation of two states, Israel and Palestine. We call on President Obama to act now and recognize the state of Palestine, a process started by Republican President George W. Bush. This single act is urgently needed in order to provide the next U.S. president with a platform that places both Israel and Palestine on equal footing, at least in terms of formal U.S. recognition.

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Press Release: APN Welcomes EU Guidelines for Labeling Settlement Products

Washington, DC - Americans for Peace Now (APN) joins its Israeli sister-organization Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in welcoming the European Union’s new guidelines for labeling products made in West Bank settlements. 

Shalom Achshav today issued the following statement: 
Peace now views the settlement product labeling guidelines issued today by the European Union as a means to oppose the occupation and, thereby, support Israel. Peace Now has always considered the settlement enterprise as the main obstacle to a two state solution, and, like the settlers themselves, views Israeli factories and economic institutions within the West Bank as a political statement. A more accurate labeling system, as Israel never annexed the West Bank, will allow European residents to make purchases according to ideological considerations. Further, this system will help curb efforts to boycott Israel entirely, such as those advocated by the BDS movement. Finally, when negotiations which could lead to a two state solution do not exist, measures which differentiate between Israel and the West Bank are important in preserving the two state solution.
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APN Welcomes EU Guidelines for Labeling Settlement Products

Americans for Peace Now joins its Israeli sister-organization Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in welcoming the European Union’s new guidelines for labeling products made in West Bank settlements. 

Shalom Achshav today issued the following statement: 
Peace now views the settlement product labeling guidelines issued today by the European Union as a means to oppose the occupation and, thereby, support Israel. Peace Now has always considered the settlement enterprise as the main obstacle to a two state solution, and, like the settlers themselves, views Israeli factories and economic institutions within the West Bank as a political statement. A more accurate labeling system, as Israel never annexed the West Bank, will allow European residents to make purchases according to ideological considerations. Further, this system will help curb efforts to boycott Israel entirely, such as those advocated by the BDS movement. Finally, when negotiations which could lead to a two state solution do not exist, measures which differentiate between Israel and the West Bank are important in preserving the two state solution.
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