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Recommended Reading on the Iran Deal

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July 27, 2015 - Immediate regional repercussions of the Iran nuclear deal



This week, Alpher discusses ramifications of the Iran nuclear deal for US-Israel relations, as well as regionally; Israel’s relations with Jordan and Saudi Arabia; how Turkey has exploited the momentum of the Iran nuclear deal; and at this time, two weeks past the conclusion in Vienna of the Iran nuclear agreement with the international community, who is gaining and who is losing in the Middle East.


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News Nosh 07.27.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday July 27, 2015
Quote of the day:
"At first it was strange and scary to write and be in contact with our enemy, but with time, I discovered that the people in the group are really nice. You, the Iraqi Jews, are actually like our brothers because you are part of the history of my country and like me you love the country that it was."
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News Nosh 07.26.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday July 26, 2015

Quote of the day: 
“I want to focus on how we lost among the young against a strong and organized right that bequeaths values of ethnic superiority and contempt for human rights, a media that implants racist, nationalistic messages, and an educational system that is controlled by a strong right-wing.”
--Meretz chief MK Zehava Gal-On said the left-wing camp must examine why it lost the elections - and even suggests connecting with other parties.**
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News Nosh 07.24.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday July 24, 2015
Quote of the day:
"It’s good Mr. Iliatov did not require that a judge needed to have served in the Border Police."
--Arab MK Ahmed Tibi reacts to new MK Robert Iliatov's stated requirement that candidates sing Hatikva to be appointed as judges.
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Peace Now - Settlement Watch News Flash: Advancement of 1065 Housing Units in the Settlements

The sub-committee for settlements of the higher planning committee of the military’s Civil Administration met yesterday to discuss 15 plans, at various planning stages and in different settlements. In total, the committee discussed plans that regard 1,065 housing units. Of these housing units, the plan approved 541 new housing units, retroactively legalized 228 existing housing units, and approved the development of infrastructure for a plan that consists of 296 housing units, while further approval will be needed before construction of the housing units can begin.

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News Nosh 07.23.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday July 23, 2015

Quote of the day:

"It was worth it."
--Response by two far right-wing activists to their sentence for setting fire to Yad B'Yad Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem.**

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APN Mourns the Passing of Theodore Bikel, z"l (1924-2015)

We mourn the passing of APN friend Theodore Bikel.

The world renowned stage and film actor and singer was also a leading peace activist for Israel, and was currently serving as Chairman of the Board of Partners for Progressive Israel. He publicly refused to perform in Israeli settlements, and in 2010 led a settlement boycott effort by 120 artists which he wrote about in the Huffington Post's "Legitimizing an Obstacle to Peace"

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News Nosh 07.22.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday July 2, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“Imagine that we bring before a righteous judge, the stone-throwers, and those who caused them to throw stones. Who will the judge send to prison? He who demolished the home, seized the land, killed the brother, or the boy who threw a stone?”
-- Arab MK Jamal Zahalka (Joint List) asks a question during a stormy Knesset debate over harsher sentences for (Palestinian) stone-thowers.
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