News Nosh 06.03.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday June 3, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“There is no occupation here and this subject is not urgent. In the Six Day War we got what was ours. We returned home. This issue has no importance on the public agenda. I suggest promoting discussions on peace and co-existence. Forget two states, there will only be one state – the State of Israel.”
--In a stormy Knesset debate, Likud MK Miki Zohar says the Knesset does not need to hold a discussion about the Six Day War on its 48th anniversary this week.**

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NSC Press Office: Interview of the President by Israeli Channel 2's Ilana Dayan

obama_bp_oval_office_320x265Q: Mr. President, thank you so much for having us at the White House.

THE PRESIDENT: Wonderful to have you here.

Q: Here’s what you said just a few years ago: “I had the impression that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not interested in just occupying a space, but is interested in being a statesman and putting his country on a more secure track.” And even -- also, you said, “I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace. I think he’s willing to take risks for peace.” Would you repeat those very same words today?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think it’s always difficult to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes. And I think Prime Minister Netanyahu -- I’ve gotten to know and worked with since almost the beginning of my presidency -- is somebody who loves Israel deeply. I think he cares about the security of the Israeli people. I think he recognizes the history of hostility and anti-Semitism that makes it very important to him and his place in history to preserve Israel’s security. And I respect all that.

I think that he also is someone who has been skeptical about the capacity of Israelis and Palestinians to come together on behalf of peace. I think that he is also a politician who’s concerned about keeping coalitions together and maintaining his office.

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News Nosh 06.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday June 2, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“Last week the (kibbutz) administration decided to that the Arab laborers are good enough to enter the kibbutz, renovate and build our homes, but G-d forbid, not to eat with us in the same space in the dining room. Why?...Because some mothers complained…that the laborers were ‘scary.’”
--Ranen Yazarsky revealed her kibbutz’s ‘dirty laundry’ on her Facebook page sparking a storm.**

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This week, Alpher discusses Israel's near-suspension last week from FIFA and what are the broad strategic ramifications of this phase in the global BDS campaign against Israel; how the new right-wing Israeli government, with its heavy pro-settlement bias, can successfully confront this campaign; whether Tony Blair’s departure is a turning point and who will coordinate economic and infrastructure aid to the Palestinians and state institution-building in his absence; whether last Tuesday's firing of a rocket by Islamic Jihad from the Gaza strip towards Ashdod was a blip on the radar screen or an event with strategic ramifications; and the possibility of an Israel-Hamas dialogue.

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APN's Ori Nir: 48 Years late – Liberate Israelis and Palestinians from the Occupation

Ori at Seven

This photo of me at age seven, sitting on a Jeep taken by Israeli soldiers during the Six Day War, was taken in June 1967, just outside my home in Jerusalem, a couple of days after the war ended. During the weeks and months that followed, my family, like many Israelis, rushed to explore the liberated land of the Bible.

In our old Susita, an Israeli-manufactured clunker with a Ford engine and a fiberglass body, we traveled to Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, and the Judea desert. And through the torn-down wall that separated West Jerusalem from East Jerusalem, we walked to the Old City. We pressed prayers into the cracks of the Western Wall and climbed the Mount of Olives. My parents, who had both been Bible teachers, put the scenery in a historical context. We felt that our country was finally whole.

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News Nosh 06.01.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday June 1, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“The defendant made a case from which it is clear that when many complaints were filed of incitement against groups of Jews, settlers or soldiers, no criminal investigation was even launched – and if the complaints were examined, the state made do with a delayed reply, to the effect that there was no ‘real possibility’ of violence."
--Kfar Saba Magistrate’s Court Judge Nava Bechor criticized the prosecution, which, she said, selectively enforces the law against right-wingers compared to others.** 

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News Nosh 05.31.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday May 31, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"At FIFA on Friday, it was proved, again, that we understand only force. Suddenly Israel is prepared to compromise on four significant issues for the Palestinians, suddenly we are promising and begging and returning VIP cards (to Palestinians) and vowing to behave."
--Maariv's Ben Caspit writes that Israel's supposed diplomatic victory was actually a failure.**

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APN's Lara Friedman in The Huffington Post: Dear World: Netanyahu Is Calling You Stupid

Lara_2011_headshot320x265blurred-backgroundIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is grabbing positive headlines these days: first with reports that he wants to go back to negotiations with the Palestinians, and second with reports that he has expressed support for the Arab Peace Initiative (API). Or more accurately, he told EU Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini that he wants negotiations with the Palestinians over settlement blocs, and he told the press that he likes the "general idea" of better relations between Israel in the Arab world. Or, in essence, twice recently Netanyahu called the world stupid.

How stupid? Netanyahu's tactics are so shameless that they bring to mind a bit performed by Richard Pryor in his 1982 performance, "Live on the Sunset Strip." Pryor recounts how his wife caught him with another woman. He tells her: "I don't care what you think you saw... Are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?"

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Briefing call Wednesday, June 3: Tom Segev on the Six Day War anniversary

Segev, Tom275x413On the 48th anniversary of the Six Day War, please join APN for a briefing call with journalist and historian Tom Segev, the author of 1967 – Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East. Segev will talk about his research concerning the war and its aftermath, and will discuss its lingering impact on Israel, almost half a century later.

Tom Segev is an Israeli journalist and historian, the award-winning author of seven books, and a longtime columnist with Israel’s leading newspaper, Haaretz. His comprehensive study of the circumstances that preceded the 1967 war and the reality that it had created was praised by reviewers and scholars worldwide.

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News Nosh 05.29.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday May 29, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"I really hope we won't get to that point because it will be a tsunami for Israeli soccer."
--Former Israel Soccer Association chief Yaakov Arel said the FIFA vote whether to suspend Israel

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