Briefing call with Galia Golan on Israel’s new government



On May 14, 2015, just as Benjamin Netanyahu's new government was being sworn-in in the Knesset, Israeli political expert and Peace Now founder Galia Golan was APN's guest on a briefing call analyzing the domestic and foreign policy challenges facing the new government.

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News Nosh 05.14.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday May 14, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“It was after this hit-and-run attack, the app states, that Arab villagers often tried to block Jewish traffic on the main road. Citing testimony from some of these villagers, iNakba also provides details pertaining to the reprisal operation that followed the convoy ambush – information not widely available via official Israeli sources. “
--Haaretz’s Judy Maltz shares stories revealed in a new app that shows two sides of Israel’s independence war story.**

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News Nosh 05.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday May 13, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"The bodies were checked and they were unarmed. They were still listed as terrorists: they were shot at, so of course they must have been terrorists."
--IDF soldier explains how killed civilians are labeled 'terrorists' in a testimony about how two Palestinian women were killed in Gaza after being spotted talking on their cell phones in an orchard, nearly a kilometer away from an IDF force.** Such testimonies were read in Knesset yesterday.**

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A humbling experience


Israel’s new government - which, at least in its initial composition, is one of the most hardline in Israel’s history - will be sworn in within days.

This government brings together Israel's ultra-nationalist and ultra-Orthodox parties along with a new centrist party. Past positions of this government's members suggest future policies that are the antithesis of what we stand for. This government seems bound to act to further hinder the viability of a two-state solution, to further exacerbate Israel's isolation internationally, to intensify West Bank settlement construction, promote undemocratic legislation and to act to stifle dissent. The Palestinian question is not even mentioned in the government’s guidelines! The cabinet’s super-important Justice portfolio has been given to The Jewish Home’s Ayelet Shaked, who for years has been pushing legislation to dry up the funding sources of Israel’s pro-democracy, pro-peace nonprofit organizations such as Peace Now.

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bennet-and-bibi320x265The coalition agreement between the Likud and the Jewish Home party (Bayit Yehudi) reveals the plans of the new government and indicates its intentions, including: 

1. Granting the settlers control over the construction of settlements and over Israel's authority in the West Bank, while allocating more funds to the settlements. 
2. Passing legislation and reforms that change the democratic rules of the game. 
3. Allocating public funds to bolster the political power of the Israeli Right. 
This agreement, which includes a Jewish Home stronghold on a variety of positions directly related to settlement development, constitutes a clear danger to the possibility of arriving at a two state solution and illustrates the true intention of the current government - massive settlement expansion and the silencing of opposition to the occupation. 

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Briefing call Thursday, May 14, 2:00 PM EST with Galia Golan on Israel’s new government


Galia Golan, a co-founder of Israel’s Peace Now movement, is professor of government and chair of the Program on Diplomacy and Conflict Studies at the School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, and professor emeritus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

An expert on Israel’s international relations, Golan will comment on Israel’s future relations regionally and globally under Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, which will be sworn in this Wednesday.

To listen to the call click here

To receive a link of the recording, please email Katherine Cunningham at APN will send you a link to the recording of the call as soon as it is available

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Peace Now report: "The Settlers’ Dream Government"

The Settlers’ Dream Government

Analysis of the coalition agreement between the Likud and the Jewish Home party (Bayit Yehudi)

The coalition agreement between the Likud and the Jewish Home party (Bayit Yehudi) reveals the plans of the new government and indicates its intentions. Beyond increasing the budgets and development of settlements, the government intends to address sectorial interests relating to the national religious public and to finance ideological educational activities aimed to fortify the right side of the political map. In addition, the government intends to initiate actions to restrict freedom of expression, to weaken the High Court of Justice and impair Israel’s democracy.

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News Nosh 05.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday May 12, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"The time has come for zero tolerance for 'death to Arabs' chants, a slogan that has flown under the radar. Zero tolerance, including detainment, arrest and indictment." 
--High Court Justice Isaac Amit said during petition hearing to prevent the ‘Jerusalem Day’ parade from marching through the Old City’s Muslim Quarter.**

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 This week, Alpher discusses what is the core problem that prevents Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu putting a government in place, even one with only 61 ministers; assuming that within a few days Netanyahu manages to field a narrow right-religious coalition, what his political options are; how the Europeans and the region are reacting to the emerging new coalition; given repeated battlefield advances in Syria in recent weeks, what might an opposition victory by Islamist and other rebels in Syria over the Assad government and its Iranian and Hezbollah supporters look like, and is it realistic?

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News Nosh 05.11.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 11, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“Someone gave this order, and I don’t believe that, simply out of a sense of adventure, these people decided to blow up U.S. intelligence services and torch the post office in Alexandria. It’s not possible.”
-- Then-Israeli defense minister Pinhas Lavon demands from then-IDF Military Intel chief to Binyamin Gibli to reveal who gave the order to activate a Jewish terror cell in Egypt in order to undermine Cairo’s relations with the US and Britain. The dialogue was revealed yesterday by IDF archives.**

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