News Nosh 01.19.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday January 19, 2015

Quote of the day:

“Because my wife and I and many other Israelis like us want to leave their children a country which does not control another people and which is not indifferent to its poor, we will not stop fighting for the end of the occupation and end of poverty. All the rest is important, but not critical.”
--Yedioth economic analyst Sever Plocker answers Yair Lapid’s question, "What kind of country do you want to leave your children?"**

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News Nosh 01.18.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday January 18, 2015

Quote of the day:

"During Operation Protective Edge over 2,000 people were killed in Gaza who we could not identify."
--IDF Judge Advocate General, Major General Dani Efroni, warns of problems Israel could face in a probe by The Hague of war crimes.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: January 9-January 16, 2015

Boston Globe - January 12, 2015
APN's Ori Nir op-ed: Israelis need optimism

The Forward - January 9, 2015
APN participates in progressive list running in elections for WZO

The Wrap - January 15, 2015
Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer to take part in premiere of new Travel Channel series

News Nosh 01.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday January 16, 2015

Number of the day:
--Percentage of Israelis who DO want Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to serve another term. 58% do not and 6% are unsure. **

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News Nosh 01.15.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 15, 2015

Quote of the day:
“We have an army and a state and we don’t do eye for an eye. We must not be criminals and ignore phenomena like ‘price-tag' attacks."
--President Reuven Rivlin tells right-wing columnists he will continue to condemn price-tag attacks.** 

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PAST ACTION - Tell your Senators: SUPPORT Iran diplomacy; OPPOSE new Iran sanctions


Update: this action, now closed, ran in January 2015. 

The fight to keep Iran-focused diplomacy alive isn’t over. Last year, with your help, efforts by some Senators – backed by groups like AIPAC – to pass new, diplomacy-killing Iran sanctions in the Senate (S. 1881) were stopped in their tracks. Now, the same group is at it again, with new Iran sanctions legislation expected to be introduced in the Senate next week.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice has predicted that new Iran sanctions would “blow up” negotiations. President Obama has promised to veto the legislation if it makes it to his desk. But this isn’t stopping Senate Iran hawks and their supporters. They appear more determined than ever to move ahead with new sanctions and are working to muster a veto-proof majority.

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News Nosh 01.14.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday January 14, 2015

Quote of the day:
“Returning to your ancestral home need not be due to distress, out of desperation, because of destruction, or in the throes of terror and fear. Terror has never kept us down, and we do not want terror to subdue you.”
--Israeli President Reuven Rivlin calls on French Jews to immigrate to Israel out of love, not out of fear.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: December 19, 2014 - January 2, 2015

The Forward - December 23, 2014
APN's Lara Friedman opinion piece: Stop Babying Israel at the U.N. Security Council

People's World - December 19, 2014
APN sponsors Jerusalem lecture with Daniel Seidemann

San Diego Jewish World - December 24, 2014
APN press release re: UNSC vote reprinted in entirety

Intermountain Jewish News - December 31, 2014
APN's Debra DeLee participates in Denver panel on Israeli-Palestinian peace

APN/Peace Now in the News: January 2 - January 9, 2015

Al-Monitor – January 4, 2015
Peace Now estimates: cost of settlements to national budget is 2 billion Shekels annually

Jerusalem Post – January 6, 2015
High Court sides with Peace Now petition and orders remaining Migron settler structures demolished

Cleveland Jewish News – January 7, 2015
APN's Ori Nir to kick off series of events on discussing controversial subjects in a spirit of understanding

The Forward – January 9, 2015
APN participates in progressive list running in elections for WZO

News Nosh 01.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday January 13, 2015

Quote of the day:
“The political drift against Israel is expected to continue – and worsen.”
--From a confidential Israeli Foreign Ministry report on the diplomatic forecast for Israel in 2015.**

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