The Iran Deal: Invitation to 2/27 Briefing call with Larry Hanauer and Joseph Cirincione

Friday, February 27th, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.
To join the call dial 951-797-1058 and enter passcode 147414.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will come to Congress next Tuesday to try to mobilize it against the Obama administration’s efforts to reach a deal with Iran. This week, he described Congress as the “last stop” before a deal that he deems catastrophic for Israel. But will Congress come to Netanyahu’s help? Can Congress thwart such a deal? And what kind of a deal are President Obama and Secretary Kerry trying to secure? In what way does its chief characteristics differ from Netanyahu’s approach?

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News Nosh 02.25.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday February 25, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Lock the Customs safe containing the tax money, turn off the switch at the Israel Electricity Corp., don’t open the (water) tap. Nobody’s hands get dirty, there are no casualties, fear of the occupier is maintained and there’s more to come."
--Haaretz's Zvi Bar'el slams the Israeli decisions to 'punish' the Palestinians.

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Yossi Alpher Brown Bag event March 5th, 11:30am

hamentashen250x163On Thursday, March 5th, Yossi Alpher will be in Washington DC promoting his new book, Periphery: Israel's Search for Middle East Allies. APN is hosting a brown-bag lunch – you provide the lunch, we provide the hamantaschen – Yes, the 5th happens to be Purim!

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News Nosh 02.24.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 24, 2015

Number of the day:
--Monthly average for new homes in settlements during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's third government, according to a new Peace Now report.**

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Peace Now Releases Settlement Construction Report

Peace Now's annual construction report reveals substantial increase in construction starts, planning and tenders – specifically in isolated settlements and in the most disputed areas in terms of the chance for two states. To download the full report click here.
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February 23, 2015 - Knesset election assessment



This week, Alpher discusses the likelihood Israel will produce a government capable of moving forward toward a two-state solution; whether a right-wing-led government is more likely at this point; what, at this point in time, is the most likely coalition to emerge from these elections; what surprises he envisions in these elections; the possibility of the United States and the international community ratcheting up the pressure on the next Israeli government; and what are the consequences thus far of the tension over Iran between Netanyahu and the Obama administration that has reportedly brought US-Israeli relations to a new low.

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News Nosh 02.23.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday February 23, 2015

Numbers of the day:
90%: 60%
--The percentage of Israeli Arabs vs. the percentage of Israeli Jews who believe there is a possibility for co-existence in Israel, according to a new poll.

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News Nosh 02.22.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday February 22, 2015

Number of the day:
--Amount of shekels (just over $1 million) that the Jerusalem Municipality plans to invest in building a Jewish ritual bath for Jewish settlers in an enclave in E. Jerusalem.**

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Rawabi: A clear Israeli and Zionist interest


Jim and Rivlin

This week, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin publicly lamented the challenge facing the new Palestinian city of Rawabi, whose existence he called a “clear Israeli and Zionist interest.” Rawabi is now ready for its first residents – except that there is no running water. This problem has continued for months, and President Rivlin drew attention to a Haaretz editorial identifying its source: the zero-sum game that Israeli settlers and politicians play with the lives of Palestinians.

APN Chair Jim Klutznick recently brought you the story of Rawabi and how it can benefit Israel – his words are more timely and urgent than ever.

Debra DeLee
President and CEO
Americans for Peace Now

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News Nosh 02.20.15

APN's special Israeli election polls review
Friday February 20, 2015

Number of the day:
--Percentage of Likud voters who said in a poll that the State Comptroller report on the Prime Minister's taxpayer-funded house expenses reduces the chance they will vote for him in the coming elections.

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