APN's daily news review from Israel
--Hadash party MK Dov Khenin slams decision to approve another almost $54 million dollars for settlements hours before the Knesset dispersed and just before he got kicked out of the Knesset Finance Committee.**
Israeli elections
This week, Alpher discusses why the new Knesset elections have been set so soon; who Netanyahu's rivals on the right are; whether the left-center is incapable of mounting a challenge; what is happening with Yesh Atid; what will happen to the Arab parties, with a new threshold law that requires a party to gain a minimum of four mandates; and whether the bombings of Damascus airport and a second site at Dimas near Damascus that Syria accused Israel of on Sunday have any connection to Israel's elections.
The Forward - November 23, 2014
APN's Lara Friedman: The Terror Rocking Jerusalem Is Not About God
Haaretz - November 24, 2014
Ori Nir's op-ed: The sickness in both Israeli and Palestinian societies
New York Times - November 25, 2014
APN Ori Nir's article quoted by NYT's Thomas Friedman
Ynet - November 29, 2014
Large turnout for Peace Now demonstration in Jerusalem
Jerusalem Post - November 29, 2014
Anger and defiance at Peace Now demonstration in opposition to "Jewish State" bill
Times of Israel - November 30, 2014
Thousands turn out for Peace Now Jerusalem demonstration against "Jewish State" bill
Haaretz - November 30, 2014
At demonstration organized by Peace Now, over 1,000 protest Jewish nation-state bill outside PM's
Jewish Currents - November 30, 2014
Profile of APN Board Member Mandy Patinkin mentions his 2012 Peace Now speech
The Forward (JTA story) - December 2, 2014
APN among Jewish groups opposing "Jewish State" bill
Diamondback (UMD campus newspaper) - December 3, 2014
APN's Ori Nir and ATFP's Ghaith al-Omari speak at UMD
Watch "After Gaza: Getting Back to the Peace Process," moderated by APN's Director of Policy and Government Relations, Lara Friedman. The panel features Shlomo Ben-Ami, Amb. Daniel Kurtzer, Khalil Shikaki, and Khaled Elgindy at MEI's 68th Annual Conference, "Navigating the Storm: The Middle East in 2015."
As you know, last week the parties to the ongoing negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program agreed to extend talks. This extension underscores the important progress that has been made in talks so far, as well as the shared understanding of the very serious risks failure will entail, for everyone. All those who are genuinely concerned with the challenge posed by Iran’s nuclear program should continue to stand with the Obama Administration and its P5+1 allies in supporting this extension in negotiations.
Tell your Senators and Representatives in Congress: “I support continued diplomacy with Iran -- and I want you to do the same.” Call 855-686-6927*.