News Nosh 08.22.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday August 22, 2014

NOTE: News Nosh will be on holiday from Sunday August 24th thru Thursday August 28th.

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News Nosh 08.21.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday August 21, 2014

Name of the day:
"Abu Ubaida."
--The name of a street in E. Jerusalem that was recently changed, it appears because it is also the name of a spokesman for Hamas' military wing, which has enjoyed a surge in popularity among Palestinians in recent weeks, amid Operation Protective Edge.**

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News Nosh 08.20.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday August 20, 2014

Quote of the day:
"My generation is the era of state-paid, indictment-immune rabbis counseling hatred, preaching racism, inciting bloodshed, exalting war, degrading democracy, sanctifying inequality, forbidding compromise, undermining solutions."
--Haaretz+ commentator Bradley Burston writes that Israel will be better off when his generation is dead.**

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News Nosh 08.19.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday August 19, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Unfortunately, it's not nice to be an Arab in Israel these days."
--Social Affairs Minister Meir Cohen tells Bedouin he visited in south.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: August 8-August 15, 2014

The Guardian - July 31, 2014

APN News Nosh's editor, Orly Halpern, quoted in story about Israeli media coverage of Gaza War

Jerusalem Post - August 9, 2014
Hundreds show up to pro-peace Tel Aviv demonstration, co-sponsored by Peace Now, despite police orders to cancel

New York Times - August 12, 2014
APN Board Member Judith Tuller Letter to the Editor re: Hillary Clinton's comments on foreign policy


August 18, 2014 - Ceasefire talks, Obama-Netanyahu tensions, missing Leibel Fein



This week, Alpher discusses the ceasefire talks; whether Israel should cooperate with its investigation of the conduct of the Gaza war; the Obama-Netanyahu tensions; and remembers Leibel Fein.

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News Nosh 08.18.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday August 18, 2014

Quote of the day:

“1,000 flames will not extinguish the love.”
--Words on a sign held by left-winger demonstrating against the right-wing Jews from "Lehava", who demonstrated outside a wedding of a Jewish woman and an Arab man. Lehava is both a Hebrew word meaning “flame” and a Hebrew acronym for the organization "Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land.")**

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News Nosh 08.17.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday August 17, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Dangerous processes are taking place in Israel. Because of the desperation and anxiety, nationalism and racism broke out at once. We are losing our home to self-hatred."
--Israeli author David Grossman at a rally Saturday night calling for diplomatic negotiations with the Palestinians and against racism and incitement against Arab citizens.**

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News Nosh 08.15.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday August 15, 2014

Quote of the day:
"The relations with the US represent a strategic and economic asset for the citizens of Israel and this government has succeeded in ruining that."
--Opposition Leader Yitzhak Herzog breaks his silence over Operation Protective Edge and slams the Netanyahu government for harming relations with the US.**

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Leonard "Leibel" Fein, z''l

Leonard_Fein320x265It is with the heaviest of hearts that APN today grieves the loss of our dear friend and longtime APN Board Member Leonard “Leibel” Fein.  We know that Leibel will be mourned by the countless people he touched through his writings and his personal contacts across a life that spanned eight decades of extraordinary professional accomplishments, including as a writer, a teacher, and a prolific columnist; as the founder of Moment Magazine; as the founder of Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger; and as the founder of the National Jewish Coalition for Literacy.

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