
This week, Alpher discusses whether Egypt's reported proposal to help solve the Palestinian issue by allowing the Gaza Strip to expand into Egyptian territory in northeast Sinai in realistic; is it a breakthrough that for the very first time a senior Hamas official stated that there is no religious prohibition on negotiating directly with Israel; is it a watershed event that Friday 43 reservists from the IDF's elite listening unit 8200 published a declaration refusing to serve, in protest at the abuse of intelligence data to perpetuate the occupation; why the Sunni Arab world is seemingly so reluctant to sign up for President Obama's military campaign against ISIL.


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News Nosh 09.15.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday September 15, 2014

Quote of the day:
"The Unit 8200 refuseniks are trying, for the first time, to establish a clear distinction between spying on Israel's enemies – hostile states and terror organizations – and on ordinary Palestinian citizens."
--Haaretz+'s Anshel Pfeffer analyzes why the letter by members of the Military Intel Unit 8200 is so powerful compared to previous letters by soldiers refusing to serve.**

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News Nosh 09.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday September 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
"These days, shouting 'death to Arabs' in the middle of Jaffa Street is okay; nothing should be done about it."
--Aviv Tatarsky, a volunteer with the 'City Guard,' a grassroots group that protects Arabs in the capital from attacks by Jewish racists.**

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Michael Walzer - A Call for Truth and Peace - Rosh Hashanah 2014/5775

Michael Walzer: Time for Israel and her supporters to do cheshbon nefesh -- an accounting of the soul


August 2014


Dear Friend,


I write this letter as a blessed cease fire is just going into effect, — not the first cease fire, and I don’t know if this one will hold. But it may be, so we all hope, that the Gaza war is over. If not now, then very soon negotiations for a lasting cease fire or even for something that might look like peace will begin. I have no sense of how these negotiations will go, but all of us at Americans for Peace Now believe that this is an opportunity for Israel to act boldly to strengthen the Palestine Authority (PA) and its new unity government and, with its help, to prevent or strongly curtail the rearmament of Hamas and to open the way for reconstruction and economic development in Gaza. But Gaza is not alone. There can’t be a legitimate PA in Gaza unless Israel is ready to work with the PA in Ramallah for the two-state solution that we have been defending for so long. When you read this, you will know whether Israel and Palestine have moved closer, or farther away, from this necessary goal.

Meanwhile, we have to think about what is happening inside Israel itself. Before the war began, we followed with horror the news of the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli boys and then of the murder of a Palestinian boy. Gilad Shaer, Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrah, and Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir: in our hearts, these are all “our boys,” who died deaths that no child should.

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APN/Peace Now in the News: September 5 - September 12, 2014

The Forward - September 12, 2014
APN Board Member Kathleen Peratis writes about her recent visit to Gaza


The Middle East Eye - September 5, 2014
Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer on the movement's dilemma during the Gaza war


The NY Jewish Week - September 10, 2014
Hagit Ofran and Lara Friedman comment on legal process concerning Gush Etzion bloc and the motivations behind Israel's declaration of it as "state land"


The Jerusalem Post - September 11, 2014
A reflection by Rabbi Barry Leff on his tour to Hebron with APN's Study Tour



APN Board Members Meet with President Rivlin in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel – A delegation representing American for Peace Now (APN) met yesterday with Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin at the President’s residence in Jerusalem.

Rivlin_Klutznick_500The delegation, headed by APN’s Chair of the Board James Klutznick (pictured with the President), congratulated Rivlin for his recent election to be Israel’s tenth president.

Rivlin expressed appreciation for APN’s support of the state of Israel and for caring about its future as a Jewish state and a democracy.

Klutznick pointed out that unlike APN and its Israeli sister organization, Shalom Achshav (Peace Now), President Rivlin does not support the two-state solution. President Rivlin replied that if the Israeli Knesset adopts a two-state solution he will not oppose it. “We should live here with open borders, whether in one state or in two states,” he said.

Asked how he planned to use the office of the President to advance efforts for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Rivlin replied that in his opinion, peace ought to start with improving relations between Israel’s Jewish majority and its Arab minority. He said that he hopes to use the office of the President to turn conflicts into constructive debates. 

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News Nosh 09.12.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 12, 2014

Quote of the day:
"I remember the picture on the screen. The suspect inside an orchard, an explosion, smoke and a mother running."
N. shares why she and 42 other officers and soldiers refuse to serve anymore in the IDF's elite military intel unit 8200.**

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News Nosh 09.11.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday September 11, 2014

Quote of the day:
"The peace process will help us fight this mutual threat. Those who don't want to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are the ones who will eventually drive us to a bloody conflict with decapitators."
--Justic Minister Tzipi Livni speaking at special cabinet discussion on ISIS threat.**

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News Nosh 09.10.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday September 10, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Why bother any more to lie about what's really going on here, what the government and the settlement movement are actually doing, and why?
--Haaretz commentator and senior editor Bradley Burston takes apart Elliot Abrams lies in Foreign Policy about settlements.**

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News Nosh 09.09.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday September 09, 2014

Quote of the day:
"However, to date, this initiative has not received an official response from the governments of Israel."
--Israeli former security officials and academics write letter calling on Prime Minister to embrace the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which, they write, has support of most Israelis and Palestinians.**

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