
This week, Alpher discusses the new Middle East reality Israel confronts as a consequence of the US-Russian deal regarding Syria's chemical weapons, what lessons and conclusions can be taken from the massive commemoration in Israel of the 40 years since the outbreak of the 1973 war with Egypt and Syria, the significance of a ruling by an Israeli judge two weeks ago concerning Palestinian incitement against Israel, and the contribution of Osama al-Baz, who died Saturday in Egypt, to peace.

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News Nosh 09.16.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday September 16, 2013


Quote of the day:

"It is these facts on the ground, not the guidelines, which threaten to make a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible."
--Former EU leaders - including former Spanish foreign minister Miguel Moratinos, who is considered relatively close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - wrote a letter saying settlements harm peace and calling on the EU to stand firm on new guidelines forbidding any EU money to institutions or people linked to activities in the W. Bank, Golan Heights, or E. Jerusalem.**

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News Nosh 09.15.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday September 15, 2013


Number of the day:

--The dollar price of a round-trip ticket to Turkey for Israelis as Turkey tries to lure Israeli tourists back to their country.**

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News Nosh 9.13.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Friday September 13, 2013


Quote of the day:

"There is no doubt some Palestinian news outlets incite against Israel and the Jews, but it is clear this is not an official policy of the PA."
--Tel-Aviv District Court Judge Dalia Gannot completely rejects the testimony of the founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch, Itamar Marcus, making minced meat out of his claims.**

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News Nosh 09.12.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday September 12, 2013


Quote of the day:

"This thing is being handled like some moonlighting gig."
--Speaking at a conference, Yossi Beilin slams Israel's handling of the peace talks.**

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Meet the Settlers

Jake Wallis Simons / The Telegraph (September 11, 2013)
In a special multimedia feature, Jake Wallis Simons takes a journey through the Israeli settlements on the West Bank and meets the inhabitants of the most controversial land on Earth. Read More >

News Nosh 09.11.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday September 11, 2013


Number of the day:

4.5 million
--The number of shekels which the right-wing Elad organization has sued left-wing organizations, including Peace Now, in libel suits. Peace Now Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer calls it 'legal terrorism.'**

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Yom Kippur - 5774 (2013)


Beginning this Friday evening and continuing through Saturday night, the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will be observed by Jews throughout the world.

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News Nosh 09.10.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Tuesday September 10, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The question is, what is the message to commanders who are at the frontline, doing the dirty work and not hiding behind screens..."
Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner reacts to his 'severe' punishment for beating a peace activist: two months of community service without pa and forced early retirement from the army**

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Syria and Israel; 20 Years to Oslo - Yossi Alpher's Weekly Analysis

Yossi Alpher 186x140.jpg

This week Alpher discusses the interim ramifications for Israel of the Obama appeal for congressional support to attack Syria, the most relevant lessons of Oslo right now, as Israel and the PLO once again seek a negotiated solution, and a summary of the outgoing Jewish year, 5773, from the standpoint of Israel's overall security.

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