APN's daily news review from Israel - Thursday October 15, 2020
Quotes of the Day:
“(Yitzhak) Rabin was no saint. I saw him in downtown Ramallah, shortly after the first
Intifada erupted, when he said that the demonstrations must be quelled "by force,
by might, by beating"…But Rabin changed. He came to appreciate the Palestinians’ dogged pursuit of national
liberation. I was told by more than one person in his inner circle that after a couple of years of failed attempts
to quell the uprising, Rabin explicitly recognized that you can’t break the Palestinians’ spirit and their desire
for independence. For many Palestinians, at the time, this became Rabin’s legacy.
—Ori Nir, Americans for Peace Now's vice president for public affairs and formerly Haaretz's West Bank and
Washington correspondent, writes in an Op-Ed that it is Rabin's courage to break the mainstream Israeli taboo by recognizing Palestinian
nationalism and pursuing peace that APN will honor at its October 20th event.*
"You know, Mr. Prime Minister, I can stand here and count your virtues and achievements over the years, and
they are many, at my 18th year in this House. I know and cherish those virtues and I ask myself, how can it be that
with all your abilities you do not invest even an hour or two a week to heal the wound? To mend the rifts? Why are
you waiting? Are you waiting for the streets to bleed? Do you not hear the voices?...I have been waiting and
waiting to be a part of history, and I would like to vote in favor of this historic moment, but I inform you Prime
Minister, as long as you do not take time to treat the wounds of Israeli society, I will refrain from (supporting)
this agreement."
--Shas MK Yaakov Margi slammed the Prime Minister at the Knesset vote today to approve the
normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates.**
You Must Be Kidding:
“These are some of the most vulnerable children, whose life is already extremely hard, and Israel as the
occupying power has a duty to ensure that they get their education and basic services.”
--Norwegian Refugee Council director said before Israeli forces bulldozed a primary school in a herding community forcing children to walk
some five kilometers to access the nearest school.**