News Nosh 2.11.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday February 11, 2019
Quote of the day:
"It doesn't really matter who is behind the wheel, as long as he is responsible like she is."
--Passenger on Israeli Egged public bus said about the first Muslim woman from E. Jerusalem to drive an Egged bus.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
The number of votes that Minister Zeev Elkin won for the Likud party primaries at the polling station in a Jewish settlement enclave in Hebron, despite there being only 67 voters.**
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See APN's News Nosh review of Israeli news which now includes a daily "Election 2019 News"

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This show features two experts on Washington Middle East policy and legislative affairs: Debra Shushan, APN’s Policy and Government Relations Director, and Lara Friedman, who preceded her in this position, and is now the President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

Together, they drill down on the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act, better known by its acronym ATCA, a piece of legislation that tells a fascinating story of how policy on Israeli-Palestinian affairs is being made in Washington.

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Legislative Round-up: February 8, 2019

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived 

  1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters
  2. The (Continuing) Saga of S.1
  3. Hearings
  4. On the Record
  5. Rand Paul on Free Speech/Boycotts
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Currently a professor of law at at the S. J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, Amos Guiora is the former Commander of the Israel Defense Forces' School of Military Law. Before retiring from the IDF as a Lieutenant Colonel, he was also the Judge Advocate for the Navy and Home Front Command, as well as the Legal Adviser to the IDF's commander of the Gaza Strip, a military court judge and a military prosecutor.

In this episode -- a longer episode than the usual -- he talks about the interplay between law, ethics, and politics in the context of Israel's occupation of the West Bank.

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News Nosh 2.7.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday February 7, 2019

Quote of the day:
“The justices have rejected every single argument of principle they heard regarding Israel’s planning policy. To the best of B’Tselem’s knowledge, there has not been a single case in which the justices granted a petition Palestinians filed against the demolition of their home."
--New report by B'Tselem accuses Israel's High Court justices of personal responsibility in war crimes and says they have given the permissions for the settlement enterprise to continue.*
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News Nosh 2.6.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday February 6, 2019
Quotes of the Day:
"It's unreasonable to me that there's a government in which the culture minister attacks the institutions she's responsible for. The justice minister attacks the institutions she's responsible for. The internal security minister attacks the institutions he's responsible for. The Cabinet attacks the IDF, and the prime minister attacks everyone."
--Former chief of staff and Chairman of 'Hosen L'Yisrael' party, Benny Gantz in exclusive interview with Yedioth.
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Who should count as Jewish in America?

What should be the relationship of American Jews to Israel?

These are the questions my dear friend Bob Mnookin addresses in his new book, The Jewish American Paradox.

I have known Bob since we were both 18 ( don’t even ask when that was) as I was his future wife Dale’s roommate as an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan.

Before I continue, I should introduce myself to you. I'm Aviva Meyer, Vice Chair of the Americans for Peace Now Board of Directors.

In addition to my role on the Board, I have been volunteering as APN's interim CEO while we complete a strategic planning process, after which we will hire a permanent CEO to replace Debra DeLee, who retired recently.

I never thought I would find myself doing this after retiring from The New Israel Fund, but it’s a natural place for me to be. Like about 70% of American Jews, I am emotionally attached to Israel. Like many of the Jews that Bob describes, I am troubled by Israel’s continued military occupation of the West Bank and its discriminatory treatment of Palestinians. As an activist with Americans for Peace Now, I stand with the majority of Israelis, Palestinians, and American Jews described by Bob who favor a two-state solution as the best way to preserve Israel as both a democracy and a Jewish state.

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APN Urges House to Reject Combating BDS Act

Washington, DC – Following the Senate’s passage today of Senate Bill 1 (S.1), including the so-called Combating BDS Act, the bill will be transmitted to the House of Representatives.

APN strongly urges the House not to follow in the footsteps of the Senate. By blocking this legislation, the House will reject attempts to turn Israel into a partisan wedge issue, protect free speech, and highlight the distinction between sovereign Israel and West Bank settlements.  

APN rejects BDS against Israel. APN believes that as a tactic to challenge Israeli policies that are inconsistent with Israeli-Palestinian peace, BDS is the wrong approach. We view it as misguided, ineffective, and counterproductive. APN advocates boycotting settlement products and recognizes the legitimacy and potential value of other activism directly and narrowly targeted at settlements and the occupation. APN’s policy on BDS is here.

Despite our opposition to BDS, APN has opposed S.1 since it was introduced, and called on our activists to ask their senators to reject it. 

As we have stated previously, this legislation was designed to be a political trap. By bundling security aid for Israel with controversial legislation that violates civil liberties, the bill sets up senators to be labeled as “insufficiently pro-Israel” if they refuse to endorse the latter. In order to score political points, this bill will further erode the historic bipartisan consensus around a strong US-Israel relationship.

APN’s opposition to the Combating BDS Act is two-fold. First, this legislation erases the distinction between sovereign Israel and its settlements in the occupied West Bank by treating boycotts of the two as if these entities were one and the same. Second, it tramples on First Amendment rights by encouraging states to punish Americans who engage in boycotts. 

Federal district courts have issued injunctions in cases brought by the ACLU, ruling that laws in Kansas and Arizona violate the constitutionally protected right to boycott.

APN calls on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to advance legislation authorizing security assistance for Israel, without tethering it to legislation that is both anti-peace and anti-democratic.

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News Nosh 2.5.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 5, 2019

You Must Be Kidding: 
Likud MK Anat Berko's campaign video shows her being kidnapped by a Palestinian militant who later is revealed to be her husband, who flirts with her.*
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