News Nosh 12.16.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday December 16, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"I hope (Shimon Peres') memory will inspire us to see the light of those in need and help those in darkness and distress, even if they are different from us. I hope these candles will help us to strive and work for peace, even when it is difficult—especially when it is difficult."
--At the White House Hannukah candle-lighting ceremony, outgoing US President Barack Obama spoke of former Israeli president Shimon Peres as an inspiration for the ideals that today seem increasingly distant, as Peres' son, Chemi, lit the candles.*
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Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed by President-elect Donald Trump's choice of David Friedman to be the United States' next ambassador to Israel. Friedman's choice sends an alarming message about the Trump administration's role in advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace.

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Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: December 15, 2016

"It's not the anti-Israel propaganda and it's not the BDS campaign. There is no need to give them an honor they don't deserve. It's the Israeli government."

Ben-Dror Yemimi, veteran Israeli columnist, in YNET: Israel losing public opinion support in US. A recent poll found that a 47% plurality of the American public would be in favor of imposing economic sanctions on Israel for the ongoing construction in the settlements.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

December 12, 2016 - Syria

Q. Aleppo in northern Syria is falling to the Assad regime and its allies from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. What are the ramifications for Israel and the region?

A. ...This development has far-reaching ramifications for the Middle East region including Israel...

Q. So that ends the war...

A. Not at all...

Q. What will happen to Assad’s Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies as his regime regains control?

A. ...One way or another, they are in Syria to stay...

Q. Lebanon too is part of Iran’s hegemonic design?

A. ...Lebanon just elected a pro-Syria, pro-Hezbollah president, Michel Aoun...

Q. You mentioned Turkey and the Kurds. What sort of Turkey is emerging from recent years’ revolution in neighboring Syria and recent months’ abortive revolution in Turkey itself?

A. President Erdogan’s “Neo-Ottoman” strategy of eliminating all conflicts and friction along Turkey’s borders is in tatters...

Q. What sort of regime can we now expect to develop in Syria?

A. Here it is important to understand the nature of the Assad regime. Think of it as a mafia gang...

Q. Where does all this leave Israel?

A. ...the more he (Netanyahu) drags Israel toward the self-inflicted disaster of a messianic one-state apartheid-like reality with the Palestinians, the more he succeeds in enhancing Israel’s relations with its Sunni Arab neighbors...

Q. How does it contribute to enhanced Israeli-Sunni Arab relations?

A. Israel and its Sunni Arab neighbors share concern regarding all the militant Islamists in Syria...

Q. How does Syria affect the Palestinian situation?

A. The chaos in Syria has for several years dictated a wait-and-see, keep-your-powder-dry attitude on the part of both Hamas and the PLO...

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Briefing Call


TODAY at 3:00 pm (Eastern) - Briefing Call with Senator George Mitchell and Alon Sachar


Senator George Mitchell, President Obama's Special Envoy to the Middle East in 2009, and Alon Sachar, who served with Senator Mitchell among several other positions connected to Israel and peace negotiations, will discuss their newly released book A Path to Peace: A Brief History of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations and a Way Forward in the Middle East. The book has been described as providing "a practical roadmap for bringing peace to this complicated, troubled region."

Thursday, December 15, 3:00pm (Eastern Time)

To participate, phone 951-797-1058 and enter code 147414

Go HERE for more on the briefing call speakers. Share


Israel's settlement "Legalization Bill": What it is and what it means

If passed, the "Legalization Bill" will retroactively legalize settlement contstruction in the West Bank, which a State Department spokesman has said "would be a dramatic advancement of the settlement enterprise...already greatly endangering the prospects for a two-state solution."

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The New Government Agreement on the Amona Illegal Outpost

According to media reports, the Israeli government has decided to relocate settlers from the Amona Illegal Outpost to adjacent West Bank land, contrary to previous Israeli court legal opinions.

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APN in Action


"Count us Out"

Given the choice of partner (Azerbaijan) and the choice of venue (Trump International Hotel), APN lodged its objections and chose to forego last night's Hanukkah Party of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations.

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APN to Trump Team: Avoid inflammatory statements on Jerusalem

We urge President-elect Trump to avoid destabilizing moves and statements pertaining to moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, one of the most politically, religiously and culturally sensitive places on earth.

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Letter from Israel

Fania Oz-Salzberger: "For Argument's Sake"

Historian Fania Oz-Salzberger is the author of "Jews and Words" with her father Amos Oz, the renowned Israeli author and a founder of Peace Now. In a special letter for Americans for Peace Now, Oz-Salzberger reflects on her Jewish and Zionist legacies, and her belief in their future crowning achievement: a peaceful and democratic Israel.

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News Nosh 12.15.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 15, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“In the Diaspora, the handful of rabbis did not damage Jewish identity, whereas today in Israel a swarm of rabbis practice as spiritual guides humming in our ears from circumcision to the grave. Many of them are immune to criticism, even if they are thieves, rapists, racist instigators, or attackers of IDF soldiers, as they relentlessly conspire to undermine democratic institutions. As secular law—which is becoming weaker day by day—tries to restrain them, these rabbis receive the support of Hassidic followers, politicians or corrupt government leaders smelling of fascism, who are ready to sell the good of the country for personal gain. Against the defiled trinity of corrupt government, devouring wealth and a violent messianic religion, the people stand helpless, paralyzed and confused.”
--Renowned Israeli author and President of The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Sami Michael, 90, writes in a biting Op-Ed examining where the country has gone since he immigrated in 1951 full of hope.**
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News Nosh 12.14.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 14, 2016  
Quote of the day:
"I don't reject people because they don't think like I do. I studied Bialik, and the more I learn Hebrew literature, the richer I am (culturally). I recommend that Jews study well Darwish's (poetry)."
--Arab MK Ahmad Tibi said at a tribute to Jewish author Shai Agnon.*
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Peace Now Settlement Watch: The New Government Agreement on Amona - Explained

News from Peace Now:

According to media reports, a compromise has been reached between Prime Minister Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit regarding the relocation of the Amona settlers. The solution agreed between the three, based on media reports, includes the evacuation of Amona and the relocation of the Amona settlers to four plots  (number 28, 29, 30, 38 as can be seen in the map below) in a nearby hill on absentees' property (abandoned property) through a renewable two year lease. These lands are private lands and their use for the purpose of settlement is contrary to previous legal opinions of the State. As shown in previous cases, such as that of Migron, the temporary lease could quickly become permanent and allow for the establishment of a new official settlement on private Palestinian lands. To read a Peace Now position paper on this issue click here.
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News Nosh 12.13.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday December 13, 2016  
Quote of the day:
“Money goes to Jewish education in Honolulu and to Amona (outpost). The method doesn’t work.”
--MK Eli Alaluf, chairman of the Knesset Labor and Social Welfare Committee, blamed the government for the poverty of one-third of the population and said he won’t run again for elections.*
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Following statements by aides to President-elect Donald Trump regarding his wish to move America’s Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Americans for Peace Now (APN) is urging Trump and members of his transition team to avoid controversial, inflammatory statements on this sensitive foreign policy question.

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December 12, 2016 - Syria


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses what the ramifications are for Israel and the region of Aleppo's falling to the Assad regime and its allies, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah; if that means the end of the war; what will happen to Assad’s Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies as his regime regains control; how this is affecting Lebanon; what sort of Turkey is emerging from recent years’ revolution in neighboring Syria and recent months’ abortive revolution in Turkey itself; what sort of regime we can now expect to develop in Syria; where all this leaves Israel; how it contributes to Israeli-Sunni Arab relations; and how Syria affects the Palestinian situation.

NOTE: For full details of APN's policy - which advocates boycotts of settlement products and supports other activism targeting the occupation - see our dedicated policy webpage, here.

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News Nosh 12.12.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 12, 2016  
You Must Be Kidding #1: 
Want to buy the Western Wall, board a train at Ammunition Hill and wait a turn because the street is closed after a zebra escaped the Biblical Zoo? Now you can with the new Jerusalem version of Hasbro's famous game. The Jerusalem municipality helped in choosing the sites. But the game does not include the non-Jewish sites in the city.
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