The latest in APN's series of security validators is President Jimmy Carter. The thirty-ninth president of the United States, he is, unusually, perhaps known best for his extraordinary post-presidency humanitarian work, including the Carter Center, founded in 1982 as his base for advancing human rights, extensive travel to conduct peace negotiations, observe elections, and advance disease prevention and eradication in developing nations.

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News Nosh 09.13.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday September 13, 2016 
You Must Be Kidding: 
“Studying Judaism and excelling in it is more important to me than studying math and sciences.”
--Israel's Education Minister Naftali Bennett said at an event marking the 40th anniversary of the Tali Foundation, which funds Jewish enrichment studies in secular schools.**

Breaking News:
Syrian Army Fires Two Missiles at Israeli Aircraft; Israel Denies Successful Hit
Syria reports to have downed Israeli aircraft, allegedly at least one unmanned aerial vehicle; Israeli military spokesperson refutes Syrian claims, saying that the Syrian missiles missed their targets. (Haaretz, Maariv, Ynet) The incident today comes in the wake of an Israeli attack yesterday on artillery belonging to the Assad regime, which was a response to mortar fire from Syria that hit the Israeli Golan Heights in an apparent civil war spillover.
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Update: this action, now closed, ran in September 2016. 

Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video statement in which he claimed that evacuating Israeli settlements from the West Bank in the context of a future Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement is tantamount to “ethnic cleansing.” This statement, trivializing crimes against humanity and genocide, should outrage anyone who cares about international affairs and who cares about Israel.

Applying terminology borrowed from the darkest days of European history to a scenario in which Israeli settlements would be withdrawn to allow for a peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, reached by the sovereign governments of both peoples, is abhorrent. It merits the US Jewish community’s rejection and repudiation.

Every U.S. President since 1967, both Republican and Democrat, has accepted that settlements would be removed as part of a peace agreement. Menachem Begin, who evacuated all of Israel’s settlements in Sinai as a part of a peace agreement, and Ariel Sharon, who unilaterally removed all the settlements from the Gaza Strip and a handful in the northern West Bank, made a sovereign decision to do so out of national security considerations. Controversial as these moves may have been at the time, they were not “ethnic cleansing.”

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Since March, the California legislature has struggled to draft a bill aimed at thwarting BDS - the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.  As readers of these pages know, BDS is a movement that promotes South Africa-style boycott and divestment strategies to oppose Israel and its policies. For many of its supporters, BDS is a way to challenge the very legitimacy of the Jewish state.

After a torturous path of amendment and revision, the State legislature now has in AB 2844 something it thinks it can live with.  But the revised bill, however well-intentioned, remains seriously flawed.  Governor Brown should veto it.

Earlier versions of the bill would have created a list of companies that participate in BDS – defined to include boycotts targeting Israel or settlements – and prohibited companies on the list from becoming state contractors (a blacklist). After being cautioned by its own legal counsel that economic boycotts qualify as protected free speech under the First Amendment, the legislature abandoned its original scheme and converted AB 2844 into a generic anti-discrimination law.

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2016-Lara-primary-headshot-color-682x1024It seems there is no line Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won’t cross to defend settlements. Israeli law says settlers can’t steal Israeli-recognized Palestinian private land for their own purposes? Netanyahu leaves no principle of rule of law unchallenged in the effort to “legalize” the settlers’ actions. The boycott-divestment-sanctions (BDS) movement challenges Israel’s legitimacy? Netanyahu jumps on the chance to exploit the BDS threat to legitimize settlements, accusing anyone who differentiates between Israel and settlements of embracing BDS (and accusing Israel’s closest allies of adopting policies similar to those of the Nazis). The Palestinians – and virtually the entire world – argue that settlements are an obstacle to peace and will need to be removed? Last week, Netanyahu releases a video accusing them of supporting ethnic cleansing.

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear: the idea that Jews may not live in a given place, for no reason other than because they are Jewish, is abhorrent. But that isn’t what objecting to settlements is about, and Netanyahu knows it. The demand for the removal of Israeli settlements from the West Bank has nothing to do with where Jews, as Jews, can or cannot live. It has to do with whether Israel will be a permanent occupier or will accept a two-state solution.

And let’s make another thing clear: Defending settlements by appealing to Jewish historical trauma at the hands of the Nazis — which is what Jews think of when we hear the words “ethnic cleansing” or worse yet, the Nazi term often invoked Netanyahu and the settlers, “Judenrein” — is morally despicable, politically inflammatory and factually misleading.

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September 12, 2016 - New two-state peace initiatives coming up?


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses three new Israeli-Palestinian peace initiatives that are reportedly being incubated: a set of “Obama principles”, a Moscow summit, and an Israeli referendum in terms of potential content and advantages and disadvantages; what would he recommend for an Obama peace formula as part of his legacy; PM Netanyahu seemingly contemplating steps to dissuade Obama from any peace initiatives, including a possible Moscow summit with Palestinian leader Abbas; allegations that Abbas had been recruited sometime before 1983 by the KGB; and the campaign to hold a national referendum on the two-state solution, “Decision at 50.”

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News Nosh 09.12.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday September 12, 2016 
You Must Be Kidding: 
“The group operates according to its principles, which have been guiding it for years.”
--The Samaria Settlers Council, an Israeli NGO in the West Bank, did not deny complaints it was disseminating material that encouraged creating disturbances and establishment of unauthorized outposts, called for hampering army operations, and praised the torching of [Palestinian] fields and property and the assaulting of Palestinians.**
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Remembering September 11th

zikaron-candle320x265On the 15th anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks, we remember the nearly 3,000 men, women and children who perished. Let us resolve to continue working to advance peace and security.

News Nosh 09.11.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday September 11, 2016 
Quote of the day:
"Netanyahu is not stupid: he knows that the speech shows him naked. But times are not easy, and sometimes you have to do exceptional things."
--Top Yedioth political commentator Nahum Barnea gives possible reasons why Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu equated opposition to settlements with support for a crime against humanity.**
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Update: this action, now closed, ran in September 2016. 

The policies and actions of the current Israeli government are actively fanning the flames of violence, further entrenching and expanding occupation, and killing the two-state solution. Some of the most recent and ongoing outrages are:

Expanding the settlers' hold in Hebron: The Israeli government is in the process of establishing – by stealth –the first new settlement complex (28 units, providing housing for some 100 settlers, or a 10% increase in the settler population in the area) in Hebron in more than a decade. It is doing so by taking properties seized years ago by the Israeli government for military use and handing them over to the settlers. This action directly contravenes Israeli law, which prohibits seizing lands for military needs and then using them for the purpose of settlements. It also contradicts the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants, and constitutes a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law. In addition, allocating these properties to the settlers based on the argument that they belonged to Jews before 1948 in essence constitutes implementation of a “right of return” for Jews, at the expense of protected Palestinians tenants – even as Palestinians are denied any parallel “right of return” to properties they left or were expelled from before 1948. Click here to learn more about this new Hebron development and to find out how you can take action.

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