News Nosh 03.28.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 28, 2016
Quote of the day:
"Whoever encourages the violation of the law to please an extreme and violent minority could lead us to anarchy."
--Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon in a counter-attack against Education Minister Naftali Bennett and other Knesset members, who called to end the investigation against the soldier who 'executed' the Palestinian assailant, Abdul Fattah al-Sharif. 

You Must Be Kidding: 
“If our hands were strong, if we had governing power, then non-Jews shouldn’t live in the Land of Israel.”
-- Israel’s Chief Sephardi Rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, said, adding that at least the non-Jews served a purpose: “Who will be the servers? Who will be our assistants? Therefore, we leave them here in the land.”
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News Nosh 03.27.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 27, 2016
Quote of the day:
"The current campaign is linked to the latest attack on human rights organizations. Behind them is a common and clear goal – to set a new standard, under which anything a soldier does in the struggle against Palestinians is legitimate."
--Haaretz+ military affairs analyst, Amos Harel, writes about how the attack of the right-wing on the IDF, for arresting a soldier who shot dead an immobilized Palestinian assailant, is a danger to the 'IDF’s moral spine.'
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APN Legislative Round-Up: March 25, 2016

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News Nosh 03.25.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday March 25, 2016
Quote of the day:
“It was an interesting slot to be in.”
 --Israel Association of Baseball director Nate Fish said about the IAB presentation of its Jewish-Arab ‘Baseball for All’ program shown at the AIPAC conference in between the speeches of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

You Must Be Kidding: 
Right-wing Jews retweeted former right-wing MK Yinon Magal's Tweet, 'Happy Purim, Jews,' just after the release of the Btselem video that showed an IDF soldier shooting dead a Palestinian assailant who was lying injured on the ground. The Tweet was reminiscent of the quote by then-MK Hanan Porat, who said 'Happy Purim, Jews' after Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians praying at the Cave of the Patriarchs. He, too, sparked a storm. 
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comic-image-After-the-WarFollowing the 4:00PM performance on April 3rd, join us for a post-show discussion and talkback featuring Ori Nir of Americans for Peace Now and Michal Aharoni, playwright and columnist. Nir and Aharoni will discuss the ways Israeli security dilemmas play out inside the family and around the dinner table.

AFTER THE WAR by Motti Lerner, tells the story of Joel, a world-renowned concert pianist and Israeli anti-war expatriate who returns to Tel Aviv after 18 years to perform with the Israeli Philharmonic. But as protestors agitate to cancel the performance, deep ideological differences between Joel, his estranged son Izzy, and his hot-tempered brother Freddie quickly turn the family homecoming to all-out battle. Set against the wrenching sadness and climactic beauty of Beethoven’s Pathétique, and borrowing from events in the life of revered, controversial Israeli ex-pat Daniel BarenboimAfter the War is a crucial new play about an artist’s responsibility to his embattled country, and his family’s tough response to calls for peace in the wake of a costly war.

For APN supporters only, use the code APN20 - 20% off tickets to After the War, good for all dates excluding opening night. Purchase tickets here.


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News Nosh 03.23.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 23, 2016

Note: News Nosh will be off for the Purim holiday tomorrow, March 24th. HAPPY PURIM!
Quote of the day:
"Trump delivered a speech that could easily have been written in the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem or AIPAC headquarters in Washington, and for all we know, possibly was... He said that Obama was the worst-ever President for Israel and the crowd burst out in loud applause, as if the assertion was some kind of “open sesame” that removes any roadblocks standing in Trump’s way.
--Haaretz's US Affairs commentator, Chemi Shalev, in a biting analysis of Donald Trump's speech at AIPAC and the reactions of Jewish Americans.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Frozen like an ice cube.”
--The description of the body of 15-year-old by the family of Palestinian assailant Hassan Manasra when Israel handed it over to them for immediate burial. The family rejected the body.
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Rabbi Justin Goldstein was ordained in 2011 by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, is a 2012-2013 Rabbis Without Borders Fellow and has served Congregation Beth Israel in Asheville NC since 2014.

Often dismissed as irrelevant or boring, Parashat Tzav details some of the ritual procedures for the sacrificial offerings which were made in the Mishkan - the portable sanctuary the Children of Israel carried in the wilderness - and, eventually, offered in the Temple. Among others, there are three types of offerings specified in this week’s Torah portion which I would like to focus on.

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"I felt sick watching Trump at AIPAC. Not for what he said - his speech was entirely predictable - and not for the fact that AIPAC gave him a platform. I felt sick because I was watching the natural culmination of decades in which AIPAC has successfully defined the terms of the "acceptable" narrative about Israel in U.S. politics and campaigns."


Published March 22, 2016

Look on AIPAC’s Works, American Jews

For more than a decade I have been invited regularly to speak on Capitol Hill, on campuses, in synagogues, on policy panels, to foreign diplomats and to the media. On these occasions I speak, as an advocate for Israel and Israeli-Palestinian peace, about the issues on the ground in Israel-Palestine and their connection to U.S. foreign policy. And on these occasions I talk openly and critically about AIPAC, just as for years my organization has publicly challenged AIPAC’s legislative agenda at every turn.

I talk about AIPAC not because I hold any personal animus against the organization and its supporters, or because I believe in some right-wing conspiracy. I know there are good people working at and supporting AIPAC. And I know from experience - most recently with the successful Iran nuclear deal - that AIPAC is by no means omnipotent.

I also know, however, that for decades AIPAC has been actively promoting a Middle East agenda that is anathema to the values of most American Jews, to the real interests of Israel, and to peace. And I know well, from personal experience working in Washington and around the country, the enormous power AIPAC brings to bear on American Jews, members of Congress, and the U.S. political system to see its agenda enacted. That is why I cannot talk about U.S. policy and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without talking about AIPAC.

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Peace Now Settlement Watch: Government declares another 596 dunams as state land

News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:

The Palestinian News agency Ma'an reported yesterday that the Civil Administration issued a new order determining state land boundaries in the settlement of Eli. 
The order is a result of the work of the Civil Administration's Blue Line Team which works to correct inaccurate state land declarations made during the 1980s. According to the new order, 2,781 dunams of the lands of the villages Lubban al Sharqiya, Karyut and Al-Sawiya are now considered state lands, 596 dunams of which were not considered state lands according to the old declaration. Additionally, 590 dunams were detracted from the old declaration.
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News Nosh 03.22.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 22, 2016
Quote of the day:
“You see how more and more Israelis are being tempted to this way of looking at the conflict of abandoning their attempt to achieve some political, rational solution and rather they are more and more prone to fanaticism and fundamentalism.
--In an interview with EuroNews, Israeli author David Grossman, called the so-called cultural loyalty bill being promoted by Culture Minister Miri Regev “fascist,” supported labeling settlement products and blamed the government for the radicalization of Israeli society. 

You Must Be Kidding: 
A 17-year-old Israeli stabbed to death a man riding his bicycle in Afula two months ago, because he thought the man was someone with whom he had a feud over money. The youth was indicted for murder Monday. Attorney Menachem Eyal, the lawyer of the family of the victim: “I don’t understand the issue of mistaken identity. You just jump on a man and stab him? Criminal terror is raging in the streets because people decide to take the law into their own hands.”
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