Iran Nuclear Negotiations


Update: this action, now closed, ran from August-September 2015.

Many Members of Congress have come out in support of the Iran deal already. Many of them are facing a fierce backlash generated by opponents of the deal. These members need to hear from you TODAY. Click here to thank them for supporting the Iran deal.

Many others Members of Congress still have not come out with a position on the deal or have come out in opposition.  They need to hear from you TODAY. Click here to tell them you want them to support the Iran deal.


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John Lewis (D-GA) 8/24 Dear Colleague

Date: August 24, 2015 at 3:54:09 PM CDT
Subject: Rep. John Lewis Dear Colleague on Brent Scowcroft Op-Ed in Washington Post

August 24, 2015


Dear Colleague,

As elected representatives, we are sometimes faced with a vote of conscience – a personal moral decision that rises above politics and partisanship.  In a few short weeks, Members will need to report the results from their executive sessions with themselves and their constituents on the question of Iran. 

As a supporter of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), I write to share an Op-Ed in the Washington Post written by Brent Scowcroft, who served as national security adviser to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush.  Over the years, I have not always agreed with him on domestic and international policy, but I believe that on this question and in this instance, Mr. Scowcroft presents a particularly strong case on the lack of an alternative to the agreement with Iran.  

In the piece, entitled “The Iran deal: An epochal moment that Congress shouldn’t squander,” Mr. Scowcroft comes to the same conclusion that many in our Caucus have: the Iran Nuclear Agreement is the best available option to block Iran’s pathway to a nuclear weapon.   

As Mr. Scowcroft writes, “In my view, the JCPOA meets the key objective, shared by recent administrations of both parties, that Iran limit itself to a strictly civilian nuclear program with unprecedented verification and monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the U.N. Security Council.”

“There is no credible alternative were Congress to prevent U.S. participation in the nuclear deal. If we walk away, we walk away alone,” Mr. Scowcroft continues.  “The world’s leading powers worked together effectively because of U.S. leadership. To turn our back on this accomplishment would be an abdication of the United States’ unique role and responsibility, incurring justified dismay among our allies and friends. We would lose all leverage over Iran’s nuclear activities. The international sanctions regime would dissolve. And no member of Congress should be under the illusion that another U.S. invasion of the Middle East would be helpful.”

I hope you find this information useful as you continue to weigh your vote on the JCPOA. 




Member of Congress


The Washington Post

The Iran deal: An epochal moment that Congress shouldn’t squander

August 23, 2015

By: Brent Scowcroft

Scowcroft was national security adviser to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush.

Congress again faces a momentous decision regarding U.S. policy toward the Middle East. The forthcoming vote on the nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran (known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) will show the world whether the United States has the will and sense of responsibility to help stabilize the Middle East, or whether it will contribute to further turmoil, including the possible spread of nuclear weapons. Strong words perhaps, but clear language is helpful in the cacophony of today’s media.

In my view, the JCPOA meets the key objective, shared by recent administrations of both parties, that Iran limit itself to a strictly civilian nuclear program with unprecedented verification and monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the U.N. Security Council. Iran has committed to never developing or acquiring a nuclear weapon; the deal ensures that this will be the case for at least 15 years and likely longer, unless Iran repudiates the inspection regime and its commitments under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Additional Protocol.

There is no more credible expert on nuclear weapons than Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, who led the technical negotiating team. When he asserts that the JCPOA blocks each of Iran’s pathways to the fissile material necessary to make a nuclear weapon, responsible people listen. Twenty-nine eminent U.S. nuclear scientists have endorsed Moniz’s assertions.

If the United States could have handed Iran a “take it or leave it” agreement, the terms doubtless would have been more onerous on Iran. But negotiated agreements, the only ones that get signed in times of peace, are compromises by definition. It is what President Reagan did with the Soviet Union on arms control; it is what President Nixon did with China.

And as was the case with specific agreements with the Soviet Union and China, we will continue to have significant differences with Iran on important issues, including human rights, support for terrorist groups and meddling in the internal affairs of neighbors. We must never tire of working to persuade Iran to change its behavior on these issues, and countering it where necessary. And while I believe the JCPOA, if implemented scrupulously by Iran, will help engage Tehran constructively on regional issues, we must always remember that its sole purpose is to halt the country’s nuclear weapons activities.

Israel’s security, an abiding U.S. concern, will be enhanced by the full implementation of the nuclear deal. Iran is fully implementing the interim agreement that has placed strict limits on its nuclear program since January 2014 while the final agreement was being negotiated. If Iran demonstrates the same resolve under the JCPOA, the world will be a much safer place. And if it does not, we will know in time to react appropriately.

Let us not forget that Israel is the only country in the Middle East with overwhelming retaliatory capability. I have no doubt that Iran’s leaders are well aware of Israel’s military capabilities. Similarly, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members have impressive conventional militaries, and the United States is committed to enhancing their capabilities.

Congress rightfully is conducting a full review and hearing from proponents and opponents of the nuclear deal. However, the seeming effort to make the JCPOA the ultimate test of Congress’s commitment to Israel is probably unprecedented in the annals of relations between two vibrant democracies. Let us be clear: There is no credible alternative were Congress to prevent U.S. participation in the nuclear deal. If we walk away, we walk away alone. The world’s leading powers worked together effectively because of U.S. leadership. To turn our back on this accomplishment would be an abdication of the United States’ unique role and responsibility, incurring justified dismay among our allies and friends. We would lose all leverage over Iran’s nuclear activities. The international sanctions regime would dissolve. And no member of Congress should be under the illusion that another U.S. invasion of the Middle East would be helpful.

So I urge strongly that Congress support this agreement. But there is more that Congress should do. Implementation and verification will be the key to success, and Congress has an important role. It should ensure that the International Atomic Energy Agency, other relevant bodies and U.S. intelligence agencies have all the resources necessary to facilitate inspection and monitor compliance. Congress should ensure that military assistance, ballistic missile defense and training commitments that the United States made to GCC leaders at Camp David in May are fully funded and implemented without delay. And it should ensure that the United States works closely with the GCC and other allies to moderate Iranian behavior in the region, countering it where necessary.

My generation is on the sidelines of policymaking now; this is a natural development. But decades of experience strongly suggest that there are epochal moments that should not be squandered. President Nixon realized it with China. Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush realized it with the Soviet Union. And I believe we face it with Iran today.

All members of the Senate are on Twitter.  Below is a listing of Twitter handles of all House members, as of August 25, 2015.

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Most members of the House of Representatives (but not quite all, at least as of this writing) are on Twitter.  Below is a listing of Twitter handles of all House members, as of August 25, 2015.

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Jerry Bubis, z"l


Americans for Peace Now (APN) grieves the passing of Professor Gerald "Jerry" Bubis (z”l), who died Friday, August 21, at the age of 91. Our condolences go out to Jerry’s wife Ruby, son David Bubis, daughter Deena Libman, and grandchildren Rabbi Jonathan Bubis, Hannah Bubis and Molly Libman.

Jerry’s tremendous contributions for the benefit of the Jewish community, Israel, and thousands upon thousands of people, span a lifetime of leadership, service, and activism.   He was a progressive icon who leaves behind an extraordinary legacy.    

A founder, long-time board member and past national co-chair of APN, Jerry was an unwavering and seminal leader for the cause of peace for Israel.  In the 1980s, Jerry was one of the earliest voices in the Jewish community advocating for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The fact that Jerry stood firm in his view, despite it being deeply unpopular at the time, attests to his courage; the fact that his position was eventually adopted by the wider Jewish community and the world attests to his wisdom.   While Jerry did not live to see his dream of Israeli-Palestinian peace and a two-state solution achieved, he never gave up, and inspires us all to never give up.

Jerry’s memory will be a blessing for us. We will always remember what you have accomplished for APN and for the cause of peace, security and democracy for Israel. 

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Thank Members of Congress (House and Senate) who have come out in support of the Iran deal!

Iran Nuclear Negotiations


Check this list to see which Members of Congress have come out in support of the Iran nuclear deal.

Find those members of Congress that you (a) vote for, (b) support, or (c) feel some other kind of connection to.


Take these steps to thank them for supporting the deal:

  • Email your thanks (this is for constituents only) – click here to send your message.
  • Call and talk to their staff.  Call 855-686-6927, ask for the member’s office, and tell the person who answers the phone:
  • I am calling to thank Representative/Senator XXXX for supporting the Iran nuclear deal – a deal that is good for America and good for Israel. Well done!
  • Click here to tweet your thanks to them.  Twitter handles for members are included in each entry on our list of members supporting the deal.
  • Sample tweet (you just need to fill in the desired Twitter handle):  Thank you @RepXXXXX for supporting the Iran nuclear deal – a deal that is good for America & good for Israel #IranDeal
  • Or write your own – just make sure to include the member’s Twitter handle and the #IranDeal hashtag!

Tell Members of Congress to support the Iran deal.

Iran Nuclear Negotiations

For Members of Congress who are NOT on the list of members supporting the Iran deal but that you (a) vote for, (b) support, or (c) feel some other kind of connection to – let them know you want them to support the deal!



  • Email them and tell them to support this deal (this is for constituents only) – click here to send your message.
  • Call and talk to their staff.  Call 855-686-6927, ask for the member’s office, and tell the person who answers the phone:
  • I am calling to urge Representative/Senator XXXX to support the Iran nuclear deal – a deal that is good for America and good for Israel.
  • Click here to urge them via Twitter to support the Iran deal.  A list of all the Twitter handles of the House Members who have them can be found here, and those of the Senators here.
  • Sample tweet (you just need to fill in the desired Twitter handle):  Dear @RepXXXXX – please support the Iran nuclear deal – a deal that is good for America & good for Israel #IranDeal
  • Or write your own – just make sure to include the member’s Twitter handle and the #IranDeal hashtag!

August 24, 2015 - Ehud Barak, Iran, PIJ and Israel’s response


This week, Alpher discusses why Ehud Barak made his dramatic remarks about attacking Iran and why he made them now; if there are potential strategic ramifications, or if this is merely one more case of a frustrated ex-politician sounding off; whether last week’s rocket attacks on Israel from the Syrian Golan and Israel’s response suggest the possibility of imminent escalation of hostilities between Iranian proxies and Israel, and if the timing bespeaks a link to the Iran nuclear deal; actions that are perceived by Palestinians as Israeli provocations, which have resulted recently in increased instances of stone-throwing and fire-bombing against Israeli vehicles and knife attacks on IDF soldiers.

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News Nosh 08.23.15-08.31.15

APN's daily news review from Israel


Please Note: News Nosh is off through August 31, 2015. It will resume on Tuesday, September 1, 2015.
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News Nosh 08.21.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday August 21, 2015 
Note: News Nosh will be off starting Sunday, August 23 through August 31, 2015.

Quote of the day:
“He knew that if he did not go on (hunger) strike, he would spend his life in prison."
--Nasser a-Din Allaan, father of Palestinian hunger-striker Mohammed Allaan, 33, who after 64 days without food now has brain damage, speaks about his dilemma as a father and a Palestinian.

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