News Nosh 08.03.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday August 3, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"There are murderers who think that gays are endangering Judaism, there are murderers because they are under occupation, there are murderers because their blood boils over the murder of Jews and there are murderers in order to protect Israel. Every murderer and his reason."
--Moti Fogel, whose brother's family was murdered in 2011 and who saw Shira Banki stabbed last week a day before the murder of a Palestinian toddler, shares his thoughts about hatred and murder in Israeli society.
You Must Be Kidding: 
"Because, it's not possible that to a demonstration against the murder of children and innocent fewer people show up than to one that deals with housing prices or that against the freezing of construction in settlements."
--Israeli author Etgar Keret reveals that few people showed up to Saturday night's demonstrations and the media hid that fact.
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August 3, 2015 - Ten years to the Gaza withdrawal



This week, Alpher discusses why Israel’s unilateral withdrawal of settlements and troops from the Gaza Strip ten years ago didn’t produce additional withdrawals from the West Bank as well and generate some sort of positive momentum toward resolution of the conflict; if Sharon and Olmert had different approaches to the idea of independent withdrawal; the settler movement’s response to the Gaza withdrawal; how Sharon envisioned the settlement project, and what made him adopt the extreme measure of unilateral withdrawal; Labor leader Isaac Herzog on the withdrawal and negotiating a West Bank withdrawal; and a cost-benefit analysis of a possible IDF withdrawal on the West Bank.

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News Nosh 08.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday August 2, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“More than feeling ashamed, I feel pain. Pain for the murder of a little baby. Pain that my people have chosen the path of terror and have lost their humanity. Their way is not my way. Their way is not our way. Their way is not the way of the State of Israel and not the way of the Jewish people. Unfortunately, until now, we have treated the phenomenon of Jewish terror loosely. Maybe we didn’t internalize that we are facing an ideological group, determined and dangerous which aims to destroy the delicate bridges we build with great labor.”
--President Reuven Rivlin in his speech at the protest rally in Jerusalem against Israeli violence and in a post on his Facebook page.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Shame on you," "You are not my president," "You do not represent me in any way," "The President of the Arabs, not the Jews." 
--Some of the comments and curses written on the Facebook page of President Reuven Rivlin after he condemned the attack by Jewish terrorists, who killed a Palestinian baby.
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APN Legislative Round-Up: July 31, 2015

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record

NOTE: APN has extensive resources on the Iran deal here, including a regularly updated compendium of comments from Israeli security and nuclear experts and the best analysis and commentary on the deal.

Also see this op-ed from APN Board Members Luis Lainer and Richard Gunther in the LA Jewish Journal: We Support the Iran Deal

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Arson_Murder_Palestinian_Child320x265Americans for Peace Now (APN) is outraged by the murderous arson attack in the West Bank, perpetrated by Jewish terrorists, who today killed a Palestinian baby and critically injured his 4-year-old brother and his parents.

APN's President and CEO Debra DeLee said: "Outrage in the face of this monstrous attack should be translated into action: Action by Israel's law-enforcement authorities to find and punish the killers, action by Israeli political leaders and opinion leaders – particularly among the nationalistic right – to stop inciting actions and hate-speech, and action by the Israeli government to fight the environment of lawlessness that Jewish settlers have spawned in the West Bank. This environment, unfortunately, is nourished by Israeli government settlement policies, which reward settler lawlessness, as we have seen this week in the settlement of Beit-El. When building settlements on privately owned Palestinian land and violently clashing with Israeli security officers is immediately rewarded by Prime Minster Netanyahu, who vowed to build 300 new homes there, the message to the settlers is clear: In the wild West Bank, lawlessness pays!"

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News Nosh 07.31.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday July 31, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"In the face of a wave of terror against the innocent, the loss of life, and the loss of law and order, the State of Israel and Israeli society must carry out some soul searching."
--Israeli President Reuven Rivlin comments after the murder of a Palestinian infant by settlers and the stabbing of six participants of a gay pride parade by an ultra-Orthodox man.**

You Must Be Kidding: 
“At least you could have succeeded in killing a few of those damned perverts.”
--Yedioth quotes Facebook post by Gilad Klainer on the stabbing of six participants in Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade.
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Americans for Peace Now joins its Israeli sister-organization, Peace Now, in strongly condemning the Israeli government's approval of constructing hundreds of new housing units in settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. APN welcomes the Obama administration's statement, issued last night, which states that settlement expansion threatens the two-state solution and calls into question Israel's commitment to a negotiated resolution to the conflict.

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Dror Moreh wrote this letter for Americans for Peace Now, because the only reasonable way to resolve the conflict is a two-state solution. And that's the message former Shin Bet directors make in his documentary The Gatekeepers.

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News Nosh 07.30.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday July 30, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“At this crucial point of the Iranian issue – which for years has been at the core of Israeli foreign policy and was described countless times by the Israeli leadership as an existential threat – the Jewish community in the United States is not standing as a united front behind Israel and important parts of it are on the fence."
--Israeli consul in Philadelphia wrote in a confidential telegram.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"We should send a D-9 [armored bulldozer] to raze the High Court." 
--MK Moti Yogev (Habayit Hayehudi) reacts to High Court ruling. 
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Some are suggesting that Israeli national security experts are uniformly opposed to the Iran deal and support Netanyahu's efforts to block its implementation.  In reality, there are more complex, nuanced views in Israel, as in the United States. 

We will update this page regularly with new articles and statements from former Israeli military and national security officials and Israeli nuclear experts.

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