"He who established 28 housing units in the heart of Hevron wants to perpetuate
the conflict and fan the flames in the most sensitive and explosive area of the
West Bank."
From Peace Now's publicity campaign against Jewish construction in
Hebron. The pro-settler Arutz 7 news covered this in an article entitled: "Peace Now 'slanders'
activists over Hevron construction."
Yossi Alpher is an independent Israeli security analyst. Views
and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily
represent APN's views and policy positions.
August 22, 2016 - Russian-Iranian strategic cooperation and its
Q. Last week you discussed the Russian-Turkish rapprochement. Now
Russia is bombing Syria from a base in Iran. Are we on the cusp of a major Middle
East power reorientation?
A. It’s too early to say how far this may or may not go...
Q. Let's break this down. Why would Iran, where the Islamic Republic
has always insisted on "Neither East nor West", allow Russian bombers to use the
Hamadan air base to launch bomber strikes against anti-regime targets in
A. ...The most obvious motive is Iran's determination to do
whatever is necessary to maintain the Assad regime in Syria...
Q. And Russia's motive?
A. More power and influence in the Middle East, more ways to keep
the Assad regime in power in Damascus, more blows against the Sunni Islamist
Q. How are Moscow's power plays in Turkey and Iran, neither necessarily
a friend of the Arabs, expanding its influence elsewhere in the Middle
A. Here are three examples from recent days...
Q. How does all this affect Israel?
A. Israel continues to maintain close operational coordination
with Russian air units in Syrian air space...
Q. Indeed, how do you assess the US response to greater Russian
penetration of the region?
A. There are two ways to view the response, or relative lack
thereof, of the Obama administration...
Q. Earlier you mentioned talk of a Netanyahu-Abbas summit, perhaps in
Moscow. Is this likely?
A. No...
Join the campaign to save the
Palestinian village of Sussya
The Israeli government is poised to make a final decision on whether to raze almost
half of this Palestinian village located on land in the West Bank long coveted by
settlers. Add you voice to the efforts by human rights activists:
Send a message to Secretary of State John
Send a message to Israeli Ambassador Ron
Briefing Call - Tomorrow,
Thursday, August 25
Leading Israeli experts Hagit Ofran and Daniel Seidemann will discuss
recent developments in the West Bank and East Jerusalem
Accelerated Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem
poses a direct threat to the viability of a two-state solution. Hear from two
of the world's leading experts, Hagit Ofran, director of Peace Now's
Settlement Watch project, and Daniel Seidemann, founder and
director of Terrestrial Jerusalem.
Thursday, August 25, 2:30 pm (Eastern)
Call 951-797-1058 and enter code 147414
More Information Revealed on
Establishing a New Settlement in Hebron
Peace Now: The government invests massive efforts into establishing a
settlement in Hebron, the city where the daily reality of the occupation is the
harshest and the most disgraceful...The government can still prevent the
establishment of this new settlement...
is no better legacy than peacemaker
Professor David N. Myers, leading Jewish historian, writes about his close friend
Rabbi Leonard Beerman (z"l) and the book Zionism: The Birth and Transformation
of an Ideal that author Milton Viorst dedicates to Rabbi Beerman and the other
peacemakers, "the greatest of the Zionists."
APN extends an offer to send you the book for a donation of $90 or more.
Portman film based on Amos Oz memoir hits theaters
A Tale of Love and Darkness, based on the memoir by Peace Now founder and
renowned Israeli author Amos Oz, is playing in Los Angeles and New York, and opens
this Friday in more Southern California and New York locations, plus the
metropolitan areas of Chicago, Boston, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New Jersey, San
Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, Minneapolis, and various Florida locales.