Statement: APN Objects to AZ and NJ Unilever Divestment

Today, Americans for Peace Now sent letters to the Arizona State Treasurer, Kimberly Yee, and to Shoaib Khan, the Acting Director of the New Jersey Department of the Treasury Investment Division objecting to their decisions to divest their states’ funds from Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever.

Americans for Peace Now’s President and CEO Hadar Susskind issued the following statement:

“Arizona and New Jersey may be implementing the so-called ‘anti-boycott’ laws that they have on the books, but that doesn’t make them moral. Even though it’s their law, it doesn't make it just. Laws intended to punish those who, as US policy does, rightly distinguish between Israel and the Occupied Territories undermine the distinction between the state of Israel and the territories it captured in 1967, and contribute to the erasure of the Green Line.

Settlements are not Israel. They are not in Israel. Distinguishing between Israel and settlements is not anti-Israel and it is most certainly not antisemitic.”


Click here to view the letter to the Arizona State Treasurer 

Click here to view the letter to the Acting Director of the New Jersey Department of the Treasury Investment Division.