Stand FOR Israel, Not Just WITH It.

By Madeleine Cereghino, Director of Government Relations

Yesterday, House Republicans forced a vote on a resolution intended to specifically target Democratic members of Congress who have been vocal in their opposition to the Israeli government’s ongoing occupation and anti-democratic practices.

 While we may not agree with every comment made about Israel, it is crucial to emphasize that criticizing Israeli policies and actions is not inherently antisemitic. Still, it is disappointingly obvious that Speaker McCarthy is only concerned with antisemitism when it is politically expedient. This was the clear impetus for yesterday’s messaging resolution, which says that Israel is not a racist or apartheid state, rejects antisemitism, and reaffirms United States support of Israel. For Congress, it was about as groundbreaking as the renaming of a post office.

Voting for or against yesterday’s non-binding resolution is inconsequential. It requires little effort to claim to "stand with Israel." But what does it mean to “stand with Israel?” Do House Republicans stand with Israel as its Prime Minister seeks to dismantle the judicial check on the Knesset's power, jeopardizing the country’s democracy? Do they stand with Israel as sitting members of its government incite violence and then allow the military to stand by and watch as settlers rampage through Palestinian towns? The answer, unfortunately, is a resounding yes.

After nearly six decades of occupation and seventy-five years of conflict, we cannot settle for mere platitudes. As Israel's closest ally, the United States must stand not just with Israel but FOR Israel and FOR the individual and national rights of the Palestinian people. We must stand FOR a democratic and secure Israel that coexists harmoniously with its neighbors, and FOR a Palestine that is free, independent, and sovereign.

The United States should stand for practices and policies that bring us closer to a viable long-term solution. Even when it means confronting difficult truths, we must be willing to speak out. The United States, as Israel's closest ally, has a responsibility to champion policies that pave the way for a brighter future—a future of justice, self-determination, and equality for both Israelis and Palestinians.